Wyeth's Repository of Sacred Music: selected from the most eminent and approved authors in that science, for the use of Christian churches of every denomination...(Stereotype ed., Enl. and Imp.)

Editor: John Wyeth
Publisher: John Wyeth (Printer), Harrisburg, Penn., 1826
Language: English
Notes: Numbering is by page number. Letters are added to hymns that start on the same page.
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
16aWhen faith presents the Saviour's deathPage Scan
16bNot from the dust afflictions growPage Scan
17aWith cheerful notes let all the earthPage Scan
17bAll hail the pow'r of Jesus' namePage Scan
18aGod from his cloudy cistern, poursPage Scan
18bThy words the raging winds controlPage Scan
19aSee what a living stonePage Scan
19bTeach me the measure of my daysPage Scan
20O if my soul was form'd for woeREPENTANCEPage Scan
21aWhile shepherds watch'd their flocks by nightPage Scan
21bMy God, the visits of thy facePage Scan
22aHow lovely, how diveinly sweetPage Scan
22bHail, sov'reign love that first beganPage Scan
23aHow soft the words my Saviour speaksLITCHFIELDPage Scan
23bLord, what is man, poor feeble manPage Scan
24aWhy should the children of the KingPage Scan
24bWelcome, welcome ev'ry guestPage Scan
25aFrom pleasant trees which shade the brinkPage Scan
25bWere I in heav'n without my GodPage Scan
26aHast thou not giv'n thy wordPage Scan
26bMy God, my portion and my lovePage Scan
27I'll praise my Maker with my breathPage Scan
28aMy soul, come meditate the dayPage Scan
28bHis hoary frost, his fleecy snowPage Scan
29aGod of my life, look gently downPage Scan
29bO thou that hear'st when sinners cryPage Scan
30Thy works of glory, mighty LordPage Scan
31aBefore the rosy dawn of dayPage Scan
31bHark, it is wisdom's voicePage Scan
32If angels sung a Saviour's birthPage Scan
33aLet sinners take their coursePage Scan
33bMy sorrows like a floodPage Scan
34aFalse are the men of high degreePage Scan
34bShepherds rejoice, lift up your eyesALSTEADPage Scan
35How did his flowing tears condolePage Scan
36I send the joys of earth awayPage Scan
37Lord, what a thoughtless wretch was IPage Scan
38From the third heav'n where God residesPage Scan
39Where nothing dwelt but beasts of preyWHITESTOWN Page Scan
40Behold the Judge descends, his guards are highPage Scan
41Let ev'ry creature joinPage Scan
42With songs and honours sounding loudPage Scan
43Early, my God, without delayPage Scan
44Jesus! the vision of thy facePage Scan
45Life is the time to serve the LordPage Scan
46aSweet is the day of sacred restPage Scan
46bFor life without thy lovePage Scan
47aYe tribes of Adam joinPage Scan
47bLet the high heav'ns your songs invitePage Scan
48Jesus shall reign where'er the sunPage Scan
49My refuge is the God of lovePage Scan
50Vital spark of heav'nly flamePage Scan
53Great God, attend, while Zion singsPage Scan
54aDeath, like an overflowing streamPage Scan
54bMaker and sov'reign LordPage Scan
55aSave me, O God, the swelling floodsPage Scan
55bO come, loud anthems let us singPage Scan
56aO come, loud anthems let us singPage Scan
56bNature with open volume standsPage Scan
57a'Twas on that dark, that doleful nightPage Scan
57bAwake my heart, arise my tonguePage Scan
58aHark, from the tombs, a doleful soundPage Scan
58bYe nations round the earth, rejoicePage Scan
59The sparrow for her youngPage Scan
60aO! may thy church thy turtle-dovePage Scan
60bLord of the worlds abovePage Scan
61aHear me, O Lord, nor hide thy facePage Scan
61bThe Lord my Shepherd isPage Scan
62Behold I bring you glad tidings, glad tidings of joyPage Scan
65To thee, o God, my cries ascendPage Scan
66They that in ships with courage boldPage Scan
67aMy thoughts that often mount the skiesPage Scan
67bWill God for ever cast us offPage Scan
68aWith inward pain my heart-strings soundPage Scan
68bAlas! and did my Saviour bleed?Page Scan
69From low pursuits exalt my mindPage Scan
70aHelp Lord! for men of virtue failPage Scan
70bMan has a soul of vast desirePage Scan
71aA blooming paradise of joyPage Scan
71bSaviour, canst thou love a traitor?Page Scan
72Now can my soul in God rejoicePage Scan
73I am the rose of Sharon and the lily of the valliesPage Scan
79The lofty pillars of the skyPage Scan
80aLet diff'ring nations joinPage Scan
80bO God, my heart is fully bentPage Scan
81aLet all my youthful crimesPage Scan
81bCome sound his praise abroadPage Scan
82aThe spacious firmament on highPage Scan
82bWelcome sweet day of restPage Scan
83Now to the shining realms abovePage Scan
84Sacred to heav'n behold the dome appearsMASONIC ODEPage Scan
86I heard a great voice from heav'n, saying unto mePage Scan
87All hail the pow'r of Jesus' namePage Scan
88The Lord is ris'n indeed!Page Scan
91aHow did my heart rejoice to hearPage Scan
91bAwake my soul, awake my eyesPage Scan
91cHappy soul! thy days are endedPage Scan
92Salvation! O the joyful soundPage Scan
93aThro' all the changing scenes of lifePage Scan
93bMy soul repeat his praisePage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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