Revival Songs : a new collection of hymns and spiritual songs for closet and family worship, prayer, conference, revival and protracted meetings

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
101How lost was my conditionPage Scan
102When torn is the bosom by sorrow or carePage Scan
103Come, sinners, to the gospel feastPage Scan
104Rock of Ages, cleft for mePage Scan
105From every stormy wind that blowsPage Scan
106In the Christian's home in gloryPage Scan
107Remember, sinful youth, you must die!Page Scan
108You will see your Lord a coming, you will see your Lord a comingPage Scan
109Hark! hark! the gospel trumpet soundsPage Scan
110O land of rest, for thee I sighPage Scan
111Come, trembling sinner, in whose breastPage Scan
112Attend, ye saints, and hear me tellPage Scan
113Meekly in Jordan's holy streamPage Scan
114Say, brothers, will you meet usPage Scan
115Saviour, visit thy plantationPage Scan
116Hear the royal proclamationPage Scan
117Jesus, thou art the sinner's friendPage Scan
118Farewell, dear friends; I must be gonePage Scan
119Blow ye the trumpet, blowPage Scan
120When I was down in Egypt landPage Scan
121The Lord into his garden comesPage Scan
122Met, O God, to ask thy presencePage Scan
123A poor, wayfaring man of griefPage Scan
124Since man by sin has lost his GodPage Scan
125Jesus, my truth, my wayPage Scan
126My country, 'tis of theePage Scan
127Great Jehovah, we adore theePage Scan
128Come to Jesus, come to JesusPage Scan
129The happy morn is comePage Scan
130Holy Source of consolationPage Scan
131Sovereign grace has power alonePage Scan
132I'm glad that I was born to diePage Scan
133Our Captain leads us onPage Scan
134How sweet the name of Jesus soundsPage Scan
135When all thy mercies, O my GodPage Scan
136I want to be an angelPage Scan
137In the cross of Christ I gloryPage Scan
138Jerusalem, my happy homePage Scan
139Jesus, my all, to heaven is gonePage Scan
140"Go, teach the nations, and baptize"Page Scan
141Mercy, O thou Son of David!Page Scan
142My heavenly home is bright and fairPage Scan
143Lo! on a narrow neck of landPage Scan
144Prayer is the soul’s sincere desirePage Scan
145Come, Christian brethren, ere we partPage Scan
146My Bible leads to gloryPage Scan
147My soul's full of glory, inspiring my tonguePage Scan
148My brother I wish you wellPage Scan
149Baptized into our Saviour's deathPage Scan
150Must Jesus bear the cross alonePage Scan
151Pray on, my brethren in the LordPage Scan
152Let thy kingdom, blessed SaviourPage Scan
153Come, thou fount of every blessingPage Scan
154I'll try to prove faithfulPage Scan
155From whence doth this union arisePage Scan
156Prayer is the contrite sinner's voicePage Scan
157Broad is the road that leads to deathPage Scan
158I know that my Redeemer livesPage Scan
159Holy Ghost, with light divinePage Scan
160Vain, delusive world, adieuPage Scan
161Come, brethren, you that love the LordPage Scan
162How happy is the Christian's state!Page Scan
163Children of the heavenly KingPage Scan
164Jesus, thy love shall we forgetPage Scan
165Friends of freedom, swell the songPage Scan
166Dismiss us with thy blessing, LordPage Scan
167The day is past and gonePage Scan
168My faith looks up to theePage Scan
169Awake, my soul, in joyful laysPage Scan
170Come, thou soul-transforming SpiritPage Scan
171Jesus, I my cross have takenPage Scan
172Now is th' accepted timePage Scan
173Man may trouble and distress mePage Scan
174Blest be the tie that bindsPage Scan
175'Mid scenes of confusion and creature complaintsPage Scan
176Light of those whose dreary dwellingPage Scan
177Know, my soul, thy full salvationPage Scan
178How tedious and tasteless the hoursPage Scan
179Awake, and sing the songPage Scan
180Yes, we trust the day is breakingPage Scan
181Gently, Lord, O, gently lead usPage Scan
182Morning breaks upon the tombPage Scan
183Now begin the heavenly themePage Scan
184O thou in whose presence my soul takes delightPage Scan
185Shall e're cold water be forgotPage Scan
186How precious is the name!Page Scan
187Come to the place of prayerPage Scan
188Our souls, by love together knitPage Scan
189Come, weary sinner, in whose breastPage Scan
190What a Captain I have got!Page Scan
191Together let us sweetly livePage Scan
192Return, O wanderer, returnPage Scan
193Farewell, my dear brethren; the time is at handPage Scan
194Amen, amen, my soul repliesPage Scan
195Salvation! O, the joyful soundPage Scan
196There's a light in the window for thee, brotherPage Scan
197We're travelling home to heaven abovePage Scan
198I'm glad salvation's freePage Scan
199There's a friend above all othersPage Scan
200Jesus, I love thy charming namePage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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