Sabbath School Psalmodist

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d1All my soul, bless thou Jehovah, All within me bless his name
d2All people clap your hands for joy
d3All people that on earth do dwell, Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice
d4All that fear God, come, hear
d5Because I trust in thee
d6Behold how good a thing it is, and how becoming
d7Behold how good and pleasant, and how becoming
d8Behold, on those that d ohim fear
d9Blessed is he in God's great name
d10But in thy abundant grace
d11By Babel's stream we sat and wept
d12By what means shall a young man learn
d13Come and behold what wondrous works
d14Come, let us sing with joy to God
d15From the depth do I invoke thee
d16Give praise and thanks unto the Lord
d17Give thanks to God, for good is he:
d18God good and upright is
d19God reigneth, he is clothed
d20God will the just desire fulfil
d21God's law is perfect, and converts
d22Good unto all men is the Lord
d23Hallelujah, praise Jehovah, From the heavens
d24Hallelujah, praise Jehovah, O my soul
d25He that in God confideth
d26His name forever shall endure
d27How lovely is thy dwelling place, O Lord of hosts, to me
d28How sweet unto my taste
d29I to the hills will lift mine [my] eyes
d30I waited for the Lord my God
d31Judge me, O God, and plead my cause
d32Lo I do the stretch my hands to thee
d33Lord, bless and pity us, Shine on us with
d34Lord God of hosts, how lovely the place
d35Lord, haste me to deliver
d36Lord, hear my prayer, and let my cry
d37Lord, hear my voice, my prayer attend
d38Lord, remember thou for David
d39Lord, thee, my god, I'll early seek
d40Lord, thou hast favor shown thy land
d41My heart is fixed, my heart is fixed, O God
d42O children, hither do ye come
d43O come, let us sing to the Lord
d44O daughter, take good heed
d45O give ye praise unto the Lord
d46O God, to us shew mercy
d47O greatly blessed the people are
d48O Jehovah, hear my words
d49O Lord, Thou art my God and King, Thee will I magnify
d50O Lord, thou hast me searched and known
d51O praise ye the Lord, Prepare your glad voice
d52O that thy statutes to observe
d53O thou, my soul, bless God the Lord
d54One thing I of the Lord desired
d55Praise God for he is kind
d56Praise God the Lord praise, O my soul
d57Praise the Lord from heavens high
d58Praise waits for thee in Zion
d59Praise ye the Lord, God's praise within
d60Praise ye the Lord, unto him sing a new song
d61Show me thy ways, O Lord, thy paths
d62Such pity as a father hath
d63Teach me, O Lord, thy perfect way of thy precepts
d64That man hath perfect blessedness
d65The city shall be flourishing
d66The daughter of the king
d67The glory of the Lord, The heavens declare abroad
d68The Lord doth give the blind their sight
d69The Lord is just in his ways all
d70The Lord is King through ages all
d71The Lord of heaven confess
d72The Lord will I at all times bless
d73The Lord's my Shepherd
d74The mighty God, the Lord
d75Thou hast, O Lord, most glorious
d76Thou, with thy counsel, while I live
d77Thy kingdom hath none end at all
d78To render thanks unto the Lord, it is a comely thing
d79To the hills I'll lift mine eyes, whence my hope
d80To thee, O Lord, I lift mine eyes
d81When Isr'l again, was out of egypt brought
d82With all my heart I'll praise Thy name
d83Ye children, come, to me give ear
d84Ye gates, lift up your heads on high
d85Ye sons of the mighty, give ye to Jehovah
[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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