The Voice of Praise, a new collection

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d1A charge to keep I have, A God to glorify
d2A tower of strength and safety
d3A year again has passed away
d4After the storm a calm
d5Alas, and did my Savior bleed? And did my Sovereign die?
d6All from Jesus, all from Jesus, all the hope
d7Alleluia, song of sweetness, voice of endless joy and love
d8Along the line of soldiers
d9As I sought with weary flitting
d10As shadows cast by cloud and sun
d11At the sounding of the trumpet, when the saints
d12Awake, my soul, in [to] joyful [joyous] lays
d13Awake, thou that sleepest; arise from the dead
d14Be careful what you sow
d15Be near me, O my Savior
d16Beautiful mansions, home of the blest
d17Behold, the bridegroom cometh in the middle of the night
d18Beyond the smiling and the weeping
d19Bright little soldiers are needed today
d20Brightest and best of the sons [stars] of the morning
d21Bring in the children, O, bring them in, Lure them
d22Children who have rallied now
d23Cling to the Mighty One
d24Come, every soul by sin oppressed, There's mercy
d25Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly dove, with all thy quickening powers
d26Come, let us join in a sing of grateful praise
d27Come, my Redeemer, come, And deign to dwell
d28Don't think there is nothing for children to do
d29Draw near, O Christ, to me
d30Each day a little nearer
d31Fade, fade, each [all] earthly joy
d32Father, we thank thee For all thy wondrous love
d33Gather in the morning
d34Gather them in from the lanes and streets
d35Go, leave thy heart with Jesus
d36Go work in my vineyard, the Master says, and I will surely reward you
d37God be with you till we meet again
d38Hark, what mean those holy voices
d39Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing power
d40Have you ever heard the story of the Babe of Bethlehem, Who was worshiped
d41Have you found the joy of service
d42Hear the loving Savior saying
d43Heavenly Father, guide me in the way of life
d44How bright that blessed hope
d45How I love to cling to Jesus
d46How lovely the place where the Savior is revealed
d47How my spirit yearns to rest
d48How the bright angels sing since the Christ came
d49I am a Christian pilgrim
d50I am trusting thee, Lord Jesus, trusting only thee
d51I am waiting by the river
d52I am weak and very sinful
d53I entered once a home of care
d54I had wandered far from home
d55I have a friend, a precious friend
d56I heard the voice of Jesus say, come unto me and rest
d57I know my Savior loves me
d58I saw a wayworn traveler
d59I think, when I read that [the] sweet story of old
d60I want to be a worker for [with] the Lord
d61I was once far away from the Savior, And as vile
d62I was weak in sin and a wanderer
d63I would be ready, Lord
d64I'm dreaming tonight of the home I had
d65In heavenly love abiding
d66In some way or other, the Lord will provide
d67In the early dawn of the glad new morn
d68In the land of strangers whither thou art gone
d69It was only a song and the voice was unknown
d70I've heard them sing again and again
d71Jerusalem golden, thou home of light
d72Jesus bids you come
d73Jesus, I my cross have taken, all to leave
d74Jesus is a Friend, what a Friend and a Savior
d75Jesus is coming, O tell the glad
d76Jesus is my soul's Redeemer
d77Jesus, Lover [Savior] of my soul, Let me to thy bosom [refuge] fly
d78Jesus, meek and gentle
d79Jesus, Savior, pilot me
d80Jesus when he lived on earth
d81Joyful hearts and smiling faces
d82June in her beauty is with us again
d83Keep the colors waving
d84Let us gather up the sunbeams
d85Let your face be like the daybreak
d86Life has more of cheerfulness
d87Light after darkness, gain after loss
d88Little children, seek the Savior
d89Littlle tongues can utter praise
d90Lord, bring some wanderers home tonight
d91Lord, in this thy mercy's day
d92Lord, Lord, earth is so fair
d93Mid [midst] scenes of confusion and creature complaints
d94My faith looks up to thee, Thou Lamb of Calvary
d95My Jesus [Father] [Savior], as thou wilt
d96Nearer, my God, to thee, nearer to thee
d97O I am so happy in Jesus
d98O Jesus, thou friend of the children
d99O love surpassing knowledge
d100O praise the Lord, we're going home

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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