Wiatt's Impartial Selection of Hymns and Spiritual Songs from various authors on a variety of useful and entertaining subjects...

Editor: Solomon Wiatt
Publisher: S. Wiatt, Philadelphia, 1809
Language: English
Notes: The hymnal skips and duplicates some numbers. The number in brackets is what the hymnal says. The page scan is missing pages 125-128 and 163-164
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
CFor heav'n how many will pretendPage Scan
CIMy soul, on wings of ardor risePage Scan
CIIRejoice, ye saints, no longer mournPage Scan
CIIIIs virtue here expos'd to snaresPage Scan
CIV'Tis mercy bids us all forsakePage Scan
CVWhen will my ev'ry fearPage Scan
CVI'Tis surely good for mePage Scan
CVIIBut now a cheering beamPage Scan
CVIIIDear Lord, thou hast reveal'd thy lovePage Scan
CIXThou God of mercy, loving, kindPage Scan
CXHow sweet the minutes rollPage Scan
CXIRise, holy, happy Christian, risePage Scan
CXIIO how shall we adore that name
CXIIIBut O, how peaceful is the soulPage Scan
CXIVHow many sorrows wait aroundPage Scan
CXVBut O! what wonders, strange and newPage Scan
CXVIAnd when divine instructions flowPage Scan
CXVIIVain man, by error, led astrayPage Scan
CXVIIIThe man who fears the LordPage Scan
CXIXMy God is ever nighPage Scan
CXXFarewell, dear friend! a long farewell!Page Scan
CXXIAh! late how full of trying painPage Scan
CXXIIAh! see that lifeless clayPage Scan
CXXIIIJesus, dear Saviour, of mankindPage Scan
CXXIVO for a thousand tongues to singPage Scan
CXXVCome sinners to the gospel-feastPage Scan
CXXVIThee we adore eternal NamePage Scan
CXXVIIThou Judge of quick and deadPage Scan
CXXVIIIO, that I could my Lord receivePage Scan
CXXIXAh! whither shall I goPage Scan
CXXXI want a principle withinPage Scan
CXXXIMy God, my life, my lovePage Scan
CXXXIILovers of pleasure more that GodPage Scan
CXXXIIIAwake, Jerusalem, awakePage Scan
CXXXIVO that I could repent!Page Scan
CXXXVWith glorious clouds encompass'd roundPage Scan
CXXXVIWhy should the children of a KingPage Scan
CXXXVIICome, O thou all, victorious LordPage Scan
CXXXVIIIThe praying spirit breathePage Scan
CXXXIXShepherd divine our wants relievePage Scan
CXLJesus, my strength, my hopePage Scan
CXLII want a heart to prayPage Scan
CXLIIA charge to keep I havePage Scan
CXLIIIThe thing my God doth hatePage Scan
CXLIVO for a heart to praise my GodPage Scan
CXLVFor ever here my rest shall bePage Scan
CXLVIO that my load of sin were gone!Page Scan
CXLVIILet him to whom we now belongPage Scan
CXLVIIIJesus my truth, my wayPage Scan
CXLIXStill stir me up to strivePage Scan
CLLo, in thy hand I layPage Scan
CLIMy God, the spring of all my joyPage Scan
CLIIJesus, my all, to heav'n is gonePage Scan
CLIIICome, Holy Spirit, heavenly DovePage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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