Zion's Praise

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
d101There is a beautiful highway of light
d102There is a land of beauty, Where fruits and flowers abound
d103There is a land of pure delight
d104There is only one road to salvation
d105There will be a great reunion in that happy home
d106There'll be shouting in the air
d107There's a brother sinking down
d108There's a city with foundation in the Bible
d109There's a great day coming, a great day coming
d110There's a happy home in heaven
d111There's a home just over yonder
d112There's a home of pure delight
d113There's a land of light and love
d114There's a mighty army onward moving
d115There's a song that I am singing
d116There's a story sweet and old, that is waiting to be told
d117There's a wonderful book over yonder
d118There's not a Friend like the lowly Jesus
d119Thou art gone, our dearest mother
d120Though tried in the furnace I may be
d121'Tis midnight, and on Olive's brow
d122To that wonder land I'm going
d123Watch thou, my soul, keep thy discerning
d124We are drifting o'er life's ocean, Yes, we're sailing
d125We are under marching orders from the King divine
d126We speak of the home of the blest
d127Weary sailor tossed by angry waves
d128We're a singing band marching to that shore
d129Were now upon the stormy side
d130What a fellowship, what a joy divine
d131What a friend we have in Jesus
d132What a sweet, new song
d133When I can read my title clear
d134When I shall awake in that city
d135When I shall enter yon heaven so fair
d136When the days grow bright with the Savior's light
d137When the joy bells ring home
d138When the trials of life press upon you
d139When the trump of God shall sound and every nation shall arise
d140When we gather at last over Jordan
d141When we in the judgment stand
d142When we reach the royal city
d143Where will you spend eternity
d144Work, for the night is coming, work through the morning hours
d145Years ago, when but [I] [just] a boy
d146You are writing a record each day
d147Zion, blest Zion, is my home

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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