The Sacred Lyre: a new collection of hymns and tunes, for social and family worship

Editor: Rev. J. Aldrich
Publisher: Andrew F. Graves , Boston, 1858
Language: English
Notes: Numbers 403, 404, and 405 used twice in hymnal
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
101Morning breaks upon the tomb!Page Scan
102Hail, thou happy morn so gloriousPage Scan
103Angels, from the realms of gloryPage Scan
104He dies, the Friend of sinners dies!Page Scan
105He lives, the great Redeemer livesPage Scan
106Join all the glorious namesPage Scan
107Sweet the moments, rich in blessingPage Scan
108Crown his head with endless blessingPage Scan
109Jesus, hail! enthroned in gloryPage Scan
110When I survey the wondrous crossPage Scan
111"'Tis finished!"--so the Saviour criedPage Scan
112O thou, my soul, forget no morePage Scan
113When I can read my title clearPage Scan
114Look, ye saints; the sight is gloriousPage Scan
115Jesus! thy love shall we forgetPage Scan
116When marshalled on the nightly plainPage Scan
117How sweetly flowed the gospel soundPage Scan
118Nature with open volume standsPage Scan
119The ransom'd spirit to her homePage Scan
120Rock of Ages! cleft for mePage Scan
121Go to dark GethsemanePage Scan
122Saviour, visit thy plantationPage Scan
123O Lord, thy work revivePage Scan
124Hear, gracious Sovereign, from thy thronePage Scan
125Revive thy churches, Lord, with gracePage Scan
126O Sun of Righteousness, arise!Page Scan
127O, where is now that glowing lovePage Scan
128Why sleep we, my brethren? come let us arisePage Scan
129The day is drawing nighPage Scan
130Revive thy work, O LordPage Scan
131Lord God, the Holy Ghost!Page Scan
132The Saviour calls, let every earPage Scan
133Come, Lord, in mercy come againPage Scan
134How few the word of God regardPage Scan
135The Lord can clear the darkest skiesPage Scan
136Let thy kingdom, blessed SaviourPage Scan
137He that goeth forth with weepingPage Scan
138Rouse ye, at the Saviour's call!Page Scan
139aO turn you, O turn ye, for why will ye die?Page Scan
139bAcquaint thyself quickly, O sinner, with GodPage Scan
140Delay not, delay not, O sinner--draw nearPage Scan
141Lo! Jesus, the Saviour in mercy draws nearPage Scan
142Ah, guilty sinner, ruined by transgressionPage Scan
143Now the Saviour standeth pleadingPage Scan
144Broad is the road that leads to deathPage Scan
145Where are the dead? In heaven or hellPage Scan
146Show pity, Lord; O Lord, forgivePage Scan
147Say, sinner, hath a voice withinPage Scan
148Is there no hope? O sinner, pause!Page Scan
149Sinner, O why so thoughtless grownPage Scan
150While life prolongs its precious lightPage Scan
151Why will ye die? ye thoughtless youthPage Scan
152Life is the time to serve the LordPage Scan
153Why will ye waste on trifling caresPage Scan
154Sinners, turn--why will ye die?Page Scan
155When thy mortal life is fledPage Scan
156Haste, O sinner!--now be wisePage Scan
157And am I only born to die?Page Scan
158Lo! on a narrow neck of landPage Scan
159My days, my weeks, my months, my yearsPage Scan
160That warning voice, O sinner hear!Page Scan
161Weep for the lost! Thy Saviour weptPage Scan
162Quench not the Spirit of the LordPage Scan
163"Repent!" the voice celestial criesPage Scan
164Vain man, thy fond pursuits forbearPage Scan
165That awful day will surely comePage Scan
166Hark! sinner, hark! God speaks to theePage Scan
167What is the thing of greatest pricePage Scan
168Day of judgment, day of wonders!Page Scan
169To the ark away! or perishPage Scan
170The Chariot! the Chariot! its wheels roll in firePage Scan
171O where shall rest be foundPage Scan
173I saw, beyond the tombPage Scan
174O, careless sinner, comePage Scan
175Come, at the Saviour's call, hark! hear him cryPage Scan
176Come mourning sinner, and dry up your tearsPage Scan
177Sinner go, will you goPage Scan
178Come to Jesus, come to Jesus, come to JesusPage Scan
179Ye dying sons of menPage Scan
180Blow ye the trumpet, blowPage Scan
181Come, ye disconsolate, where'er you languishPage Scan
182Come, ye sinners, poor and needyPage Scan
183Hark! the Gospel trumpet's sounding!Page Scan
184Tell us, wanderer, wildly rovingPage Scan
185We're trav'ling home to heav'n abovePage Scan
186Jesus, dear name, how sweet the soundPage Scan
187Come, ye sinners, poor and wretchedPage Scan
188Sinners, hear the melting storyPage Scan
189Mourning sinner, come to JesusPage Scan
190Oft the tidings of salvationPage Scan
191Today the Saviour calls!Page Scan
192O fly, mourning sinner, saith Jesus to mePage Scan
193To-day, if you will hear his voicePage Scan
194Sinners, obey the gospel wordPage Scan
195Come, humble sinner in whose breastPage Scan
196All ye, who feel your guilt and thrallPage Scan
197Amazing sight! the Saviour standsPage Scan
198Weeping soul, no longer mournPage Scan
199From the cross uplifted highPage Scan
200Come, weary souls, with sin distressedPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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