Social Hymns, and Spiritual Songs: adapted to private and public worship, selected from various authors

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
101Smote by the law, I'm justly slainPage Scan
102O Lord, my God, in mercy turnPage Scan
103O thou, whose tender mercy hearsPage Scan
104O for a closer walk with GodPage Scan
105O Lord! my best desires fulfilPage Scan
106Do not I love thee, O my Lord?Page Scan
107Father, I long, I faint to seePage Scan
108Oh! for a glance of heavenly dayPage Scan
109Jesus, and shall it ever bePage Scan
110Jesus, my Saviour, let me bePage Scan
111Father, whate'er of earthly blissPage Scan
112O come and dwell in mePage Scan
113Jesus! in thy transporting namePage Scan
114My gracious Lord, I own thy rightPage Scan
115Think, O my soul, what must it bePage Scan
116O for a shout of sacred joyPage Scan
117He dies--the Friend of sinners dies!Page Scan
118Come, all harmonious tonguesPage Scan
119Hosanna to the Prince of lightPage Scan
120The Lord of Sabbath let us praisePage Scan
121When sins and fears revailing risePage Scan
122'Tis by the faith of joys to comePage Scan
123'Tis faith supports my feeble soulPage Scan
124Faith is the Christian's evidencePage Scan
125Immanuel, I confess how greatPage Scan
126"I the good fight have fought"Page Scan
127Oh, could our thoughts and wishes flyPage Scan
128How happy they who know the LordPage Scan
129Lord, thou hast searched and seen me throughPage Scan
130O could I find, from day to dayPage Scan
131To God, my Saviour and my KingPage Scan
132O that my load of sin were gone!Page Scan
133Lord, I believe thy every wordPage Scan
134Salvation! O the joyful sound!Page Scan
135Now to the power of God supremePage Scan
136Salvation! O melodious soundPage Scan
137Salvation is for ever nighPage Scan
138Daughter of Zion, from the dustPage Scan
139Shout! for the great Redeemer reignsPage Scan
140O Lord our God, arisePage Scan
141Come, let our hearts and voices joinPage Scan
142O Lord, I would delight in theePage Scan
143Ye humble souls, approach your GodPage Scan
144Pris'ners of sin and Satan tooPage Scan
145Hungry, and faint, and poorPage Scan
146O! what amazing words of gracePage Scan
147Grace, how exceeding sweet to thosePage Scan
148Now is the accepted timePage Scan
149The Savior calls - let every earPage Scan
150With joy we meditate the gracePage Scan
151Come, weary souls, with sins distrestPage Scan
152How long, thou faithful God, shall IPage Scan
153The Lord on high proclaimsPage Scan
154How various and how newPage Scan
155Ho! every one that thirsts, draw nighPage Scan
156Opprest with fear, opprest with griefPage Scan
157Awake, sweet Gratitude, and singPage Scan
158To God, the only wisePage Scan
159To heaven I lift my waiting eyesPage Scan
160What cheering words are these?Page Scan
161Why, O my soul, these anxious cares?Page Scan
162If, Lord, in thy fair book of lifePage Scan
163Rejoice, believer, in the LordPage Scan
164Who is the trembling sinner?Page Scan
165Ye little flock, whom Jesus feedsPage Scan
166Who shall the Lord's dear ones condemn?Page Scan
167In one harmonious, cheerful songPage Scan
168My God, how endless is thy love!Page Scan
169Hosanna, with a cheerful soundPage Scan
170My heart, where mental winter reignsPage Scan
171Indulgent Father, how divinePage Scan
172Thrice happy souls, who, born of heav'nPage Scan
173The day is past and gonePage Scan
174Father of all, thy care we blessPage Scan
175Dread Sov'reign, let my ev'ning songPage Scan
176My times of sorrow and of joyPage Scan
177My God was with me all the nightPage Scan
178See how the morning sunPage Scan
179In sleep's serene oblivion laidPage Scan
180Once more, my soul, the rising dayPage Scan
181When we, with welcome slumber press'dPage Scan
182Now the shades of night are gonePage Scan
183Lord, as the evening shades arisePage Scan
184Father, by saints on earth ador'dPage Scan
185Father of love! from age to agePage Scan
186Now, from the altar of our heartsPage Scan
187Indulgent Father, by whose carePage Scan
188Awake, my soul, to meet the dayPage Scan
189Come, thou desire of all thy saintsPage Scan
190Away from ev'ry mortal carePage Scan
191Come, blessed Spirit, fill my soulPage Scan
192How charming is the placePage Scan
193Come, let us lift our joyful eyesPage Scan
194My God, permit me not to bePage Scan
195Let party names no morePage Scan
196Is there a thing that moves and breaksPage Scan
197In what confusion earth appears!Page Scan
198Come, let our mournful songs recordPage Scan
199Happy the church, thou sacred placePage Scan
200Prepare me, gracious GodPage Scan

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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