Walter John Dean

Short Name: Walter John Dean
Full Name: Dean, Walter John

Dean, Walter John. Retired minister of the United Church of Canada. Born in St. Helens, England, and served there for five years as an apprentice in the Pilkington Glass Works; because a local preacher in the Wesleyan Methodist Church; studied for a time in the Joyful News Home for Evangelists in Rochdale, England. In 1900 he went to Newfoundland as a candidate for the Methodist ministry; in 1904, took further theological studies at Mount Allison University in New Brunswick; served parishes in the Methodist Church and later the United Church, until 1940 when he retired.

--The Hymn Society, DNAH Archives

He [Dean] notes as to poetry that he "received his first inspiration among the rugged fishermen of Newfoundland." His sonnets have been published in periodicals in Canada and the United States.

--Eleven Ecumenical Hymns, 1954. Used by permission.

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