F. L. Eiland › Tunes

F. L. Eiland
Short Name: F. L. Eiland
Full Name: Eiland, F. L (Franklin Lycurgus)
Birth Year: 1860
Death Year: 1909

Franklin L. Eiland was born in Noxubee county, Miss., March 25, 1860. He was reared on the farm and attended the old field school. The
school house on the hill and the old Oaken Bucket, etc., etc., were objects of interest in his curriculum. He had traveled some before finally leaving home including a trip to Tx, but in 1882 he came to Tx to remain. November 13, 1884 he married Miss Mary E. Nisbett of Robertson county. She lived nine years. In 1894 he married Miss Ella May Kennedy of Van Zandt county. She lived only 10 days. October 21, 1896 he married Miss Minnie Jarushia Valentine of McLennan county. She still survives. They have one sweet little daughter, Mary Ella Oree. She is quite bright and is already starting music at the age of three. Little Elva Lynn came Sept. 16, 1901 and God took her
Aug. 9, 1902. The Eilands have been farmers and professional men along many lines, but Prof. Eiland was the only one that ever embarked in the music business. He was inclined to music from a child and appropriated all the advantages in this line that came his way. Many things of minor importance happened along his life but in 1884 he fell into a meeting conducted by Maj. W. E. Penn, and the superior music rendered there awaked all his latent talent and set him on fire with a desire to make a musician. He at once began a musical career that has attained an abundant success. He soon began teaching and continuing to study to became a composer. He sought the association of those who could teach him and in this and other ways has enjoyed advantages of the best talent to be found. In 1893 he began publishing. From this, came in due time The Trio Music Co. now operated in Waco. Prof. E. is president of the company and editor in chief of the journal. He moved later to Myrtle Springs to secure the benefit of the wonderful waters of those springs. He is given great credit for good influence wielded for his church and community.

From "The Southland", Vol. XII. No. 1, Waco Tx

Tunes by F. L. Eiland (45)sort descendingAsInstancesIncipit
[A crucified Savior]F. L. Eiland (Composer)255553 35544 45123
[Adieu to every fear!]Franklin Lycurgus Eiland (Composer)451232 15522 32512
[O 'tis sweet to sing this story]Franklin Lycurgus Eiland (Composer)313556 16555 65332
[Are you leading precious souls]F. L. Eiland (Composer)256333 21176 71665
[Are you tired of sin's delusion?]F. L. Eiland (Composer)212333 23512 33321
[Do you seek relief for your sin-sick soul?]Franklin Lycurgus Eiland (Composer)755111 55121 12333
[Endless joys await us yonder]F. L. Eiland (Composer)254356 51132 11215
[He calls today, for workers]F. L. Eiland (Composer)331511 31123 13531
[I am looking away to that cloudless shore]F. L. Eiland (Composer)234555 55561 11122
[I am safe from every danger]F. L. Eiland (Composer)235312 16133 33112
[I love to read and think of Jesus]F. L. Eiland (Composer)651115 11651 22231
[I want to be near Him]F. L. Eiland (Composer)2
[In the sunlight of His presence] (Eiland)F. L. Eiland (Composer)2
[In Thy love, dear Lord, dismiss us]F. L. Eiland (Composer)234536 55335 43213
[Is there heavy weight of care]F. L. Eiland (Composer)451332 31132 16155
[It, the world can never steal]F. L. Eiland (Composer)2
[Jesus is His grace supplying]F. L. Eiland (Composer)4
[Jesus loves me! Hark! the words]F. L. Eiland (Composer)234322 31615 12312
[Jesus my Savior promised that He, there, would be with me]F. L. Eliand (Composer)3
[Let me go to my home in the mansions of rest]F. L. Eiland (Composer)255555 55565 51112
[Little children, let us sing]F. L. Eiland (Composer)255556 55444 76555
[Look away from the cross to the glittering crown]F. L. Eiland (Composer)1534532 11121 65561
[My heart is in His keeping]F. L. Eiland (Composer)355535 61131 13255
[O behold the love of Jesus!]F. L. Eiland (Composer)3
[O would you be numbered as one of His fold?]Franklin Lycurgus Eiland (Composer)1213553 21123 51216
[O there is a time when the message will come]F. L. Eiland (Composer)1012333 31121 16555
[O would you be numbered as one of His fold?]F. L. Eiland (Composer)2
[Out from sin unto righteousness lifted]F. L. Eiland (Composer)212333 32135 57111
[Out on the glad hills of God's glory]F. L. Eiland (Composer)5
[Preach the gospel of Jesus 'tis God's pow'r unto salvation]F. L. Eiland (Composer)234555 65556 11655
[Reaper, reaper, see the fields are white]F. L. Eiland (Composer)2
[Sowing in the morning, sowing seeds of kindness] (Eiland)F. L. Eiland (Composer)234553 12171 65444
[Taken up from deathly sleeping]F. L. Eiland (Composer)2
[The dead in Christ are only sleeping]F. L. Eiland (Composer)556522 25623 66553
[The lifeboat is sailing, is sailing along]F. L. Eiland (Composer)255123 21232 15556
[There's a beautiful, beautiful land so fair]F. L. Eiland (Composer)334555 65351 53444
[Through this dreary life, with its toil and strife]F. L. Eiland (Composer)2
[Time is filled with swift transition]Franklin L. Eiland (Composer)5711156 56133 31235
['Tis the hand of my Lord that is leading my way]F. L. Eiland (Composer)3
[To the hand of Jesus clinging]F. L. Eiland (Composer)3
[Too late, 'twill be for you to cry]F. L. Eiland (Composer)655511 12312 22316
[Upon the cross where Jesus died]F. L. Eiland (Composer)551113 16535 53116
[We may all outride the tempest]F. L. Eiland (Composer)234556 71111 25123
[When the Master shall call us, from labor to rest]F. L. Eiland (Arranger)134556 51766 71165
[Young soldiers gird your armor on]F. L. Eiland (Composer)251111 65565 12353
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