Vision of Victory

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0We are marching to victory today[We are marching to victory today]
1aVisions of Vict'ry now burst on my sight[Visions of Vict'ry now burst on my sight]
1Keep the gospel banner waving in the light[Keep the gospel banner waving in the light]
2They say there is a happy home[They say there is a happy home]
3Looking upward, pressing onward[Looking upward, pressing onward]
4As we daily press onward to the home of delight[As we daily press onward to the home of delight]
5My path resounds with gladness[My path resounds with gladness]
6To the hand of my Lord I am clinging[To the hand of my Lord I am clinging]
7When I wake up in the morning on the judgment day[When I wake up in the morning on the judgment day]
8Keep me, Lord Jesus keep me[Keep me, Lord Jesus keep me]
9Keep the music ringing[Keep the music ringing]
10In the service of the Lord, trusting only in His Word[In the service of the Lord, trusting only in His Word]
11Gone is my burden of sorrow and shame[Gone is my burden of sorrow and shame]
12Once I was weary, and all was dreary[Once I was weary, and all was dreary]
13Here we wander in doubt and fear[Here we wander in doubt and fear]
14I was sailing o'er life's sea, and there seemed no help for me[I was sailing o'er life's sea, and there seemed no help for me]
15This happy song of joy each morning, noon and night[This happy song of joy each morning, noon and night]
16Marching along with Jesus the Savior to glory[Marching along with Jesus the Savior to glory]
17I have found my Redeemer and made Him my own[I have found my Redeemer and made Him my own]
18There are friendships that have lasted thru a lifetime[There are friendships that have lasted thru a lifetime]
19Yonder in Glory is waiting for me[Yonder in Glory is waiting for me]
20At the beautiful gate I shall enter some day[At the beautiful gate I shall enter some day]
21Will you meet me bye and bye, there to life with Christ on high[Will you meet me bye and bye, there to life with Christ on high]
22The Lord is my keeper, and I am His reaper[The Lord is my keeper, and I am His reaper]
23These are days of grief and sorrow[These are days of grief and sorrow]
24Long we traveled[Long we traveled]
25I'm going to a City beyond the hills of time[I'm going to a City beyond the hills of time]
26I'm going homeward with the King divine[I'm going homeward with the King divine]
27Mine eyes are fixed on the Heav'nly prize[Mine eyes are fixed on the Heav'nly prize]
28We cannot see, nor do we know[We cannot see, nor do we know]
29Lean on the Savior's mighty arms[Lean on the Savior's mighty arms]
30I'm on the glory way, moving along each day[I'm on the glory way, moving along each day]
31There's a world above this lowland[There's a world above this lowland]
32O sing away your grief and care[O sing away your grief and care]
33Keep the cables firm my brother[Keep the cables firm my brother]
34There's a volume that's dearer than any book[There's a volume that's dearer than any book]
35Tho' often cast down in Thy soul[Tho' often cast down in Thy soul]
36Sailing on life's sea, look on ahead[Sailing on life's sea, look on ahead]
37Hear Thou my pray'r O blessed Lord[Hear Thou my pray'r O blessed Lord]
38Here this world is filled with trouble as we go along our way[Here this world is filled with trouble as we go along our way]
39In green pastures Jesus feeds us[In green pastures Jesus feeds us]
40There's a call that is sweetly ringing, coming from the mighty King[There's a call that is sweetly ringing, coming from the mighty King]
41I am moving onward ev'ry passing day[I am moving onward ev'ry passing day]
42There is a heavenly Country so bright[There is a heavenly Country so bright]
43When you need a friend to guide you[When you need a friend to guide you]
44There's a hand that's ever writing[There's a hand that's ever writing]
45Sweetly sound the words of Jesus[Sweetly sound the words of Jesus]
46I'm trusting each day in Jesus my guide[I'm trusting each day in Jesus my guide]
47In that beautiful homeland where angels dwell[IN that beautiful homeland where angels dwell]
48There is a City of gladness and love[There is a City of gladness and love]
49Letting songs of joy heart and voice employ[Letting songs of joy heart and voice employ]
50When you need someone to help you as you tread life's rugged way[When you need someone to help you as you tread life's rugged way]
51When I sought the Lord I found[When I sought the Lord I found]
52When we all reach home on the golden strand[When we all reach home on the golden strand]
53When this old world's on-a-fire below[When this old world's on-a-fire below]
54If you have trod the downward way[If you have trod the downward way]Page Scan
55My faith looks up to Thee[My faith looks up to Thee]Page Scan
56To that holy place where Jesus met me, took away my heavy load of sin[To that holy place where Jesus met me, took away my heavy load of sin]
57Ye men who dwell on freedom's plain[Ye men who dwell on freedom's plain]
58Some people of earth of excellent worth[Some people of earth of excellent worth]Page Scan
59Just as I am! Without one plea[Just as I am! Without one plea]Page Scan
60There will be a happy day when my soul is called up home[There will be a happy day when my soul is called up home]
61Behold the King expected soon[Behold the King expected soon]
62As I go on the way to glory, keeping the cross of Christ in sight[As I go on the way to glory, keeping the cross of Christ in sight]Page Scan
63What can wash away my sin?[What can wash away my sin?]Page Scan
64There's a light in Heaven's window[There's a light in Heaven's window]
65Take this vain world with all its show[Take this vain world with all its show]
66A million more would like to sing[A million more would like to sing]
67'Tis a happy time in my raptured heart['Tis a happy time in my raptured heart]
68In my heart there rings a melody of love[In my heart there rings a melody of love]Page Scan
69Who at the door is standing[Who at the door is standing]Page Scan
70Glory is waiting for the redeemed[Glory is waiting for the redeemed]
71Not this world can soothe a sorrow[Not this world can soothe a sorrow]
72My soul is singing hallelujah as I go along the way[My soul is singing hallelujah as I go along the way]Page Scan
73When my soul is singing in that promised land above[When my soul is singing in that promised land above]Page Scan
74O what a glad morning when Jesus shall call me[O what a glad morning when Jesus shall call me]Page Scan
75My heav'nly home is bright and fair[My heav'nly home is bright and fair]Page Scan
76What a great throng I shall behold, walking the streets of shining gold[What a great throng I shall behold, walking the streets of shining gold]Page Scan
77I need Thee ev'ry hour[I need Thee ev'ry hour]Page Scan
78You'll reap what you sow, we read in God's word[You'll reap what you sow, we read in God's word]
79I send my love unto my dead each day[I send my love unto my dead each day]
80When Jesus our Savior came down from above[When Jesus our Savior came down from above]Page Scan
81Glo'rous things of thee are spoken[Glo'rous things of thee are spoken]Page Scan
82I soon shall reach that home in glory that is decked with jewels rare[I soon shall reach that home in glory that is decked with jewels rare]
83Oft I think of friends who have gone away[Oft I think of friends who have gone away]
84Walking in the sunlight that around the blessed Lord is gleaming[Walking in the sunlight that around the blessed Lord is gleaming]
85Keep me forever, Savior divine[Keep me forever, Savior divine]
86The Lord of love has shown to me[The Lord of love has shown to me]Page Scan
87I know of a land that's sunk in shame[I know of a land that's sunk in shame]Page Scan
88When we see our great Redeemer[When we see our great Redeemer]
89Where Christ was crucified[Where Christ was crucified]
90When the cares of life oppress us[When the cares of life oppress us]Page Scan
91Eternity, eternity[Eternity, eternity]Page Scan
92Some wondrous day, we know not when[Some wondrous day, we know not when]
93Sing to the Lord throned in realms of glory[Sing to the Lord throned in realms of glory]
94List! To the song of the ransomed throng[List! To the song of the ransomed throng]
95There's a little painted church standing by the way[There's a little painted church standing by the way]
96I'm a pilgrim in the valley[I'm a pilgrim in the valley]
97We are going away on the Special train[We are going away on the Special train]
98Sound the news o'er the world[Sound the news o'er the world]

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