S. Childs Clarke

Short Name: S. Childs Clarke
Full Name: Clarke, Samuel Childs, 1821-1903
Birth Year: 1821
Death Year: 1903

Clarke, Samuel Childs, M.A., born Jan. 6, 1821, and educated at Queen's College and St Mary Hall, Oxford, graduating B.A., 1844, and M.A. 1846. On taking Holy Orders he became successively Curate of Thorverton, and of Dawlish, Devon ; Vicar of St. Thomas by-Launceston, and Head Master of the Launceston Grammar School, and Vicar of Thorverton, 1875; and Hon. Sec. of the Exeter Board of Education. Mr. Clarke has published some educational works: Thoughts in Verse from a Village Churchman's Note Book, 1848, and Services of Song for Christmas, Passiontide, Ascension, Harvest (S. P. C. K. catalogue), Advent, Eastertide, Missionary, Flower, and Children's Services. These Services of Song have been sanctioned for use in churches by the Bishops of Exeter and Salisbury.

Mr. Clarke's hymns include:—
1. All hail, all hail to the natal day. Christmas. Contributed to the Parish Church Hymnal.
2. Framer of the light. Morning. In the Parish Church Hymnal, and Mrs. Brock's Children's Hymn Book, 1881.
3. Great Giver of all good, to Thee again. Harvest. This is the best known of our author's hymns. It was first printed in the Musical Times, 1863, with music by Barnby. In 1808 it was included in the Appendix to the S. P. C. K. Psalms & Hymns, in 1872 in the Hymnary, and again in many other collections.
4. In all Thou didst while here on earth. St. Thomas. ln Mrs. Brock's Children’s Hymn Book, 1881.
5. In humble adoration. Laying of the Foundation-stone of a Church. In Harland's Supplement to Church Psalter and Hymnal, 1876.
6. Jesus, on this blessed morn. Christmas. In the Parish Church Hymnal.
7. Lord, most holy, God most mighty. For travellers and absent ones. In the Home Hymn Book, 1885, by H. P. Hawkins.
8. Lord of the new creation. Sunday Morning. In the Parish Ch. Hymnal.
9. Now a new year opens. The New Fear. In Mrs. Brock's Children's Hymn Book, 1881, and one or two American collections.
10. 0 dark and dreary day. Good Friday. In Supplement to Harland's Church Hymnal; Mrs. Brock's Children's H. Book.
11. 0 Lord, it is a joyful thing. Evening. In the Parish Church Hymnal, &c.
12. 0 Thou who dwellest in eternity. Festival. In Supplement to Harland's Church Hymnal. 1876.
13. Once more the sheaves are gathered. Harvest. In Supplement to Harland's Church Hymnal, the author's Harvest-tide Service of Song, &c, 1876.
14. Thou who through shades of night. Evening. In the Parish Church Hymnal, &c.
In addition to these hymns, most of those given in Mr. Clarke's Services of Song are his composition, as are also the 19 in his Services for Children. Lond., Pitman, n.d. Some of these are initialled "S.C.C." Taken as a whole these hymns are a good addition to the common store for Special Occasions, and should be consulted by hymn-book compilers. He died Feb. 22, 1903.

--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)


Clarke, S. C, p. 285, ii. Other hymns are:—
1. From the priceless harvest. Harvest. In the Supplemental Hymns to Harland's Church Psalter and Hymnal, 1876.
2. 0 God, Thou didst inspire in ancient days. Unveiling a Memorial Window. Written for the Unveiling of a Memorial Window in Thorverton Church, Devon, on Aug. 25, 1889, and printed with the prayers used on that occasion.
3. To Zion's stately pile. Processional. Written for the London Gregorian Choral Association, and sung at the Festival in St. Paul's Cathedral, London, June 6, 1889.

--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)


Clarke, S. C, pp. 235, ii.; 1556, ii. In addition to the hymns by Mr. Clarke already noted in this Dictionary, the following have come into common use during the past few years:—
1. All blessing, honour, glory, might. [Processional.] This hymn, based upon Rev. v. and viii., to music by Mendelssohn, was written in 1892, and published with Mendelssohn's music, adapted thereto for congregational use by Sir J. Stainer. The printed sheet is dated "Thorverton Vicarage, Devon, January 31st, A.D. 1893." It was sung at Norwich Cathedral in 1894, and later at other choir festivals. Included in the author's Festival and other Hymns, 1896, and C. W. A. Brooke's Additional Hymns, 1903.
2. Amid the ceaseless strife. [St. George.] First published in Additional Hymns, 1903, to music by Sir J. Stainer.
3. Gracious Lord of all creation. From his Spring and Summertide: A Service of Sacred Song, into (Brooke's) Add. Hymns, 1903." In Festival and other Hymns, 1896.
4. Lord of all creation. [Offertory.] The note on this hymn is: "Written originally at the request of the Reverend Canon Hervey, and sung at the re-opening of Sandringham Church, after restoration by H.R.H. the Prince of Wales." It was sung at the Choral Festivals at St. Paul's Cathedral, 1893; Norwich and Truro, 1894; Ely, 1895, and others. In Festival and other Hymns, 1896, and Add. Hymns, 1903.
5. Lord of power and might, the Giver. [Church Lads' Brigade.] From his Festival and other Hymns, 1896; into Add. Hymns, 1903.
6. Once more an end of gloom. [Service.] Included in Add. Hymns1903.
An extensive collection of Mr. Clarke's hymns, together with original tunes, is in the
Church House Library, Westminster. Mr. Clarke died at Penzance, Feb. 22, 1903.

--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)

Texts by S. Childs Clarke (22)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
A virgin did come from lowliest homeS. C. Clarke (Samuel Childs Clarke?) (Author)English3
All hail! all hail to the natal dayRev. S. Childs Clarke (Author)English2
Blessed and holy threeS. Childs Clarke (Author)2
Carol we joyfully while we recallS. Childs Clarke (Author)English2
Church of the Living God, Take up thy songS. Childs Clarke (Author)English2
Come one and all, come great and smallRev. S. Childs Clarke (Author)English2
Framer of the lightThe Rev. S. Childs Clarke (Author)English5
From out the spacious firmamentS. Childs Clarke (Author)English2
God is gone up, right merrily the strainS. Childs Clarke (Author)English2
Great Giver of all good, to Thee againS. Childs Clarke (Author)English5
Hail! all hail this brightest morning!S. Childs Clarke (Author)English2
In all Thou didst while here on earthS. Childs Clarke (Author)English2
Jesus, on this blessed mornRev. S. Childs Clarke (Author)English2
Jesus, our Lord and God, Worthy art ThouRev. S. Childs Clarke (Author)English2
Lord most holy, God most mightyRev. S. Childs Clarke (Author)English2
Lord of all creation, Now before Thy throneRev. S. Childs Clarke (Author)English9
Now a new year opensS. C.Clarke (Author)English33
O dark and dreary dayS. Childs Clarke (Author)English4
O Thou, who dwellest in eternityS. Childs Clarke (Author)English2
On the eve, before the SabbathS. Childs Clarke (Author)English2
Through dangers of the nightS. Childs Clarke (Author)English2
Up the stately hill of ZionRev. S. Childs Clarke (Author)English2
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