Songs for the Ransomed: for Sunday Schools and Gospel Work

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103When my way is bright as morning[When my way is bright as morning]
104I wandered in the wilderness[I wandered in the wilderness]
105My life, my love I give to Thee[My life, my love I give to Thee]
106Look to Jesus, look to Jesus[Look to Jesus, look to Jesus]
107Oh, come and join our temp'rance band[Oh, come and join our temp'rance band]
108The light of truth is breaking
109Come, ye weary and oppressed[Come, ye weary and oppressed]
110Come, ye sinners, poor and needy
111Awake, my soul! stretch ev'ry nerve[Awake, my soul! stretch ev'ry nerve]
112And can I yet delay
113Suffer the children to come unto Me[Suffer the children to come unto Me]
114His name yields the richest perfume
115Oh, hope of all the faithful[Oh, hope of all the faithful]
116There's a land that is fairer than day
117I know I love Thee better, Lord[I know I love Thee better, Lord]
118There is a fountain filled with blood
119Forever here my rest shall be
120Lord, at thy mercy-seat[Lord, at thy mercy-seat]
121Fade, fade, each earthly joy
122Nearer, my God, to Thee
123Salvation! Oh, the joyful sound![Salvation! Oh, the joyful sound!]
124Jesus, my Lord, to thee I cry
125To thy cross, dear Christ, I'm clinging
126A beautiful land by faith I see[A beautiful land by faith I see]
127What can wash away my sins?
128All my life long I had panted
129Down at the cross where the Saviour died[Down at the cross where the Saviour died]
130I need Thee every hour
131A charge to keep I have
132Savior, more than life to me
133Pass me not, O gentle Savior
134Take the name of Jesus with you
135Behold a stranger at the door!
136Parents, wont you come along
137All hail the power of Jesus' name!
138My Father is rich
139The prize is set before us
140With panting heart that dares to seek
141Sowing in the morning
142Come ye that love the Lord
143I am coming to the cross
144Thou my everlasting portion
145Now crucified with Christ I am
146My hope is built on nothing less
147Let us sing of His love once again
148O, now I see the crimson wave
149I hear thy welcome voice
150Of him who did salvation bring
151Take my life and let it be
152Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine
153O come, and dwell in me
154Have you been to Jesus
155Are you weary are you heavy hearted
156Jesus, the name high over all
157I love to tell the story
158Jesus keep me near the cross
159I am dwelling on the mountain
160My faith looks up to thee
161"Almost persuaded" now to believe
162In some way or other
163There is a gate stands open wide
164Lord, I care not for riches
165Arise, my soul, arise
166Dear Jesus I long
167There's a crown for every head
168Oh, for a heart to praise my God
169Stand up!—stand up for Jesus!
170How happy every child of grace
171Who'll be the next to follow Jesus?
172How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
173Oh for a closer walk with God
174Rock of ages cleft for me
175When I can read my title clear
176Come, thou Fount of every blessing
177O happy day that fix'd my choice
178Blest be the tie that binds
179Jesus, lover of my soul
180Just as I am, without one plea
181O how happy are they
182Blow ye the trumpet, blow
183I've reach'd the land of corn and wine
184I've found a friend in Jesus
185I saw a happy pilgrim
186Lord, I believe a rest remains
187Rescue the perishing
188There are lonely hearts to cherish

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