Songs of the Morning: a choice collection of songs and hymns for the Sunday school and other social services

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
101How helpless guilty nature liesDENNISPage Scan
102Did Christ o'er sinners weepDENNISPage Scan
103O for the death of thoseDENNISPage Scan
104O where shall rest be foundDENNISPage Scan
105Call me home, the day is dying[Call me home, the day is dying]Page Scan
106Come join our Sabbath song[Come join our Sabbath song]Page Scan
107I'm but a pilgrim here below[I'm but a pilgrim here below]Page Scan
108There's a stranger at the door[There's a stranger at the door]Page Scan
109Go ye forth to the field of labor[Go ye forth to the field of labor]Page Scan
110Stand up, and bless the LordST. THOMASPage Scan
111Awake, and sing the songST. THOMASPage Scan
112I love Thy kingdom, LordST. THOMASPage Scan
113A charge to keep I haveST. THOMASPage Scan
114Give to the winds thy fearsST. THOMASPage Scan
115Sweetly the Savior's voice is ever calling[Sweetly the Savior's voice is ever calling]Page Scan
116Jesus loves me with a love[Jesus loves me with a love]Page Scan
117Beneath thy cross I lay me down[Beneath thy cross I lay me down]Page Scan
118"Give me thy heart," the sweet words fall["Give me thy heart," the sweet words fall]Page Scan
119There came an hour when all my pride[There came an hour when all my pride]Page Scan
120Welcome, sweet day of restLISBONPage Scan
121Blest are the pure in heartLISBONPage Scan
122O what, if we are Christ'sLISBONPage Scan
123My soul, be on thy guardLISBONPage Scan
124Once more before we partLISBONPage Scan
125In the name of God advancing[In the name of God advancing]Page Scan
126We are little pilgrims[We are little pilgrims]Page Scan
127I am looking, Lord, for thy pard'ning face[I am looking, Lord, for thy pard'ning face]Page Scan
128We praise Thee, O God! for the Son of thy love[We praise Thee, O God! for the Son of thy love]Page Scan
129Would you leave the ways of sin?[Would you leave the ways of sin?]Page Scan
130Jesus, lover of my soulMARTYNPage Scan
131Earth has nothing sweet or fairMARTYNPage Scan
132Children of the heavenly KingMARTYNPage Scan
133Rock of Ages, cleft for meROCK OF AGESPage Scan
134Peaceful are the tents of the people of the Lord[Peaceful are the tents of the people of the Lord]Page Scan
135Come, O come to Jesus[Come, O come to Jesus]Page Scan
136There is work for the hand, there is work for the heart[There is work for the hand, there is work for the heart]Page Scan
137To work for Jesus and his name[To work for Jesus and his name]Page Scan
138Chime on, sweet bells, let the notes rejoice[Chime on, sweet bells, let the notes rejoice]Page Scan
139Hasten, sinner, to be wise!PLEYELPage Scan
140Depth of mercy, can there bePLEYELPage Scan
141Holy Bible, Book divinePLEYELPage Scan
142Savior, teach me, day by dayPLEYELPage Scan
143When we in the judgment stand[When we in the judgment stand]Page Scan
144Come to Jesus, little one[Come to Jesus, little one]Page Scan
145I will journey on with Jesus[I will journey on with Jesus]Page Scan
146All I am and own, dear Savior[All I am and own, dear Savior]Page Scan
147Mortals, awake! with angels join[Mortals, awake! with angels join]Page Scan
148Come, thou Fount of every blessingGREENVILLEPage Scan
149Hark! the voice of Jesus cryingGREENVILLEPage Scan
150Saviour, like a shepherd lead usGREENVILLEPage Scan
151Jesus, I my cross have takenNETTLETONPage Scan
152O the peace of God, how it thrills my soul[O the peace of God, how it thrills my soul]Page Scan
153Praise God, I've found the way[Praise God, I've found the way]Page Scan
154Safe from all the world's alarms[Safe from all the world's alarms]Page Scan
155Friend of all who seek thy favor[Friend of all who seek thy favor]Page Scan
156Jesus! O name divinely sweet[Jesus! O name divinely sweet]Page Scan
157Praise the Lord; ye heavens! adore himWILMOTPage Scan
158There's a wideness in God's mercyWILMOTPage Scan
159Sweet the moments, rich in blessingWILMOTPage Scan
160In the cross of Christ I gloryWILMOTPage Scan
161Sin again shall be my master, nevermore[Sin again shall be my master, nevermore]Page Scan
162Hear the music ringing, ringing, ringing[Hear the music ringing, ringing, ringing]Page Scan
163Shining for our master[Shining for our master]Page Scan
164Bless the Lord above for his tender love[Bless the Lord above for his tender love]Page Scan
165When I walked with my Lord in the sunshine[When I walked with my Lord in the sunshine]Page Scan
166Zion stands with hills surroundedZIONPage Scan
167Guide me, O thou great JehovahZIONPage Scan
168Come, ye sinners, poor and needyZIONPage Scan
169In thy name, O Lord, assemblingZIONPage Scan
170Lord, dismiss us with thy blessingZIONPage Scan
171Which way are you going, my brother?[Which way are you going, my brother?]Page Scan
172Saved by the blood now my heart can rejoice[Saved by the blood now my heart can rejoice]Page Scan
173O Lord, on Thee the nations wait[O Lord, on Thee the nations wait]Page Scan
174Wake, arm of the Spirit[Wake, arm of the Spirit]Page Scan
175Hark, there is a blessed call[Hark, there is a blessed call]Page Scan
176Stand up, stand up for JesusWEBBPage Scan
177The morning light is breakingWEBBPage Scan
178When shall the voice of singingWEBBPage Scan
179Unfurl the Temp'rance BannerWEBBPage Scan
180Let us praise our God with grateful heart and voice[Let us praise our God with grateful heart and voice]Page Scan
181There's a wideness in God's mercy[There's a wideness in God's mercy]Page Scan
182Weary souls that wander wide[Weary souls that wander wide]Page Scan
183From Zion's sacred mountain, see[From Zion's sacred mountain, see]Page Scan
184O weary, sorrowing soul[O weary, sorrowing soul]Page Scan
185From Greenland's icy mountainsMISSIONARY HYMNPage Scan
186How beauteous on the mountainsMISSIONARY HYMNPage Scan
187Our country's voice is pleadingMISSIONARY HYMNPage Scan
188Glad we come with our songs of praise[Glad we come with our songs of praise]Page Scan
189We are arming for the fight, we are soldiers brave and true[We are arming for the fight, we are soldiers brave and true]Page Scan
190Do not take away our Sabbath[Do not take away our Sabbath]Page Scan
191O look beyond the shadows[O look beyond the shadows]Page Scan
192Draw me, dear Savior, still closer to thee[Draw me, dear Savior, still closer to thee]Page Scan
193My faith looks up to TheeNEW HAVENPage Scan
194Come, thou almighty KingNEW HAVENPage Scan
195God bless our native landAMERICAPage Scan
196My country, 'tis of theeAMERICAPage Scan
197Hear the battle shout[Hear the battle shout]Page Scan
198Come to the morning pray'r[Come to the morning pray'r]Page Scan
199Just a little while shall I wrestle here[Just a little while shall I wrestle here]Page Scan
200What matter the trials and labors of life[What matter the trials and labors of life]Page Scan

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