The Sarum Hymnal

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102O help us, Lord! each hour of need
103Christian, dost thou see them
104O King of earth and air and sea
105The King’s bright banners forward go
106Sing, my tongue, the Savior’s triumph
107Now my soul, thy voice upraising
108Sweet the moments, rich in blessing
109Rock of ages, cleft for me
110Glory be to Jesus
111My spirit longs for thee
112Eternal Sun of Righteousness
113When I survey the wondrous Cross
114We love thee, Lord, yet not alone
115I love thee, O my God, my Lord
116Lamb of God, whose dying love
117All glory, laud, and honor
118Ride on, ride on in majesty
119Who is this with garments dyed
120O Man of Sorrows, thy prophetic eye
121O thou, before the world began
122Go to dark Gethsemane
123Of that glorious Body broken
124O the mystery, passing wonder
125Angels of peace, look down from heaven and mourn
126Jesus, thy blessed brow is torn
127Ye that pass by, behold the Man
128I thirst, thou wounded Lamb of God
129O come and mourn with me awhile
130Hail that head with sorrows bowing
131By the cross her station keeping
132Darkly frowns the evening sky
133Hark, the voice of love and mercy
134Resting from his work today
135Father and Lord of our whole life
136Weeping as they go their way
137Jesus Christ is risen today
138Ye choirs of new Jerusalem
139No more of strife, no more of pain
140Come, see the place where Jesus lay
141At the Lamb’s high feast we sing
142The day of Resurrection
143Christ the Lord is risen today (Wesley)
144The happy morn is come!
145He is risen, he is risen
146Alleluia, Alleluia, hearts to heaven and voices raise
147O sons and daughters, let us sing
148Jesus lives, no longer now
149The foe behind, the deep before
150In thy glorious resurrection
151O Jesus, ever present
152Oft in danger, oft in woe
153Thou who camest from above
154Jesus, Name of wondrous love
155Father, we humbly pray
156Savior, when in dust to thee
157Lord, in thy name thy servants plead
158Jesus, Lord, we kneel before thee
159In the hour of my distress
160God the Father, from thy throne
161Jesus, Lord of life eternal
162Hail the day that sees him rise
163Holy Ghost, Illuminator
164O Christ our hope, our heart’s desire
165Savior, blessed Savior
166The atoning work is done
167O God of hosts, the mighty Lord
168Our Lord is risen from the dead
169Christ, above all glory seated
170Thou art gone up on high
171Paschal Lamb, by God appointed
172Where high the heavenly temple stands
173When God of old came down from heaven
174Christ had regained the sky
175Come, thou Holy Spirit, come
176Spirit of mercy, truth and love
177Creator Spirit, by whose aid
178He comes, he comes, the Holy One
179Be present, holy Trinity
180Round the Lord in glory seated
181Father of all, to thee we raise
182Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of hosts
183Father of heaven, whose love profound
184Let all the world in every corner sing
185Now alleluias sound ye
186Lord of the worlds above
187O worship the King all glorious above
188Songs of praise the angels sang
189O praise ye the Lord! Prepare your glad voice
190Praise the Lord, ye heavens, adore him
191Ye boundless realms of joy
192Now thank we all our God
193The strain upraise of joy and praise
194Guide us thou, whose Name is Savior
195Our God is love, and all his saints
196O God of Bethel, by whose hand
197Hark, through the courts of heaven
198Love divine, all loves excelling
199Creator of the rolling flood
200Lamb of God, for sinners slain
201O hand of bounty, largely spread

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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