A Selection of Hymns: from the best authors, intended to be an appendix to Dr. Watt's psalms and hymns. (1st Am. ed.)

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
CCCIRise, my soul, and stretch thy wingsTextPage Scan
CCCIIAwake, my soul, stretch ev'ry nerveTextPage Scan
CCCIIIMy captain sounds the alarm of warTextPage Scan
CCCIVJesus, at thy commandTextPage Scan
CCCVJesus lover of my soulTextPage Scan
CCCVINow let the feeble all be strongTextPage Scan
CCCVIIGreat God, what hosts of angels standTextPage Scan
CCCVIIIHear, gracious God, my humble moanTextPage Scan
CCCIXI would, but cannot singTextPage Scan
CCCXThe wandering star, and fleeting windTextPage Scan
CCCXIOft have I turn'd my eye withinTextPage Scan
CCCXIIWhy should a living man complainTextPage Scan
CCCXIIIJesus let thy pitying eyeTextPage Scan
CCCXIVHow did the powers of darkness rageTextPage Scan
CCCXVSweet was the time when first I feltTextPage Scan
CCCXVIDear refuge of my weary soulTextPage Scan
CCCXVIIGreat leader of thine Israel's hostTextPage Scan
CCCXVIIIO my soul, what means this sadness?TextPage Scan
CCCXIXFather, whate'er of earthly blissTextPage Scan
CCCXXAlas, what hourly dangers rise!TextPage Scan
CCCXXII ask'd the Lord that I might growTextPage Scan
CCCXXIIPraise to thy name, eternal GodTextPage Scan
CCCXXIIINow let our souls, on wings sublimeTextPage Scan
CCCXXIVThus far my God hath led me onTextPage Scan
CCCXXVYe servants of the LordText
CCCXXVIAssist us, Lord, thy name to praiseText
CCCXXVIIO thou, that hast redemption wrought!TextPage Scan
CCCXXVIIIHark, 'tis our heavenly leader's voiceTextPage Scan
CCCXXIXReturn, my roving heart, returnTextPage Scan
CCCXXXGreat God, oppress'd with grief and fearTextPage Scan
CCCXXXIWhat strange perplexities ariseTextPage Scan
CCCXXXIIFather divine, thy piercing eyeTextPage Scan
CCCXXXIIIGreat God, where'er we pitch our tentTextPage Scan
CCCXXXIVOh wretched souls, who strive in vainTextPage Scan
CCCXXXVFather of all, thy care we blessTextPage Scan
CCCXXXVIGreat God, now condescendTextPage Scan
CCCXXXVIISee Israel's gentle Shepherd standTextPage Scan
CCCXXXVIIIIn sweet exalted strainsTextPage Scan
CCCXXXIXGreat God, thy watchful care we blessTextPage Scan
CCCXLDear shepherd of the people hearTextPage Scan
CCCXLIHow charming is the placeTextPage Scan
CCCXLIILord of hosts, how lovely fairTextPage Scan
CCCXLIIIHow lovely, how divinely sweetTextPage Scan
CCCXLIVThou, Lord, my safety, thou my LightTextPage Scan
CCCXLVAlmighty Maker, God!TextPage Scan
CCCXLVIThe joyful morn, my God, is comeTextPage Scan
CCCXLVIIHoly wonder, heavenly graceTextPage Scan
CCCXLVIIIAnother six days work is doneTextPage Scan
CCCXLIXAwake, our drowsy soulsTextPage Scan
CCCLFrequent the day of God returnsTextPage Scan
CCCLIWhen, O dear Jesus, when shall ITextPage Scan
CCCLIIThine earthly Sabbaths, Lord, we loveTextPage Scan
CCCLIIIWhat various hindrances we meetTextPage Scan
CCCLIVLord, I cannot let thee goTextPage Scan
CCCLVCome, humble sinner, in whose breastTextPage Scan
CCCLVIUnto thine altar, LordTextPage Scan
CCCLVIISprinkled with reconciling blood TextPage Scan
CCCLVIIIOur Father, whose eternal swayTextPage Scan
CCCLIXThere two or three, with sweet accordTextPage Scan
CCCLXIn vain Apollo's silver tongueTextPage Scan
CCCLXIThy presence, gracious God, affordTextPage Scan
CCCLXIIHow free and boundless is the graceTextPage Scan
CCCLXIIILord, we come before thee nowTextPage Scan
CCCLXIVHow long, thou faithful God, shall ITextPage Scan
CCCLXVDearest Savior, help thy servantTextPage Scan
CCCLXVINow while the gospel net is castTextPage Scan
CCCLXVIIDid Christ o'er sinner's weepTextPage Scan
CCCLXVIIICome, thou soul-transforming spiritTextPage Scan
CCCLXIXSinful, and blind, and poorTextPage Scan
CCCLXXAscend thy throne, almighty KingTextPage Scan
CCCLXXILook down, O Lord, with pitying eyeTextPage Scan
CCCLXXIINow, Lord, thy heavenly seed is sownTextPage Scan
CCCLXXIIIOn what has now been sownTextPage Scan
CCCLXXIVTo distant lands thy gospel sendTextPage Scan
CCCLXXVWhile sinners, who presume to bearTextPage Scan
CCCLXXVICome, guilty souls, and flee awayTextPage Scan
CCCLXXVIIHow shall the sons of men appearTextPage Scan
CCCLXXVIIIIs Jesus mine! I am now preparedTextPage Scan
CCCLXXIXSelf-destroy'd, for help I prayTextPage Scan
CCCLXXXSee Felix, cloth'd with pomp and powerTextPage Scan
CCCLXXXIO that the Lord indeedTextPage Scan
CCCLXXXIILord God, omnipotent to blessTextPage Scan
CCCLXXXIIIOur Savior aloneTextPage Scan
CCCLXXXIVNot unto us. but thee aloneTextPage Scan
CCCLXXXVThis God is the God we adoreTextPage Scan
CCCLXXXVIThou dear Redeemer, dying LambTextPage Scan
CCCLXXXVIIGlory to God on high!TextPage Scan
CCCLXXXVIIIDismiss us with Thy blessing, LordTextPage Scan
CCCLXXXIXLord, dismiss us with thy blessingTextPage Scan
CCCXCNow may the God of peace and loveTextPage Scan
CCCXCIThe peace which God alone revealsTextPage Scan
CCCXCIIMay the grace of Christ our SaviorTextPage Scan
CCCXCIIITo Father Son and Holy GhostTextPage Scan
CCCXCIVTo the eternal ThreeTextPage Scan
CCCXCVPraise God, from whom all blessings flowTextPage Scan
CCCXCVIGive glory to God, ye children of menTextPage Scan
CCCXCVIITo Father, Son, and Holy GhostTextPage Scan
CCCXCVIIIWhat are possessions, fame and powerTextPage Scan
CCCXCIXIn vain the giddy world inquiresText
CDDeluded souls! who think to findText

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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