Christian Worship (1993): a Lutheran hymnal

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
1The advent of our KingST. THOMASText
2Savior of the nations, comeNUN KOMM, DER HEIDEN HEILANDText
3Lift up your heads, you mighty gates!MACHT HOCH DIE TÜRTextPage Scan
4Lift up your heads, you mighty gates!MILWAUKEETextPage Scan
5As angels joyed with one accordPUER NOBIS NASCITUR
6Come, O long-expected JesusST. HILARYTextPage Scan
7Rejoice, rejoice, believersHAF TRONES LAMPA FÄRDIGText
8Come, O precious Ransom, comeMEINEN JESUM LASS ICH NICHTTextPage Scan
9Jesus, your Church with longing eyesO JESU CHRISTE, WAHRES LICHTText
10The Bridegroom soon will call usACH GOTT VOM HIMMELREICHETextPage Scan
11Comfort, comfort all my peopleFREU DICH SEHRTextPage Scan
12Hark! the glad sound! The Savior comesCHESTERFIELDTextPage Scan
13There's a voice in the wilderness cryingASCENSIONText
14Arise, O Christian people!AUS MEINES HERZENS GRUNDEText
15Hark! A thrilling voice is soundingMERTONTextPage Scan
16On Jordan's bank the Baptist's cryPUER NOBIS NASCITURTextPage Scan
17God's own Son most holyGOTTES SOHN IST KOMMENText
18O Lord, how shall I meet youWIE SOLL ICH DICH EMPFANGENTextPage Scan
19O Lord, how shall I meet youVALET WILL ICH DIR GEBENText
20When all the world was cursedWAS FRAG ICH NACH DER WELT
21Hosanna to the coming Lord!VOM HIMMEL HOCHTextPage Scan
22O Savior, rend the heavens wideO HEILAND, REISS DIE HIMMEL AUF
23Oh, come, oh, come, EmmanuelVENI, EMMANUELTextPage Scan
24The angel Gabriel from heaven cameGABRIEL'S MESSAGEText
25The King shall come when morning dawnsCONSOLATIONText
26Jesus came, the heav'ns adoringSIEH, HIER BIN ICH, EHRENKÖNIGTextPage Scan
27O Jesus, Lamb of God you areWEIMARTextPage Scan
28Let the earth now praise the LordNUN KOMM, DER HEIDEN HEILANDTextPage Scan
29Lo, he comes with clouds descendingPICARDYText
30Rise, arise! Rise, arise!FAHRE FORTText
31O Lord of light, who made the starsCONDITOR ALME SIDERUM
32When sinners see their lost conditionWER WEISS, WIE NAHEText
33All praise to you, eternal God!GELOBET SEIST DU, JESU CHRISTTextPage Scan
34Now sing we, now rejoiceIN DULCI JUBILOText
35Of the Father's love begottenDIVINUM MYSTERIUMText
36A great and mighty wonderES IST EIN ROSTextPage Scan
37Once again my heart rejoicesFRÖHLICH SOLL MEIN HERZE SPRINGENTextPage Scan
38"From heav'n above to earth I come"VOM HIMMEL HOCHTextPage Scan
39Now praise we Christ, the Holy OneCHRISTUM WIR SOLLEN LOBEN SCHONTextPage Scan
41Let all together praise our GodLOBT GOTT, IHR CHRISTENTextPage Scan
42Come, your hearts and voices raisingQUEM PASTORES
43To thee my heart I offerCORDIS DONUM
44Break forth, O beauteous heav'nly lightERMUNTRE DICH
45Oh, rejoice, all Christians, loudlyFREUET EUCH, IHR CHRISTEN ALLEText
46Your little ones, dear Lord, are weHER KOMMER DINE ARME SMAAText
47Behold, a Branch is growingES IST EIN ROSText
48When Christmas morn is dawningWIR HATTEN GEBAUET
49Rejoice, rejoice this happy morn!WIE SCHÖN LEUCHTETText
50Once in royal David's cityIRBYText
51I am so glad when Christmas comesJEG ER SAA GLAD
52On Christmas night all Christians singSUSSEX CAROLTextPage Scan
53To shepherds as they watched at nightPUER NOBIS NASCITURTextPage Scan
54Where shepherds lately kneltMANGER SONG
55Oh, come, all ye faithfulADESTE FIDELESText
56Gentle Mary laid her childTEMPUS ADEST FLORIDUMText
57While shepherds kept their watchingGO, TELL ITTextPage Scan
58See in yonder manger lowHUMILITYTextPage Scan
59Christ the Lord to us is bornNARODIL SE KRISTUS PAN
60Silent night! Holy night!STILLE NACHTTextPage Scan
61Hark! the herald angels singMENDELSSOHNText
62Joy to the world, the Lord is come!ANTIOCHTextPage Scan
63Angels we have heard on highGLORIATextPage Scan
64Let us all with gladsome voiceLASST UNS ALLETextPage Scan
65O little town of BethlehemST. LOUISTextPage Scan
66O little town of BethlehemFOREST GREENTextPage Scan
67What child is this who, laid to restGREENSLEEVESText
68Away in a manger, no crib for a bedCRADLE SONGText
69Across the sky the shades of nightALLEIN GOTT IN DER HÖH SEI EHRTextPage Scan
70Help us, o Lord, for now we enterICH STERBE TÄGLICHText
71The old year now has passed awayHERR JESU CHRIST, DICH ZU UNS WENDTextPage Scan
72O Lord, our Father, thanks and praiseNUN FREUT EUCH, LIEBEN CHRISTENText
73To God the anthem raisingHELFT MIR GOTT'S GÜTE PREISENText
74Now let us come before himNEW YEARText
75Father, let me dedicateGLORIFICATIONTextPage Scan
76Jesus! Name of wondrous loveGOTT SEI DANK DURCH ALLE WELTText
77In his temple now behold himWESTMINSTER ABBEYText
78O Light of Gentile nationsMUNICHTextPage Scan
79How lovely shines the Morning Star!WIE SCHÖN LEUCHTETText
80Angels from the realms of gloryREGENT SQUAREText
81Arise and shine in splendorEPIPHANY
82Songs of thankfulness and praiseST. GEORGE’S, WINDSORTextPage Scan
83As with gladness men of oldDIXTextPage Scan
84Jesus shall reign where'er the sunTRUROTextPage Scan
85O God from God, O Light from LightO GROSSER GOTTTextPage Scan
86The only Son from heavenHERR CHRIST, DER EINIG GOTTS SOHNText
87Hail, O Source of ev'ry blessingO DURCHBRECHER ALLER BANDEText
88To Jordan came the Christ, our LordCHRIST UNSER HERR ZUM JORDAN KAM
89To Jordan's river came our LordWINCHESTER NEW
90The people that in darkness satLOBT GOTT, IHR CHRISTENTextPage Scan
91The star proclaims the King is hereO HEILAND, REISS DIE HIMMEL AUFTextPage Scan
92Brightest and best of the stars of the morningMORNING STARTextPage Scan
93Hail to the Lord's AnointedFREUT EUCH, IHR LIEBEN CHRISTENText
94O Jesus, King of gloryVALET WILL ICH DIR GEBENText
95How good, Lord, to be here!POTSDAMTextPage Scan
96Oh, wondrous type! Oh, vision fairDEO GRACIASText
97Down from the mount of gloryICH FREU MICH IN DEM HERREN
98Jesus, I will ponder nowJESU KREUZ, LEIDEN UND PEINText
99Oh, come my soul, your Savior seeOH, COME, MY SOULText
100A Lamb goes uncomplaining forthAN WASSERFLÜSSEN BABYLON

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