Warren R. Fitch

Short Name: Warren R. Fitch
Full Name: Fitch, Warren Rodolphus, 1836-1917
Birth Year: 1836
Death Year: 1917

Born: December 1, 1836, Rodman, New York.
Died: February 28, 1917, Lowville, New York.

A Methodist Episcopal minister, Fitch ran general stores in Morristown and Briar Hill, New York. He served as Justice of the Peace, Town Supervisor, and Postmaster at Brier Hill, and as treasurer of the Thousand Island Park Association. He also edited the Lowville Times, and wrote religious and other poetry.


Texts by Warren R. Fitch (25)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
A mansion in glory by faith I now seeW. R. Fitch (Author)2
God of all might, our fathers' GodWarren R. Fitch (Author)English4
God's love is eternalW. R. Fitch (Author)English3
Heard ye not voice from heavenW. R. Fitch (Author)2
How sweet the song the angels sangW. R. Fitch (Author)2
I am heir to a crownW. R. Fitch (Author)3
I know not the field where the Master todayRev. W. R. Fitch (Author)English6
I shall not pass this way againW. R. Fitch (Author)English3
If from the straight and narrow wayRev. W. R. Fitch (Author)English3
If I should die tonight, can I be sureW. R. Fitch (Author)English4
I'll follow whee my Master leadsW. R. Fitch (Author)2
Jesus, friend of sinners Thou!W. R. Fitch (Author)English3
Like ocean tides which ebb and flowW. R. Fitch (Author)2
Lord God of hosts to Thee we raiseW. R. Fitch (Author)English3
Lord, God of hosts, we askW. R. Ritch (Author)2
Of all my earthly treasures, there is none to me so dearW. R. Fitch (Author)English3
That I shall greet again some dayW. R. Fitch (Author)2
The bread that giveth [bringeth] strength I want to giveW. R. Fitch (Author)English4
The fields are all white for the harvest (Fitch)W. R. Fitch (Author)English3
This day is mine, Tomorrow may not beWarren R. Fitch (Author)4
This moment only is our ownRev. W. R. Fitch (Author)English2
Thou great eternal King!Rev. W. R. Fitch (Author)English2
Though from my Savior's side I strayW. R. Fitch (Author)3
Thy word, gracious Lord, I have hid in my heartRev. W. R. Fitch (Author)English4
Where'er our starry flag doth waveW. R. Fitch (Author)2
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