Sacred Tones: for radio and genearl use

Publisher: Stamps Baxter Music and Printing Company, Dallas, 1956
Language: English
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
00In this lonely world of grief and sorrow[In this lonely world of grief and sorrow]
1aAs a band of Christian soldiers we are marching on to war[As a band of Christian soldiers we are marching on to war]
1In this world we have our sorrow[In this world we have our sorrow]
2I am weak but Thou art strong[I am weak but Thou art strong]
3I was lost but someone found me[I was lost but someone found me]
4When I feel so lonesome and blue[When I feel so lonesome and blue]
5Christ is keeping my soul each day, I shall be His alway[Christ is keeping my soul each day, I shall be His alway]
6Once I went out on the mountain[Once I went out on the mountain]
7One day the Savior spoke to me[One day the Savior spoke to me]
8Rock of Ages, I am clinging[Rock of Ages, I am clinging]
9As I travel on t'ward the setting sun[As I travel on t'ward the setting sun]
10It may have been father, it may have been mother[It may have been father, it may have been mother]
11Who at my door, who is standing[Who at my door, who is standing]
12Once I was lost, a slave to my sin, lonely was I, no comfort within[Once I was lost, a slave to my sin, lonely was I, no comfort within]
13There's a friend most true I am clinging to[There's a friend most true I am clinging to]
14I am glad to tell love's story[I am glad to tell love's story]
15Singing and praising Jesus our friend[Singing and praising Jesus our friend]
16Often I've heard about a home in the sky[Often I've heard about a home in the sky]
17I'm serving now a risen Lord[I'm serving now a risen Lord]
18I am moving t'ward that city over in glory land[I am moving t'ward that city over in glory land]
19Glory to God, I'm happy today[Glory to God, I'm happy today]
20There is a city called heaven, they've told me its streets are paved with purest of gold[There is a city called heaven, they've told me its streets are paved with purest of gold]
21A lovely island of mansions grand[A lovely island of mansions grand]
22There's a land that is fairer than day[There's a land that is fairer than day]
23O the everlasting glory[O the everlasting glory]
24I have a Savior who loves me[I have a Savior who loves me]
25Here the fam'ly ties are broken[Here the fam'ly ties are broken]
26John foretold of a place called heaven, wondrous city foursquare[John foretold of a place called heaven, wondrous city foursquare]
27When this life's ended, angel-attended[When this life's ended, angel-attended]
28When my traveling days down here are over, and I hear the call for me to go[When my traveling days down here are over, and I hear the call for me to go]
29Thru this sinful land, help me hold Thy hand[Thru this sinful land, help me hold Thy hand]
30I am so happy today, since my Savior came in[I am so happy today, since my Savior came in]
31We read of many wrecks along the highways here below[We read of many wrecks along the highways here below]
32Some glad tomorrow all sickness and sorrow[Some glad tomorrow all sickness and sorrow]
33I am on my way to glory, serving Jesus as I go[I am on my way to glory, serving Jesus as I go]
34In the garden of God's love there's a cherished rose now blooming[In the garden of God's love there's a cherished rose now blooming]
35Jesus Savior[Jesus Savior]
36Dear Master, I pray that my life may be[Dear Master, I pray that my life may be]
37When toiling is ended and my burdens are laid down[When toiling is ended and my burdens are laid down]
38While driving on the highway, so often as I ride[While driving on the highway, so often as I ride]
39The love of God has meant so much to me[The love of God has meant so much to me]
40In the resurrection morning, when the dead in Christ shall rise[In the resurrection morning, when the dead in Christ shall rise]
41The Lord will not fail me, of this I am sure[The Lord will not fail me, of this I am sure]
42People today are going their way[People today are going their way]
43There's a city just over the river[There's a city just over the river]
44As we travel here, keeping faith in God[As we travel here, keeping faith in God]
45There is One ev'ry grief to share[There is One ev'ry grief to share]
46As I strolled among the tombs on one Sunday afternoon[As I strolled among the tombs on one Sunday afternoon]
47I am trav'ling thru this world of sin and sorrow[I am trav'ling thru this world of sin and sorrow]
48We must pass thru shadows as we press along[We must pass thru shadows as we press along]
49When life's little day is ending[When life's little day is ending]
50I rejoice in the love divine[I rejoice in the love divine]
51Living below in this old sinful world[Living below in this old sinful world]
52It was for me Jesus left all His glory[It was for me Jesus left all His glory]
53When shadows fall across your way[When shadows fall across your way]
54When I was a sinner, and wand'ring from the fold[When I was a sinner, and wand'ring from the fold]
55On this changing road, sharing ev'ry load[On this changing road, sharing ev'ry load]
56There is glory, hallelujah, ringing in my heart each day[There is glory, hallelujah, ringing in my heart each day]
57The Lord is calling for workers true[The Lord is calling for workers true]
58My mother's precious love[My mother's precious love]
59The pathway here may oft be rough[The pathway here may oft be rough]
60I've traveled here for Jesus over many rugged miles[I've traveled here for Jesus over many rugged miles]
61On Jordan's stormy banks I stand[On Jordan's stormy banks I stand]
62Christ is coming back again, from heav'n above[Christ is coming back again, from heav'n above]
63We praise Thee, O God! for the Son of Thy love[We praise Thee, O God! for the Son of Thy love]
64I know my sins are all forgiven, and I am on my way to heaven[I know my sins are all forgiven, and I am on my way to heaven]
65Rock of Ages, cleft for me[Rock of Ages, cleft for me]
66There are signal lights to guide us[There are signal lights to guide us]
67Down at the cross where my Savior died[Down at the cross where my Savior died]
68I shall soon be moving up to fair Canaan[I shall soon be moving up to fair Canaan]
69If I have mistreated someone on the way[If I have mistreated someone on the way]
70Often when the evening shadows are falling[Often when the evening shadows are falling]
71My country, 'tis of thee[My country, 'tis of thee]
72Jesus is coming to earth again, coming in glory and pow'r to reign[Jesus is coming to earth again, coming in glory and pow'r to reign]
73I know that foes will oft assail me[I know that foes will oft assail me]
74Dear memory comes from my childhood home[Dear memory comes from my childhood home]
75I tread the dark and lonely path[I tread the dark and lonely path]
76Away from the Lord I wandered, my burdens were heavy to bear[Away from the Lord I wandered, my burdens were heavy to bear]
77What could I do without Jesus[What could I do without Jesus]
78O what a meeting up in glory, when we're gathered to our home[O what a meeting up in glory, when we're gathered to our home]
79My heav'nly home is bright and fair[My heav'nly home is bright and fair]
80When I was burdened, so lonely and sad[When I was burdened, so lonely and sad]
81Dreaming, dreaming silently[Dreaming, dreaming silently]
82Why am I weeping, why do I sigh[Why am I weeping, why do I sigh]
83Well, I am on my homeward journey[Well, I am on my homeward journey]
84We are on a journey to a better place[We are on a journey to a better place]
85There's a happy feeling in this soul of mine[There's a happy feeling in this soul of mine]
86Happy the journey along the narrow way[Happy the journey along the narrow way]
87There is glory in the story of love divine[There is glory in the story of love divine]
88It was an old-fashioned Savior of men[It was an old-fashioned Savior of men]
89Traveling here, having no fear[Traveling here, having no fear]
90Let us work together in the harvest of the Master[Let us work together in the harvest of the Master]
91I wandered out in sin and shame[I wandered out in sin and shame]
92When the trumpet sounds so loud, what a time[When the trumpet sounds so loud, what a time]
93Wonderful the love of Jesus, from all fear the Spirit frees us[Wonderful the love of Jesus, from all fear the Spirit frees us]
94I have a wonderful Savior who's walking with me[I have a wonderful Savior who's walking with me]
95As I travel with Jesus ever trusting His promise[As I travel with Jesus ever trusting His promise]
96Here each day we daily travel[Here each day we daily travel]
97Shadows of sorrow drift across noonday sun[Shadows of sorrow drift across noonday sun]
98I am on a journey thru a land beset with sin[I am on a journey thru a land beset with sin]

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