Sacred Melodies (Revised)

Editor: E. C. Avis
Publisher: E. C. Avis, Andersonville, Tenn., 1889
Language: English
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
d101How firm a foundation, ye [you] saints of the Lord
d102How gentle God's commands
d103How happy [happy's] every child of grace, who [that] feels [knows] his sins forgiven
d104How long, O gracious master
d105How precious is the book divine
d106How precious is the story
d107How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
d108I am coming to the cross, I am poor
d109I am dwelling on the mountain where the golden sunlight
d110I am far fr' my hame [from my home], and I'm weary
d111I am resting in thee
d112I came to Jesus and I was
d113I could not do without thee, O Savior
d114I entered once a home of care
d115I feel like singing all the time, my tears are wiped away
d116I gave my life for [to] thee
d117I have a Savior, he's pleading in glory
d118I have entered the valley of blessing so sweet
d119I have heard of a Savior's love, And a wonderful
d120I hear thy welcome voice
d121I heard the voice of Jesus say, come unto me and rest
d122I know not what may be my lot
d123I know that my Redeemer lives [liveth], and has [that he's] prepared a place
d124I lay my sins on Jesus
d125I love thy kingdom, Lord
d126I love to tell the story of unseen things above
d127I once was lost in sin
d128I saw a wayworn traveler
d129I think I should mourn
d130I thirst, thou wounded Lamb of God
d131I was once a sinner lost
d132I was once far away from the Savior, And as vile
d133I will follow thee, my Savior, wheresoe'er my lot
d134I would not live alway [always], I ask not to stay
d135In a world so full of weeping
d136In the Christian's home in [of] glory
d137In the clift of the Rock
d138In the cross of Christ I [we] glory, towering
d139In the secret of his presence how my soul
d140In thy name, O Lord, assembling We, thy people, now draw near
d141Into a [the] tent where a gypsy boy lay
d142Is there a sinner awaiting mercy and pardon today
d143Jerusalem, my happy home, name ever dear to me
d144Jesus, and shall it ever be
d145Jesus, I my cross have taken, all to leave
d146Jesus is coming, tell the glad
d147Jesus knocking, see him standing
d148Jesus, Lover [Savior] of my soul, Let me to thy bosom [refuge] fly
d149Jesus, my Lord, to thee I cry
d150Jesus, my [mine] [our] all, to heaven is [has] gone
d151Jesus only, when the morning
d152Jesus saves me and keeps me from sin
d153Jesus shall reign where'er the sun
d154Jesus, the Comforter, bruised and heart-broken
d155Jesus, the name high over all
d156Jesus, the very [only] thought of Thee [You]
d157Jesus, thine all victorious love
d158Joy to the world, the Lord is [has] come
d159Land ahead, its fruits are waving
d160Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us, o'er
d161Let every mortal ear attend
d162Let him to whom we now belong
d163Let me steal away to Jesus
d164Light of the lonely pilgrim's heart
d165Like Jacob, in his Bethel rest
d166Look ye saints the sight is glorious
d167Lord, at thy mercy seat, humbly [humble] I fall
d168Lord, dismiss us with Thy [your] blessing, Fill our
d169Lord, I am thine, entirely thine, Purchased and saved by blood divine
d170Lord, I come, I wait no longer
d171Lord, I have made thy word my choice
d172Lord, I hear of [that] [the] showers of blessing
d173Lord, we come before thee now
d174Love divine, all loves [love] excelling
d175Majestic sweetness sits enthroned upon the Savior's brow
d176Mid anguish of grief
d177Mid [midst] scenes of confusion and creature complaints
d178Mighty God [Lord] while angels bless [praise] thee
d179More love to thee, O Christ [God]
d180More of thyself, Lord Jesus
d181Must Jesus bear the [his] cross alone
d182My country, 'tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty
d183My days are gliding swiftly by
d184My faith looks up to thee, Thou Lamb of Calvary
d185My Father is rich in houses and lands
d186My heavenly home is bright and fair nor pain nor death
d187My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness
d188My Jesus [Savior], I love thee, I know thou art mine
d189My life flows [goes] on in [an] endless song
d190My peace was made by Christ
d191My robes were once all [so] stained with sin
d192My Savior hath redeemed me
d193My soul be on thy [your] guard
d194My weary soul a rest hath found
d195Near the cross, O blessed Savior
d196Nearer, my God, to thee, nearer to thee
d197Nearer the cross my heart can say
d198No more my own, Lord Jesus
d199Not all the blood of beast [beasts], On Jewish altars
d200Not far, not far from the kingdom, Yet in the shadow of sin

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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