Michael Gannon

Short Name: Michael Gannon
Full Name: Gannon, Michael
Hymnary.org does not have biographical information about this person.

Texts by Michael Gannon (23)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
A garden shelters with its treesMichael Gannon (Author)English5
An angel hails a maiden's nameMichael Gannon (Author)English5
Behold a virgin bearing HimMichael Gannon (Author)English3
Blessed be our God and FatherMichael Gannon (Author)English3
Into our hearts, O Spirit, comeMichael Gannon (Author)English4
Jesus Christ is born of MaryMichael Gannon (Author)English2
Look down on us Saint JosephMichael Gannon (Author)English5
O bread of angels, Lord of loveMichael Gannon (Author)English6
O bread of life, O Lord of loveMichael Gannon (Author)3
O Father, Thou whose hand did mold creationMichael Gammon (Author)English5
O glorious triumphant dayMichael Gannon (Author)English5
O God, our refuge and our strengthMichael Gannon (Author)4
O Lord, in this great mysteryMichael Gannon (Author)English1
O Lord, Who showed us in Thy fastingMichael Gannon (Author)English5
O Lord, with wondrous mysteryMichael Gannon (Author)English10
O Mary, of all women, thou art [you are] the chosen oneMichael Gannon (Author)English7
Shadows of evening mark the path of nightM. Bannon (Author)English5
Singers, sing, and trumpets playMichael Gannon (Author)English8
Star upon the ocean, MariaMichael Gannon (Author)English6
The earth is full of the goodness of ChristMichael Gannon (Author)4
This is our accepted timeMichael Gannon (Author)English7
To Jesus holy, We Christians lowlyMichael Gannon (Author)English6
Welcome, Son of Mary, Lord of all the earthMichael Gannon (Author)English5
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