Waves of Praise

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
bd75My Savior came to earth a child
bd76My Savior dear, my guide and stay
bd77No foe I am fearing
bd78Nothing of myself I claim
bd79O, blessed day, when I shall see
bd80O blessed Lord, thy love I claim
bd81O Christian soldiers, hear the bugle
bd82O do not let the Word depart, and close thine eyes
bd83O Father, take care of me
bd84O fathers, will you meet me
bd85O happy day that fixed [seals] [stays] my choice
bd86O Lord, I come unto thy throne
bd87O sinner, the Savior is pleading with you
bd88O they tell me of a home far beyond the skies
bd89O thou who art living a life of sin
bd90O wandering sinner, O won't you come home for Jesus loves you still
bd91Often I've heard of a far away country
bd92On Jordan's stormy [rugged] banks I stand, And cast a wishful eye
bd93Once a Galilean came
bd94Once our Savior came to earth
bd95One night I dreamed
bd96Our fathers, our fathers will [they'll] be there
bd97Ring the bells of love o'er mountain
bd98Shall we gather at [by] the river, Where bright angel feet have trod
bd99Signal bells are ringing
bd100Since Jesus came within my heart
bd101Since the Lord has saved my soul
bd102Sing of the Savior eternal
bd103Sing your song, O happy pilgrim
bd104Sinner, come to Jesus, come without delay
bd105Sinner, list to the call divine
bd106Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling
bd107Some day after these earthly
bd108Some day earth's toil
bd109Someday after these earthly
bd110Sometimes my way is dreary
bd111Soul that is lost
bd112Standing on the promises of Christ our King
bd113Stars of the summer night
bd114Storms may gather all about me
bd115Sweeter than the bird songs ringing
bd116Take the name of Jesus with you, child of sorrow
bd117Tell me if there's room enough
bd118The Lord will be true forever
bd119The way to heaven is plain
bd120There came from the skies in the days long ago
bd121There is a land beyond our sight
bd122There is a place where souls may find The peace
bd123There is joy in serving Jesus
bd124There's a beautiful land far beyond the sky
bd125There's a city so bright
bd126There's a glad day coming for the ransomed soul
bd127There's a great day coming, a great day coming
bd128There's a home of wondrous beauty
bd129There's a land of beauty on the other side
bd130There's no mother now to guide
bd131There's not a Friend like the lowly Jesus
bd132Though dark and dreary be life's way
bd133Though trials oft we here must bear
bd134Throw out the life line across the dark wave
bd135'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus, just to take him
bd136To Jesus I'm clinging
bd137To the sad and lone
bd138To the work, to the work, we are servants of God
bd139We are busy in the harvest
bd140We are now enlisted in the gospel fight
bd141We are pilgrims on our journey
bd142We are sailing onward o'er life's rugged sea
bd143We are soldiers true and loyal
bd144We're a faithful band, bound
bd145We're gathered here, dear friend
bd146We're marching to our home
bd147What a fellowship, what a joy divine
bd148What can fully save my soul
bd149What can wash away my sin [sins] [stain]
bd150What hosannas we shall sing
bd151When I think of the wonderful grace
bd152When Jesus comes again to gather his own
bd153When love's golden sunlight beams
bd154When my work of life is done
bd155When peace, like a river, attendeth my way
bd156When the call comes ringing o'er the
bd157When the saints of God shall gather
bd158When the Savior comes for
bd159When the shades of evening fall
bd160When the storms of life are sweeping
bd161When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound and time
bd162When this life is ended and our
bd163When time on earth for us
bd164When we've left this eartly strand
bd165Why do you wait, dear brother
bd166With gladness the days may go by
bd167Wonderful revival times are
bd168Workers are we happy and free

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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