Ordinary Time 16, Year C; Brotherhood and Sisterhood; Christian Life; Commissioning; Community; Ministry; Service; Social Concern; Unity; Welcome; World
Christian unity; Church; Church Communion of Saints; Pluralism; Year A Proper 16; Year A Visitation; Year B Proper 9; Year B Visitation; Year C Proper 17; Year C Visitation
Nature of the Church; Christ's Example; Church--Community in Christ; Church--Foundation and nature; Commitment; Conflict; Holy Communion; Life in Christ; Ministry
15th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C; Brotherhood and Sisterhood; Christian Life; Christian Life; Church; Commissioning; Commitment; Community; Discipleship; Ecumenism; Ministry; Nation; Service; Social Concern; Unity; Universe; Welcome; World
Commitment; Consecration; Discipleship; Gifts of the Holy Spirit; Ministry of God's People; People of God; Service; Social Justice; Unity of Humanity; Unity of the Church