The Song Book of the Salvation Army

Publisher: Territorial Headquarters, London, 1953
Denomination: Salvation Army
Language: English
Notes: Choruses are number separately, their numbers prefixed by "C"
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
C18On Calvary, dark Calvary
C19To heal the broken heart He came
C20'Twas there my Saviour died
C21And yet He will thy sins forgive
C22Calling, calling, Jesus is calling
C23Crowned with thorns I see Thee
C24Dark Gethsemane, darker Calvary
C25In Thy heart there's mercy
C26Jesus said: He who comes to Me shall never, never thirst again
C27Just as you are the Lord will save you
C28Lay thy load of sorrow
C29Love alone brought Jesus there
C30No height too steep, never vale too deep
C31O Jesus, my Saviour will welcome sinners home
C32O lay it down, lay it down
C33O save me, dear Lord
C34Pray, sinner, pray, and Christ will hear you
C35Remember me, remember me
C36With an everlasting love He lovèd us
C37Wonderful place called Calvary
C38Yes, Jesus waits to pardon you
C39You may be saved, O glorious thought!
C40Choose ye today
C41O yes, there's salvation for you
C42Say, are you ready? O are you ready
C43Are you coming home tonight
C44Born again, born again
C45Boundless love, beyond degree
C46Calvary, so dear, so sweet, so precious
C47Come to Jesus just now
C48Come to the wayside, press through the throng
C49Come with me to Calvary
C50Coming home, coming home
C51Don't turn Him away
C52Eternity! Eternity!
C53I am coming to the Saviour who can wash away my sin
C54I know of a Saviour from sin
C55If you want joy, real joy, wonderful joy
C56Jesus said: I am the Resurrection and the Life
C57O let the dear Master come in
C58O the prodigal's coming home
C59Out from His wounded side
C60Tell it again, tell it again
C61There is mercy in Jesus
C62Turn to the Lord and seek salvation
C63Will you take Jesus today?
C64He from thy burden will give relief
C65Someone, someone, O let that someone be you!
C66Swing wide the door of your heart to the King of kings
C67Take Jesus to all the world
C68Keep me unspotted from sin, dear Saviour
C69My Lord, O let the waves of Thy crimson sea
C70Perfectly cleansed, perfectly kept
C71Thou hast the power to heal me
C72Whatsoever things are true
C73Ever Thine, Thine alone
C74Go back to the old wells
C75I'll let Thy glorious life in me
C76I'll serve my Lord alone
C77Love one another, thus saith the Saviour
C78O 'tis coming, O 'tis coming
C79Saviour, my all I surrender
C80Sealed by Thy Spirit, eternally Thine
C81There is not in my heart left one treasure, dear Lord
C82Thine, Thine, I will be Thine
C83At Thy feet I bow adoring
C84Fullness of power
C85Thee, only Thee
C86When He is come to you
C87All there is of me, Lord
C88Beautiful River, beautiful River
C89Let us walk in the light
C90Lord, here am I, send me
C91No, I count no sacrifice too dear
C92O Jesus, Lord and Saviour
C93Only one intention, only one ambition
C94Spirit of the living God
C95Take up the cross!
C96Take up thy cross and follow Me
C97Where He leads me I will follow
C98I've made up my mind that I'll follow
C99All I have I leave for Jesus
C100All my days and all my hours
C101Bleeding, crying, groaning, dying
C102He is able to cleanse you
C103Here am I, my Lord, send me
C104I give Thee my best, nothing less
C105I'm believing and receiving
C106In the garden of my heart, Lord
C107Jesus, Jesus, lily of the valley
C108Nearer to Thee, nearer to Thee
C109O far whiter than the snow
C110Reign, O reign, my Saviour
C111The cleansing Stream I see, I see
C112The old time power, Lord
C113'Tis the power!
C114Follow thou Me, He calls again
C115I dare, Lord
C116O I'll take another look at the Cross of Calvary
C117Reckon on me following Thee

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