Hymns and Sacred Poems

Author: Charles Wesley, John Wesley
Publisher: Printed and sold by Felix Farley ; J. Wilson ; and at the School-Room in the Horse-Fair : In Bath, by W. Frederick : And in London, by T. Harris ; also, at the Foundery,, Bristol, England, 1742
Language: English
Notes: John was translator one new German hymn, and wrote “The Lord’s Prayer Paraphrased.” Charles Wesley is author of remaining compositions.
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
155Glory to GOD, whose gracious PowerPage Scan
156Welcome Friend, in that great NamePage Scan
157Peace be on this House bestow'dPage Scan
158Glory be to God abovePage Scan
159Blest be the dear, Uniting LovePage Scan
160Let the World lament and grievePage Scan
162CHRIST, our Head, and Common LORDPage Scan
163Fountain of Life, to All belowPage Scan
164O Thou, whom all Thy Saints adorePage Scan
165Rejoice, rejoice ye Fallen RaceTextPage Scan
166Father of our Dying LordPage Scan
167Sinners, your Hearts lift upPage Scan
168O GOD of my Salvation hearPage Scan
172Ye Worms of Earth our GOD admirePage Scan
173To Father, Son, and Holy GhostPage Scan
174Behold how good a ThingPage Scan
176Who is this Gigantick FoePage Scan
179Oft I in my Heart have saidPage Scan
180I know that my Redeemer livesPage Scan
183Ye happy Sinners hearPage Scan
185Away vain Thoughts, that stir withinPage Scan
187Jesu, fulfil the Gospel-WordPage Scan
189Happy Soul who sees the DayPage Scan
191O LORD, my GOD, with Shame I ownPage Scan
192Thy Will be done, Thy Name be blest!Page Scan
194Gentle Jesus, meek and mildPage Scan
196Lamb of God, I fain would bePage Scan
197Come let us join the Hosts abovePage Scan
198O Happy State of InfancyPage Scan
199All Thanks and Praise to GOD belongPage Scan
200Come, let us our good GOD proclaimPage Scan
201Lover of Little Children, TheePage Scan
202Jesu, Thou hast bid us prayPage Scan
204When, dearest LORD, when shall it bePage Scan
206Jesu, what hast Thou bestow'dPage Scan
207Prophet, sent from GOD abovePage Scan
208CHRIST, my Hidden Life appearPage Scan
210I will hearken what my LORDPage Scan
211GOD of Daniel, hear my PrayerPage Scan
213GOD of Israel's Faithful ThreePage Scan
214'Tis of Thy Merices, LordPage Scan
215Be it according to Thy Word!Page Scan
217Jesu, my Saviour, Brother, FriendPage Scan
219Ever fainting with DesirePage Scan
221Jesu, shall I never bePage Scan
224Father of my Dying LordPage Scan
225LORD, I believe Thy Every WordPage Scan
227What a Mystery am IPage Scan
229GOD of all Power, and Truth and LovePage Scan
230Jesu, the Life, the Truth, the WayPage Scan
232Prisoners of Hope, lift up your HeadsPage Scan
234O Great Mountain, who art ThouPage Scan
236O Great Mountain, who art ThouPage Scan
237Drooping Soul, shake off thy FearsPage Scan
238O Jesu, full of Truth and GracePage Scan
240O the cruel Power of SinPage Scan
241LORD, I glorify Thy GracePage Scan
242Thee, Jesu, Thee, the Sinners FriendPage Scan
244Come, LORD, and help me to rejoicePage Scan
246Jesu, Redeemer of MankindPage Scan
248None is like Jeshurun's GODPage Scan
250Jesu, my Trust is in Thy WordPage Scan
251Father of JESUS CHRIST my LORDPage Scan
254Jesu, my King, to Thee I bowPage Scan
257Vain, delusive world, adieuPage Scan
259Let the World their Virtue boastPage Scan
261God of all Power, and Truth, and GracePage Scan
264Arise, my Soul, arisePage Scan
265We magnify the Gift of GODPage Scan
268Jesu, the Truth, the WayTextPage Scan
271Witness Divine, the Just and TruePage Scan
272Come, O Thou Greater than our HeartPage Scan
273Unchangeable Almighty LORDPage Scan
274The LORD is KING, and Earth submitsPage Scan
275Father of All, whose Powerful VoicePage Scan
278O that the Life-infusing GracePage Scan
279Behold He comes! and Every EyePage Scan
280Say, which of You would see the LORD!Page Scan
281Draw near, O Son of GOD, draw nearPage Scan
282LORD of the Harvest, hearPage Scan
283Jesu, Thy wand'ring Sheep behold!Page Scan
284O Thou that dost the Churches bearPage Scan
286Hear All that will, the Spirit hearPage Scan
287Hear Jesu, hear, the First and LastPage Scan
288O thou, that hast the two-edg'd SwordPage Scan
290O Son of God, whose flaming EyesPage Scan
292O Thou, whose eyes run too and froPage Scan
294Holy, and true, who hast the KeyPage Scan
296Amen to All that GOD hath saidPage Scan
298Yet still we glory in Thy NamePage Scan
300Saviour of All, to Thee we bow
301LORD, I believe Thy Work of GracePage Scan

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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