The Watchword or The World of Gold

Editor: J. A. Broad
Publisher: White, Smith & Perry / White, Smith & Co., Boston, Mass., 1871
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d1All hail the power of Jesus' name, Let angels prostrate fall
d2Alone in the desert
d3Around the throne of God in heaven, thousands
d4As when the worn traveler
d5Be not afraid when the clouds shall appear
d6Blest day when the righteous
d7Boatman, dost thou tidings bear
d8Bright fields beyond the river
d9By cool Siloam's shady rill
d10Can a little child like me
d11Can children build a temple
d12Children come, children come
d13Children join with hearts and voices
d14Christian, toil on in love
d15Christian, walk carefully, danger is near
d16Come, blessed Savior, thy kingdom
d17Come, let us join our cheerful songs With angels round the throne
d18Come, O my [our] soul [souls], in sacred [joyous] lays
d19Come to him, come
d20Dear Jesus, bend thine ear
d21Dismiss us with Thy blessing, Lord, Help
d22Down the mighty tide of time
d23Fading, slowly fading, sweet Sabbath day
d24Far above the starry heavens
d25Father, whate'er of earthly bliss
d26Fight on, Christian soldier
d27Forever with the Lord [our God], amen, so let it be
d28From Greenland's icy mountains
d29From highways and hedges
d30Gentle Shepherd, full of love
d31Glorious morning, we hail thy return
d32God of our salvation, Unto thee we pray
d33God's tender care for those he loves
d34Grateful praise to thee we offer
d35Hail, holy light of Sabbath morn
d36Hark, that heavenly chorus
d37Harps of the beautiful
d38Holy Bible, book divine, Precious treasure, thou art mine
d39How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
d40I am not skilled to understand
d41I have entered the valley of blessing so sweet
d42I love thy kingdom, Lord
d43I love to tell the story of unseen things above
d44I will sing you a song of that [a] [the] beautiful
d45If any man thirst, Jesus cried
d46I'm a pilgrim and I'm a stranger, I can tarry
d47I'm trying to climb up Zion's hill
d48In the springtime of life
d49Jesus, and shall it ever be
d50Jesus, I'll come to thee
d51Jesus left a mission
d52Jesus loves, Jesus loves
d53Jesus once, from realms
d54Jesus speaks to thee
d55Joy is in our hearts today
d56Land ahead, its fruits are waving
d57Lead us not into temptation, Father hear
d58Let billows of ocean
d59List, thy Savior's warning
d60Little hearts by Jesus given
d61Little sins little sins
d62Littlle traveler up to heaven
d63Lo the star of hope
d64Long years ago beside our Lord
d65Looking down from heaven
d66Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing
d67March along, march along, singing
d68March ye onward
d69More precious far than costly gems
d70Must Jesus bear the [his] cross alone
d71My God, the spring of all my joys
d72My heart's with love o'erflowing
d73Nearer, my God, to thee, nearer to thee
d74Now with gladsome songs of praise
d75O happy, happy Sunday
d76O how my spirit longs for thee
d77O Jesus, precious Jesus
d78O [Sweet] land for [of] rest for thee I sigh
d79O wild were the revels
d80Of all the sweetest names
d81Once more before we part, O [we'll] bless the Savior's [Redeemer's] name
d82Only believe, thy Savior is near
d83Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war, With the cross
d84Onward, press onward, the great command
d85Over the river a bright, happy band
d86Pretty stars overhead
d87Rest, sweetly rest
d88Ring out, O bells
d89Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee
d90Shall we gather at [by] the river, Where bright angel feet have trod
d91Shine on, bright stars with mellow gleam
d92Shout the praises
d93Sing, children, sing, of Jesus your King
d94Sing we a happy song
d95Speak, speak for Jesus
d96Speed thou on, happy day
d97Sweet the words that greet my ear
d98Teachers and scholars
d99The little daisy as it grows
d100The lyre of nature swells to thee

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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