Tuneful Tidings

Editor: M. Lynwood Smith
Publisher: M. Lynwood Smith Publications, Wesson, Mississippi, 2000
Denomination: Churches of Christ
Language: English
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
1Would you be free from the burden of sin?[Would you be free from the burden of sin?]
2When my soul is singing in that promised land aboveWHEN MY SOUL IS SINGING
3Lord, we come before Thee nowHENDON (Malan)
4O worship the King, all glorious above
5Come, Thou almighty KingITALIAN HYMN
6The Lord my Shepherd is: I shall be well supplied
7My faith looks up to Thee
8The great Physician now is near
9I can hear my Savior calling
10Must Jesus bear the cross alone
11Thou, my everlasting portion
12There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus
13If you could own all the world and its money[If you could own all the world and its money]
14Just a pilgrim, I have wandered
15There is no one like Jesus
16Oh, let me sing a thousand songs of God the Father's love
17There are times when hope is darkened and you feel despair
18Once my soul was astray from the heavenly way
19God in love and mercy now is calling you
20Love divine, all love excelling
21To God be the glory, great things He hath done
22He knows the bitter, weary way
23My latest sun is sinking fast
24There is holy light to guide us When Jesus rules the heart
25Christ, the Savior, is my Leader
26O to be like Thee! blessed Redeemer
27They tried my Lord and Master
28Christ the Savior came from heaven's glory!
29More about Jesus would I know
30Take my life, O Father, mold it
31Lead me gently home, Father, Lead me gently home
32Savior, grant me rest and peace
33Savior, more than life to me
34Jesus, the very tho't of Thee
35I love Thy kingdom, Lord
36We would see Jesus, for the shadows lengthen
37When the King comes in His glory
38Years I spent in vanity and pride
39Face to face with Christ my Savior
40Gone all the lonely days I once had
41My brother, awake and sing the sweet story
42Swiftly we're turning life's daily pages
43Jesus is always near, so near you
44I depend on Jesus, He supplies my ev'ry need
45Watch and pray, for the Lord is coming
46Jesus, Rose of Sharon, bloom within my heart
47There's a garden where Jesus is waiting
48I've heard so much about the Savior from above
49O ransomed souls, with joyous song
50From the dust of the earth God created man[From the dust of the earth God created man]
51Nearer, still nearer, close to Thy heart
52I've a Friend and a Saviour in Heaven above
53O how sweet 'twill be to meet the Lord
54There is preparing a wonderful home
55There is music in heaven o'er the saved ones of earth
56In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth
57The Bride and the Spirit say, Come
58All to Jesus I surrender
59I am riding, safely riding on the wings of love
60Praise the Lord! Ye heav'ns adore Him
61Let the Lord be praised, O Zion!
62In the land of fadeless day
63I was attached to the world and its charms
64It may be at morn, when the day is awaking
65I know God is watching o'er me
66I want to sing, sing, sing to my Lord[I want to sing, sing, sing to my Lord]
67A wonderful time is just ahead[A wonderful time is just ahead]
68Jesus, how I love the name of Jesus[Jesus, how I love the name of Jesus]
69I'm on my way to a land called Heaven[I'm on my way to a land called Heaven]
70When the time shall come to sail away[When the time shall come to sail away]
71Altho' I cannot see the way[Although I cannot see the way]
72Again, O precious Savior[Again, O precious Savior]
73Fear not, little flock, says the Savior divine[Fear not, little flock, says the Savior divine] (Dailey)
74Have you a river that you cannot cross[Have you a river that you cannot cross]
75Today I walk a lonesome road[Today I walk a lonesome road]
76Why do you wait, dear brother[Why do you wait, dear brother] (Root)
77Tis a part of God's great plan when raging billows wildly sweep[Tis a part of God's great plan when raging billows wildly sweep]
78We've pictured a land of sunshine[We've pictured a land of sunshine]
79The Savior is calling, O do not delay
80I know not the day when the Master shall call me[I know not the day when the Master shall call me]
81On my Savior's loving arms I am leaning[On my Savior's loving arms I am leaning]
82In Pilate's hall my Savior was tried[In Pilate's hall my Savior was tried]
83How I love the great Redeemer[How I love the great Redeemer]Text
84Deep within my heart today[Deep within my heart today]
85There's a stranger standing at the door[There's a stranger standing at the door] (Stafford)
86Glory Land is not so far away[Glory Land is not so far away] (Phillips)
87We're floating down the stream of time[We're floating down the stream of time]
88When I watch the clouds that rise[When I watch the clouds that rise] (Pace)Text
89Lean on the mighty arm of Jesus[Lean on the mighty arm of Jesus]Text
90I've heard about Calv'ry in sermon and song[I've heard about Calv'ry in sermon and song] (Stanphill)
91I am thinking of the rapture in our blessed home on high[I am thinking of the rapture in our blessed home on high]
92Once I was searching for love down deep within[Once I was searching for love down deep within] (Edwards)
93Lift your happy voices t'ward the sky[Lift your happy voices t'ward the sky] (Baggett)
94I don't need worldly pleasures that soon fade away[I don't need worldly pleasures that soon fade away] (Risener)
95There will be a happy meeting, when we get home[There will be a happy meeting, when we get home] (Dean)
96O land of rest for thee I sigh[O land of rest for thee I sigh]
97I'll wear a crown of glory when I get home[I'll wear a crown of glory when I get home]
98My Redeemer has gone to prepare (in the sky)[My Redeemer has gone to prepare]
99Wherever you may be, on land or stormy sea[Wherever you may be, on land or stormy sea]
100I will sing the wondrous storyWONDROUS STORY (Bilhorn)

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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