Mary C. Bishop Gates › Recommendations

Short Name: Mary C. Bishop Gates
Full Name: Gates, Mary C. Bishop, - 1905
Birth Year: 1842
Death Year: 1905

Gates, Mary Cornelia, née Bishop, daughter of William S. Bishop, of Rochester, N.Y., was married in 1873 to Merrill E. Gates, Secty. to the U. S. Indian Commissioners. Her hymns:—
1. Send Thou, 0 Lord, to every place [Missions], dated 1886;
2. Thy love to me, 0 Christ [Union with Christ, dated 1886,
are included in Sursum Corda, 1898. [Rev. L. F. Benson, D.D.]

--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)


Born: February 14, 1842, Rochester, New York.
Died: December 17, 1905.

Gates was a descendent of Roger Williams, founder of Rhode Island; daughter of William S. Bishop of Rochester, New York; and faculty member of Leroy Female Seminary. In 1873, she married Merrill E. Gates, Secretary to the U. S. Indian Commissioners and later president of Rutgers and Amherst Colleges. Mary belonged to the Woman’s Board for Foreign Missions of the Reformed Church in America (Dutch Reformed), and contributed to numerous periodicals, including The Independent, The Atlantic Monthly, The Christian Intelligencer, and The Youth’s Companion. Her other works include:

Hymns of Nature and Songs of the Spirit

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