Edward Boaden › Texts

Short Name: Edward Boaden
Full Name: Boaden, Edward
Birth Year: 1827
Death Year: 1913

Boaden, Edward, was born at Helston, in Cornwall, in 1827. It was originally intended that he should follow the legal profession. Early religious impressions and convictions however led him to devote himself to the ministry in connection with what is now known as the Methodist Free Church. Beginning his duties at Gosport in 1849, he has successively filled some of the most important positions of the denomination, including that of President (1871). Since 1864 he has been Chapel Secretary to the Connexion.

His hymns in common use are:—
1. Behold, O Lord our God. (1887.) Temperance.
2. God of Light, in mercy bending. (1860.) Missions.
3. Here, Lord, assembled in Thy name. (1889.) Temperance, 1554
4. Thou God of glory, truth, and love. (1889.) Opening of a Bazaar.
Of these Nos. 1, 3, 4 were contributed to the Methodist Free Church Hymns, 1880, and No. 3 to the United Methodist Free Church Sunday School Hymn Book, 1801).

--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

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