Leon H. Ellis

Short Name: Leon H. Ellis
Full Name: Ellis, Leon H.
Birth Year: 1929

Ellis, Leon Henry. (Chattanooga, Tennessee, December 1, 1929-- ). Church of God. Graduate of Lee College and Luther Rice Seminary. Serves as Christian Education Director for the Churches of God in Maryland and Northern California. Pastorates include: Pompano Beach, Florida; Southside Estates, Jacksonville, Florida; and Concord, Georgia. Served on the National Music Committee of the Church of God. Most popular songs: "Win the Lost at Any Cost" and "For Me to Live Is Christ."

--Bob J. Neil, DNAH Archives

Texts by Leon H. Ellis (13)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
As we look around usLeon H. Ellis (Author)3
Awake ye Christian soldiersLeon H. Ellis (Author)2
I am happy with my LordLeon H. Ellis (Author)2
I have a friend who is dearer than allLeon H. Ellis (Author)2
I have been living for Jesus down hereLeon H. Ellis (Author)2
Let us praise the Lord, ye peopleLeon H. Ellis (Author)2
Some men live for wealth and worldly fameLeon H. Ellis (Author)2
The voice of the Lord speaks out of the treesLeon H. Ellis (Author)2
There is a highway of faith for todayLeon H. Ellis (Author)3
We're going up with Jesus, He is coming soonLeon H. Ellis (Author)2
What a joy to know as we onward goLeon H. Ellis (Author)2
When my heart was burdened down with careLeon H. Ellis (Author)2
You'd better watch how you walkLeon H. Ellis (Author)2
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