A Selection of Hymns & Psalms: from the most approved authors: principally from Watts & Rippon: together with originals

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
101Saviour of men, and Lord of lovePage Scan
102Hark, the glad sound, the Saviour comesPage Scan
103Infinite grief! amazing woe!Page Scan
104Throughout our Saviour's life we tracePage Scan
105Stretched on the cross the Saviour diesPage Scan
106Now let our mournful songs recordPage Scan
107And now the scales have left mine eyesPage Scan
108See Lord, thy willing subjects bowPage Scan
109Yonder! amazing sight! I seePage Scan
110Yes, the Redeemer rosePage Scan
111Lord when thou didst ascend on highPage Scan
112Oh for a shout of sacred joyPage Scan
113Hosanna to the Prince of LightPage Scan
114He dies, the heav'nly lover diesPage Scan
115Rejoice, the Lord is kingPage Scan
116Like sheep we went astrayPage Scan
117Lord, when my tho'ts with wonder rollPage Scan
118Well, the Redeemer's gonePage Scan
119He lives, the great Redeemer livesPage Scan
120How keen the tempter's malice is!Page Scan
121Praise ye the Lord; 'tis good to raisePage Scan
122Where is my God, does he retirePage Scan
123Jesus, the heavenly lover, gavePage Scan
124To Christ the Lord, let every tonguePage Scan
125Come, thou long expected JesusPage Scan
126Awake our souls and bless his namePage Scan
127There is a fountain fill'd with bloodPage Scan
128Jesus, I sing thy matchless gracePage Scan
129Jesus, I love thy charming namePage Scan
130Come, ye that love the Saviour's namePage Scan
131All hail the power of Jesus's name!Page Scan
132Behold the sin-atoning LambPage Scan
133When sins and fears prevailing risePage Scan
134Glory to God who reigns abovePage Scan
135Ye glittering toys of earth adieuPage Scan
136Deep are the wounds which sin has madePage Scan
137Jesus! a name of sweetest soundPage Scan
138The tree of life my soul hath seenPage Scan
139Sing the dear Saviour's glorious famePage Scan
140How lost was my conditionPage Scan
141While my Redeemer's nearPage Scan
142My God, assist me while I raisePage Scan
143Compar'd with Christ, in all besidePage Scan
144The Bible is justly esteem'dPage Scan
145What think ye of Christ? is the testPage Scan
146I am, saith Christ, the wayPage Scan
147Join all the glorious namesPage Scan
148Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly DovePage Scan
149Bless'd Jesus source of grace divinePage Scan
150Awak'd by Sinai's awful soundPage Scan
151At anchor laid remote from homePage Scan
152My God, what silken cords are thine?Page Scan
153O Thou that hear'st when sinners cryPage Scan
154O God of mercy hear my callPage Scan
155Faith! 'tis a precious gracePage Scan
156Jesus, our souls delightful choicePage Scan
157The moment a sinner believesPage Scan
158Your harps, ye trembling saintsPage Scan
159Faith is the brightest evidencePage Scan
160Happy beyond description hePage Scan
161Am I a soldier of the crossPage Scan
162Come, Lord, and help us rejoicePage Scan
163With earnest longings of the mindPage Scan
164Life is the time to serve the LordPage Scan
165How oft hath sin and Satan strovePage Scan
166Ye humble souls complain no morePage Scan
167When I can read my title clearPage Scan
168Lord, at thy feet we sinners liePage Scan
169Lord, if thou thy grace impartPage Scan
170Blest are the humble souls that seePage Scan
171Is there ambition in my heart?Page Scan
172Now let our voices joinPage Scan
173Great God attend while Sion singsPage Scan
174My soul how lovely is the placePage Scan
175Children, of the heavenly KingPage Scan
176Dear Saviour, make me wise to seePage Scan
177My soul doth magnify the LordPage Scan
178O Lord, I would delight in theePage Scan
179Come, dearest Lord, descend and dwellPage Scan
180When strangers stand and hear me tellPage Scan
181Now in the gall'ries of his gracePage Scan
182Not with our mortal eyesPage Scan
183Come, happy souls, approach your GodPage Scan
184Come, let me love; or is my mindPage Scan
185And have I, Christ, no love to theePage Scan
186Blest be the tie that bindsPage Scan
187Great Spirit of immortal lovePage Scan
188Had I the tongue of Greeks and JewsPage Scan
189Aloud we sing the wondrous gracePage Scan
190Should bounteous nature kindly poorPage Scan
191Ye humble souls, rejoicePage Scan
192Thus saith the high and lofty OnePage Scan
193Unite, my roving thoughts unitePage Scan
194"Repent," the voice celestial criesPage Scan
195Exalted Prince of life, we ownPage Scan
196Show pity, Lord, O Lord forgivePage Scan
197Is this the kind returnPage Scan
198Dear Saviour when my thoughts recallPage Scan
199The Lord will happiness divinePage Scan
200God of my life, look gently downPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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