Sursum Corda: a book of praise

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
552bFight the good fightPage Scan
553aArm these thy soldiers, mighty LordPage Scan
553bArm these thy soldiers, mighty LordPage Scan
553cArm these thy soldiers, mighty LordPage Scan
554Take up thy cross, the Saviour saidPage Scan
555Awake my soul; stretch ev'ry nervePage Scan
556aOh, it is hard to work for GodPage Scan
556bOh, it is hard to work for GodPage Scan
557aThe Son of God goes forth to warPage Scan
557bThe Son of God goes forth to warPage Scan
558aAm I a soldier of the crossPage Scan
558bAm I a soldier of the crossPage Scan
559I'm not ashamed to own my LordPage Scan
560aSoldiers of Christ, arisePage Scan
560bSoldiers of Christ, arisePage Scan
561aMy soul, weigh not thy lifePage Scan
561bMy soul, weigh not thy lifePage Scan
562aMy soul be on thy guardPage Scan
562bMy soul, be on thy guardPage Scan
563aChristian, dost thou see themPage Scan
563bChristian, dost thou see themPage Scan
563cChristian, dost thou see themPage Scan
564Stand up! stand up for Jesus!Page Scan
565aOnward, Christian soldiersPage Scan
565bOnward, Christian soldiersPage Scan
566aO happy band of pilgrimsPage Scan
566bO happy band of pilgrimsPage Scan
567aWho is on the Lord's side?Page Scan
567bWho is on the Lord's side?Page Scan
568Go forward, Christian soldier!Page Scan
569Forward! be our watchwordPage Scan
570Let the church new anthems raisePage Scan
571Christian, seek not yet reposePage Scan
572aLead on, O King EternalPage Scan
572bLead on, O King EternalPage Scan
573The way is long and drearyPage Scan
574aOft in danger, oft in woePage Scan
574bOft in danger, oft in woePage Scan
575The God who spann'd the heav'ns abovePage Scan
576Soldiers, who to Christ belongPage Scan
577Thro' good report and evil, LordPage Scan
578Lo the storms of life are breakingPage Scan
579Lord of our life, and God of our salvationPage Scan
580aLord, as to thy dear cross we fleePage Scan
580bLord, as to thy dear cross we fleePage Scan
581God of my life, to thee I callPage Scan
582aHe leadeth me! Oh, blessed thought!Page Scan
582bHe leadeth me! Oh, blessed thought!Page Scan
583Father, I know that all my lifePage Scan
584Oh, what, if we are Christ'sPage Scan
585aLord, it belongs not to my carePage Scan
585bLord, it belongs not to my carePage Scan
586aO let him whose sorrowPage Scan
586bO let him whose sorrowPage Scan
587aThy way, not mine, O LordPage Scan
587bThy way, not mine, O LordPage Scan
588aMy Jesus, as thou wilt!Page Scan
588bMy Jesus, as thou wilt!Page Scan
589aO thou, who art inspiringPage Scan
589bO thou, who art inspiringPage Scan
590aIf thou but suffer God to guide theePage Scan
590bIf thou but suffer God to guide theePage Scan
591aMy God and Father, while I strayPage Scan
591bMy God and Father, while I strayPage Scan
592Thou knowest, Lord, the weariness and sorrowPage Scan
593Jesus, the calm that fills my breastPage Scan
594Whither, O whither should I flyPage Scan
595aComplete in thee--no work of minePage Scan
595bComplete in thee--no work of minePage Scan
596Jesus, thy robe of righteousnessPage Scan
597aO Lord, I would delight in theePage Scan
597bO Lord, I would delight in theePage Scan
598I bow my forehead to the dustPage Scan
599My heart is resting, O my GodPage Scan
600aWe bless thee for thy peace, O GodPage Scan
600bWe bless thee for thy peace, O GodPage Scan
601aUnshaken as the sacred hillPALESTRINAPage Scan
601bUnshaken as the sacred hillPage Scan
602aLet me no more my comfort draw
602bLet me no more my comfort drawPage Scan
603Commit thou all thy griefsPage Scan
604Give to the winds thy fearsPage Scan
605aI bless the Christ of GodPage Scan
605bI bless the Christ of GodPage Scan
606On our way rejoicingPage Scan
607How gentle God's commandsPage Scan
608aJesus is our ShepherdPage Scan
608bJesus is our ShepherdPage Scan
609O Lamb of God, still keep mePage Scan
610Wait, my soul, upon the LordPage Scan
611Cast thy burden on the LordPage Scan
612aIn heavenly love abidingPage Scan
612bIn heavenly love abidingPage Scan
613aBeneath the cross of JesusPage Scan
613bBeneath the cross of JesusPage Scan
614aRock of Ages, cleft for mePage Scan
614bRock of Ages, cleft for mePage Scan
614cRock of Ages, cleft for mePage Scan
614dRock of ages, cleft for mePage Scan
615aWhen the dark waves round us rollPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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