The Search Light: a collection of songs for Sunday schools and gospel meetings

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1Flash out the search light dark is the way[Search Light]
2Pleasures that earth can give [Beautiful Robe and Crown]
3I'll sing my temptations away[I'll sing my temptations away]
4"Call them in!" the poor, the wretched[Call Them In]
5Hear the invitation one and all[Hear the invitation one and all]
6I expect to sing in Heaven[Singing in Heaven]
7On sin's barren rocky coast[Look Along The Shore]
8As the Lord to Samuel spake[Here am I]
9Father, clasp my hand in thine [Take my Hand]
10Little builders all are we[The Little Builders]
11They that know a Saviour's love[Tell Your Joy to Others]
12Dear Lord, increase my faith, I pray[Dear Lord, increase my faith, I pray]
13There's a happy land of sunshine[Heavenly Sunshine]
14Nearer to Thee, my Saviour[My Sure Foundation]
15When this poor heart is burdened with grief[Jesus Knows]
16We are throwing out the life-line tonight[Throwing Out the Life-Line]
17Jesus loves little children [Jesus Loves Little Children]
18We have harken'd to Thy tender invitation[We Are Coming, Saviour, Coming]
19We will walk the streets of Gold[Glorious By and By]
20There'll be something in heaven for children to do[There'll Be Something To Do]
21Have you asked of God a favor[Keep On Asking]
22Ye tempted, troubled, sorely tried[Find in Christ your Rest]
23Clouds may intercept the sunbeams[The Golden Side]
24I will meet you at the fountain[At the Fountain]
25Dear Jesus make me wholly thine![Near the Cross]
26From Egypt's cruel bondage fled[We're on the way to Canaan's Land]
27I love to sing the songs of old[I Love to Sing Those Songs of Old]
28Go out in the highways and hedges[Go out in the highways and hedges]
29I know at the river of death[Jesus will Carry Me Over the River]
30In the golden sunlight, shining bright and fair[Our Cheerful Sabbath Home]
31You ask me how I know I'm saved[The Reason Why]
32We are coming, we are coming[We are Coming]
33I've found the love of Jesus[I've Found the Love of Jesus]
34A youthful, happy hearted throng[Singing the Praise of Jesus]
35We are but a band of children[Missionary Band]
36When I have finished my journey on earth[Will the Angels Come]
37Lead me Saviour in the way[Lead Me On]
38Lo! the day is passing the Master calls[Go, Therefore]
39"Straight is the gate and narrow the way"[Straight is the gate and narrow the way]
40Come to the land where the seraphim shine[Come to the land where the seraphim shine]
41Children, Jesus calls you[Children, Jesus Calls You]
42In the face of sin and wrong[For the Right]
43The saddest words that mortals speak[Until We Meet Again]
44Upon the cross my Saviour died[O Wondrous Cross]
45Blessed Saviour, how I love Thee[Peace and Gladness]
46Hark, I hear the Saviour speaking tenderly[He's the Sinner's Friend]
47Into the tent where a gypsy boy lay[Tell It Again]
48Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna to our King[Hosanna Let Us Sing]
49Read to me the blessed Bible[Read to Me the Blessed Bible]
50Lead me to Jesus, my soul is so weary[Lead me to Jesus, my soul is so weary]
51Pennies for Jesus, the Savior and Lord[Pennies for Jesus my King]
52While ye were sinners Jesus died[While we were sinners Jesus died]
53Unto ev'ry thirsty one[Jesus is the Living Fountain]
54Tarry with us, blessed Jesus[Tarry With Us]
55Great God of nations, now to theePATRIOTIC
56Behold the ransomed of the Lord[The Angels Sing]
57Jesus, my Saviour, Let me hear thy gentle voice[Jesus, My Saviour]
58If we are Christ's we'll follow where[Glory Over There]
59What a fellowship, what a joy divine[Leaning on the Everlasting Arms]
60I hear my Saviour calling me[I Will Arise and Go]
61O Shepherd Beautiful, I pray thee feed me[O Shepherd Beautiful]
62The world must be taken for the Lord[The World Must Be Taken]
63When Jesus, the Saviour, was living on earthLet the Children Come to Me]
64How sweet to feel the Saviour near[Precious Words of Peace]
65Oh, beautiful, beautiful story of old[Jesus Loves Every Child]
66"Jesus is passing," the blind man was told[Jesus is Passing]
67Jesus is calling, calling for thee[Come to the Saviour]
68I'm satisfied with Jesus' way[I'm Satisfied]
69I can hear my Saviour calling[The Way of the Cross]
70Is there anyone here who is wayworn and weary[Is There One Heavy Heart Here]
71On the rocks a ship is driving[Man the Life-Boats]
72Into the deep launch out[Launch Out Into the Deep]
73Jesus saves, yes, Jesus saves me[Jesus Saves]
74Only looking o'er the river[Looking O'er the River]
75We are working, we are praying[Bringing Precious Souls to Him]
76Thou dost call us, blessed Saviour[The Morning Call]
77At my work I'm always singing[At my work I'm always singng]
78Mighty army of the young[Jesus Lives]
79For thy service, Lord, we gather[Convention Rallying Song]
80They tell us the fields are ready quite[Lookout Song]
81They tell me I'm too young to fill['Tis Better]
82We are Junior reapers[Junior Reapers]
83Let us cheerfully walk in the blessed way[Let us cheerfully walk in the blessed way]
84I entered once a home of care[Christ is All]
85We have met in Jesus' name[Wonderful Grace of God]
86I will sing all day of the Saviour's love[Oh, The Joy I Fell]
87In our Sabbath school, jubilee[Jesus is the Children's King]
88Saints rejoicing, angels singing[No Good-byes in Heaven]
89My brothers, Jesus says to you[Ye are the Light of the World]
90They're waiting in the land of light[They're waiting in the land of light]
91We are soldiers of God[Faithful Workers]
92Hark! I hear the Saviour saying follow me[Whithersoever Thou Goest I will Go]
93Hear the voice of Jesus calling[Hear the Voice of Jesus]
94This world is a beautiful world[This Beautiful World]
95Angry words! Oh, let them never[Angry words! Oh, let them never]
96Sinner, see that wayside beggar[Call Him Now]
97We shall know, some day shall know[Some Day We Shall Know]
98I was once lost in sin, and impure within[Saved Through the Blood]
99The Master is come, and calleth![The Master is Come]
100I'll praise the Lord in cheerful lays[The Sun Will Shine To-morrow]

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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