Adam Geibel › Tunes

Adam Geibel
Short Name: Adam Geibel
Full Name: Geibel, Adam, 1855-1933
Birth Year: 1855
Death Year: 1933

Born: September 15, 1855, Neuenheim, Germany.
Died: August 3, 1933, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Though blinded by an eye infection at age eight, Geibel was a successful composer, conductor, and organist. Emigrating from Germany probably around 1864, he studied at the Philadelphia Institute for the Blind, and wrote a number of Gospel songs, anthems, cantatas, etc. He founded the Adam Geibel Music Company, later evolved into the Hall-Mack Company, and later merged to become the Rodeheaver Hall-Mack Company. He was well known for secular songs like "Kentucky Babe" and "Sleep, Sleep, Sleep." In 1885, Geibel organized the J. B. Stetson Mission. He conducted the Stetson Chorus of Philadelphia, and from 1884-1901, was a music instructor at the Pennsylvania Institution for the Instruction of the Blind. His works include:

Evening Bells, 1874
Saving Grace, with Alonzo Stone (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Stone & Bechter, Publishers, 1898)
Consecrated Hymns, (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Geibel & Lehman, 1902)
Uplifted Voices, co-editor with R. Frank Lehman (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Geibel & Lehman, 1901)
World-Wide Hosannas, with R. Frank Lehman (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Geibel & Lehman, 1904)
Hymns of the Kingdom, co-editor with R. Frank Lehman et al. (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Geibel & Lehman, 1905)

Tunes by Adam Geibel (660)sort descendingAsInstancesIncipit
[A happy greeting now we bring]Adam Geibel (Composer)254565 11123 53546
[A happy sound is floating through the air]Adam Geibel (Composer)455555 55435 56666
[A long time I struggled with conflicts within]Adam Geibel (Composer)355653 43321 22676
[A priceless gift to men was given]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[A royal guest stands at the door]Adam Geibel (Composer)213321 56535 54332
[A storm one time was raging wild]Adam Geibel (Composer)355317 64217 12435
[A storm was out on fair Judea's hills]Adam Geibel (Composer)455531 27653 51352
[A Sunday School army here gathered are we]Adam Geibel (Composer)255453 43232 11216
[Abide with me, fast falls the eventide] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)253453 23543 66615
[Across the mystic maze of years]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[All around this very hour]Adam Geibel (Composer)1055131 35665 31325
[All I am belongs to Jesus]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[All is dark]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[All my cloudy days are bright with sunshine]Adam Geibel (Composer)234555 65515 51777
[All our songs of grateful praise]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[All that thou hast is the gift of the Lord]Adam Geibel (Composer)355556 71765 54345
[All the future years are held within the Father's keeping]Adam Geibel (Composer)535532 12621 23553
[All the way home]Adam Geibel (Composer)354344 32366 61534
[All who with heart confiding]Adam Geibel (Composer)253167 15555 55553
[Am I a soldier of the cross] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)551113 24356 53212
[Angel voices, ever singing] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)233556 76532 35243
[Angles of light]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[Another year of working]Adam Geibel (Composer)251712 17122 12333
[Anything for Jesus would I gladly do] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[Are you heavy laden, are you sad at heart]Adam Geibel (Composer)533223 11122 35432
[Art thou weary of thy sins?]Adam Geibel (Composer)251123 55565 12551
[As a sign of heavenly mercy]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[As the sound of many waters]Adam Geibel (Composer)255114 33266 17665
[As the voice of many waters]Adam Geibel (Composer)255156 34325 51112
[Awake, awake, O earth, awake and sing]Adam Geibel (Composer)351133 56513 32222
[Awake, O world from slumber]Adam Geibel (Composer)251117 12153 51117
[Be a loving helper everywhere you go]Adam Geibel (Composer)335555 34555 56623
[Be a witness for the Master] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)311176 56543 33212
[Be Thou our guide, O Man of Galilee]Adam Geibel (Composer)353216 56565 56556
[Beautiful country! land of light!]Adam Geibel (Composer)634455 35177 65434
[Beautiful daisies, pure and white]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[Beautiful days, bright with His praise]Adam Geibel (Composer)251234 12356 53432
[Beautiful flowers of Eden]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[Beautiful home that lies afar]Adam Geibel (Composer)255132 15171 22712
[Behold! a royal army]Adam Geibel (Composer)2551712 75517 12332
[Behold! behold! behold! the King cometh]Adam Geibel (Composer)251515 15345 13636
[Beloved one, thy earthly work is finished]Adam Geibel (Composer)253333 44323 15222
[Beside the sea of Galilee the little children played]Adam Geibel (Composer)233123 44335 12433
[Beside the sea, the multitude were thronging]Adam Geibel (Composer)254533 47123 51235
[Bethlehem so lovely, Bethlehem so dear]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[Beyond the hills, beyond the sea]Adam Geibel (Composer)355665 56651 76543
[Blessed bells, gospel bells]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[Blessed, blessed Savior] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)255451 53346 55432
[Blessed is the man that provideth]Adam Geibel (Composer)255555 55666 65434
[Blest who Thy house inhabit]Adam Geibel (Composer)255135 54332 75555
[Bow down Thine ear, O Lord, and hear our prayer]Adam Geibel, 1855-1933 (Composer)655566 53243 56677
[Brother, turn thy footsteps homeward]Adam Geibel (Composer)355113 11771 24671
[Called to service royal]Adam Geibel (Composer)317121 76567 65323
[Calling, a voice from heaven]Adam Geibel (Composer)353565 42212 32675
[Praise, joyful praise, Holy Father, to Thee]Adam Geibel (Composer)1631353 51321 33217
[Carol, carol, carol, carol ye with glee]Adam Geibel (Composer)235353 56531 44646
[Caroling clear in the morning sunlight]Adam Geibel (Composer)356556 55176 54565
[Carry the sunlight wherever you go] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)555654 34512 33213
[Cheerily, cheerily swell the glad song]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[Children of Zion, sing the new song]Adam Geibel (Composer)232343 21645 51235
[Chime, beautiful bells, till all the wide world]Adam Geibel (Composer)253215 56765 55725
[Christ is born, Christ is born] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[Christ is risen from the dead] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)2
["Christ is risen," tell the tale]Adam Geibel (Composer)253555 65575 72121
[Christ, our Lord, has won the battle]Adam Geibel (Composer)254545 63351 71674
[Christ the Lord is risen today] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)211112 12333 22176
[Christ, the Son of God, once wounded]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[Christian, learn this lesson] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)355511 53513 23325
[Christian sing, O sing forever]Adam Geibel (Composer)251725 17123 33217
[Christmas bells are gaily ringing] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)256611 76551 43326
[Christ's messengers are going forth]Adam Geibel (Composer)355565 32123 35332
[Come and praise the Lord of earth and heaven]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[Come, come away to the house of prayer]Adam Geibel (Composer)356511 23433 34532
[Come home as you are, who wander afar]Adam Geibel (Composer)353333 34543 33223
[Come near to thy father and tell Him thy need]Adam Geibel (Composer)1212321 54323 21561
[Come, O come ye, O seek his courts with praise]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[Come to Me, all ye so weary]Adam Geibel (Composer)354531 66513 54243
[Come, to the light of Easter day]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[Comforter holy, come to the lowly]Adam Geibel (Composer)654531 21615 54535
[Conquest calls us forth to the fray]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[Cradled in a manger, On the fragrant hay]Adam Geibel (Composer)433322 15554 36665
[Dear Lord, we lift our hearts to Thee]Adam Geibel (Composer)255351 76554 65243
[Disturbed by care, by burdens pressed]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[Do kind things promptly; don't delay]Adam Geibel (Composer)434465 31554 57645
[Do you hear the bugle sounding on the hilltops]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[Do you hear the Shepherd calling?]Adam Geibel (Composer)234531 66512 17653
Do you know that Christ is list'ning?]Adam Geibel (Composer)212332 17223 46521
[Down at the cross where the Savior died] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)633333 34432 22222
[Forth in the dawnlight cool, and sweet, and tender]Adam Geibel (Composer)954532 21766 55671
[Elijah once stood praying]Adam Geibel (Composer)551111 11233 33333
[Do you hear that gentle whisper]Adam Geibel (Composer)1955153 15522 32132
[Ever be loyal to Jesus]Adam Geibel (Composer)851356 35554 32343
[Ev'ry nodding blossom seems to say today]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[Eyes have grown wistful, and hearts have grown sad]Adam Geibel (Composer)233333 32123 55554
[Fair and peaceful was the dawning]Adam Geibel (Composer)235612 32153 65322
[Fair are thy blossoms, O lily of hope]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[Fair were the roses that grew where He trod]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[Faith saw a realm these eyes can never see]Adam Geibel (Composer)454512 17676 55551
[Far and near sweet and clear]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[Far beyond all the reaches of our vision here]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[Far out on the cold rugged mountains of sin]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[Far out on the mountain, so dark and so cold]Adam Geibel (Composer)253213 17676 55567
[Farewell, farewell, Christmas morn]Adam Geibel (Composer)3
[Father hold my hand]Adam Geibel (Composer)333223 31123 43333
[Father, now our offering take]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[Fear not to tread life's road, dear friend]Adam Geibel (Composer)255653 12123 54332
FINGER LAKESAdam Geibel (Composer)455112 34565 33343
[Fishers, was your toil but vain]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[Flowers are blooming everywhere]Adam Geibel (Composer)253176 42753 21355
[For this is not your rest]Adam Geibel (Composer)455555 55655 11221
[Forward, all rejoicing, with the Savior we will go]Adam Geibel (Composer)3
[Forward marching, never look behind you]Adam Geibel (Composer)253635 44322 53523
[From the North and the South, from the East and the West]Adam Geibel (Composer)255111 13455 55553
[From the ocean's rolling tide]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
GEIBEL (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)18053333 33331 71454
[Give me no earthly treasures]Adam Geibel (Composer)511116 53334 56253
[I'll speak a word for Jesus] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)413216 53133 54343
[Glory be to the Father, and to the Son] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)215345 65512 33217
[Glory to God in the highest!] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)311111 12155 67123
[Go forth, go forth to Galilee]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[Go forth to speak for Christ today]Adam Geibel (Composer)332176 65576 55765
[Go forward, go forward!]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[Go, like the Master and carry gladness]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[Go out in the highway, the dear Master said]Adam Geibel (Composer)213215 65321 35165
[Go quickly, go, the angelic words repeating]Adam Geibel (Composer)217656 71712 31454
[Go, sinner, go and take thy rest]Adam Geibel (Composer)251123 42111 34555
[Go ye into all the world] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)254353 21617 65224
[Go ye, serve your Lord]Adam Geibel (Composer)316563 32126 57656
[God hath made the flowers, beautiful and fair]Adam Geibel (Composer)313651 53216 51365
[God in love now seeks the sinner]Adam Geibel (Composer)232313 56543 56165
[God is our refuge and our strength] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)353212 32176 66666
[God loved the world with all its sin]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[God's blessed word we read with joy]Adam Geibel (Composer)335654 34356 56717
[God's kingdom is within the heart]Adam Geibel (Composer)413531 34653 54325
[God's storehouse in heaven is filled to the brim]Adam Geibel (Composer)251317 27134 55666
[Golden hearted daisies gem the meadows gay]Adam Geibel (Composer)234453 17616 54572
[Good morrow to all that is helpful and glad]Adam Geibel (Composer)255351 51327 11161
[Grace more abounding, O who can tell]Adam Geibel (Composer)331235 43222 71243
[Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)311117 21175 55555
[Hail His name! the mighty One adore]Adam Geibel (Composer)211156 53117 22223
[Hail the joy to mortals given]Adam Geibel (Composer)333326 66555 15433
[Hail the Lord of glory]Adam Geibel (Composer)417121 71677 77672
[Hail to the springtime, the wide world adorning!]Adam Geibel (Composer)233453 51765 34543
HALL (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)234517 16556 66
[Hallelujah, hallelujah, lift the voice]Adam Geibel (Composer)232345 45671 77331
[Happy children we, to sing]Adam Geibel (Composer)333432 16556 71713
[Happy little sowers, scattering by the way]Adam Geibel (Composer)534451 57665 62345
[Hark! all the world is singing]Adam Geibel (Composer)234535 32117 76543
[Hark! hark! hark! to the rallying call]Adam Geibel (Composer)233321 66653 33216
[Hark! hark! my soul! Angelic songs are swelling] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)1532132 17121 645
[Hark! hark! the Savior calls]Adam Geibel (Composer)231654 52343 31654
[Hark, O hark, a call for workers]Adam Geibel (Composer)332353 32352 21246
[Hark! ten thousand harps and voices] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)235172 16533 51767
[Hark, the birds and brooklets singing]Adam Geibel (Composer)334325 32111 46153
[Hark! what mean those holy voices] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)254332 34543 16556
[Has the day brought hurt and sorrow]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[Have ye seen Him in the glory]Adam Geibel (Composer)255654 33671 32125
[Have you sought them, have you sought them?]Adam Geibel (Composer)334556 45534 32132
[He giveth us the victory]Adam Geibel (Composer)234555 55651 76543
[He has chosen helpers tried and true]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[He has come! the Christ of God] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)555671 54336 53322
[He spake in the cloudy pillar]Adam Geibel (Composer)355671 77654 56766
[He who clothes the lily fair] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)234517 66671 21771
[Hear our happy voices spreading over the plains]Adam Geibel (Composer)3
[Hear the glad melody, heaven's sweet chime]Adam Geibel (Composer)251232 14123 33352
[Hear the Spirit pleading, soft and low]Adam Geibel (Composer)334321 56155 43513
[Hear us, Heavenly Father] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)333556 51543 32335
[Hear ye now the gladsome tidings]Adam Geibel (Composer)411156 56715 66535
[Hearken one and all to the earnest call]Adam Geibel (Composer)234325 23215 17564
[Heavenly Father as we bow before Thee]Adam Geibel (Composer)634465 35211 77124
[Heavenly Father, this I pray]Adam Geibel (Composer)453431 35517 12253
[Here's to water pure and bright]Adam Geibel (Composer)353451 17771 76766
[Ho, every one that thirsteth] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)255511 53325 25335
[Hold fast the faith all glorious]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[Holy Father, we adore Thee] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)855651 57666 43261
[Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)211113 35555 55671
[Home and friends, our only idols]Adam Geibel (Composer)233336 55444 76523
[Hoping in Jesus, hoping in Jesus]Adam Geibel (Composer)454565 32343 35432
[How can I help but praise Him]Adam Geibel (Composer)215535 65132 16133
[How can we serve the Master]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[How do I know I love the Christ my Savior]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)3
[How green is the hillside; how fresh is each tree]Adam Geibel (Composer)355453 13543 44434
[How happy we'd be could we but understand]Adam Geibel (Composer)351232 34345 53556
[How many sad partings we have on earth's shore]Adam Geibel (Composer)855456 53232 15616
[How sweet that Bible story]Adam Geibel (Composer)212343 21512 35433
[How sweet the name of Jesus sounds] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)253515 76554 21235
[I am a pilgrim to a land]Adam Geibel (Composer)351217 67665 34535
[I am anchored to his goodness]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[I am coming home, dear Savior]Adam Geibel (Composer)651334 33171 24323
[I am on the race course]Adam Geibel (Composer)355111 21767 11233
[I am satisfied today with Jesus' gospel as it came]Adam Geibel (Composer)254433 33351 76666
[I am walking where the shadow]Adam Geibel (Composer)213556 51556 43453
[I believe in God the Father Almighty] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)212233 21267 12233
[I came to Jesus sick and poor]Adam Geibel (Composer)251332 12445 24432
[I come, O Lord, when troubled waves are stirring]Adam Geibel (Composer)633233 44123 13543
[I could not live without Him]Adam Geibel (Composer)256531 32224 32356
[I could not live without my Savior]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[I do not know why oft 'round me]Adam Geibel (Composer)4154516 16754 57575
[I have a friend, than whom I need no other]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[I have a Savior, O, so kind]Adam Geibel (Composer)233445 12161 65653
[I have a song within my heart] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)234555 32176 55671
[I have an Anchor that holds me safe]Adam Geibel (Composer)355553 56551 22212
[I have trusted in Thy mercy, O my Savior]Adam Geibel (Composer)212333 33543 26217
[I heard my Master gently say]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[I love the bright hued flowers that bloom]Adam Geibel (Composer)956534 32623 27555
[I love the happy, happy Christmas time]Adam Geibel (Composer)455565 45361 17654
[I love to think of Jesus, who else could it be]Adam Geibel (Composer)855671 21116 66666
[I need Thee, Lord, for life is sometimes dreary]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[I once was bound with chains of sin]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[I read that whosoever]Adam Geibel (Composer)1055332 35311 15533
[I stood face to face with a sorrow]Adam Geibel (Composer)655111 12365 12222
[I want to be faithful to Jesus]Adam Geibel (Composer)213333 21565 13333
[I was glad, I was glad] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[I was glad when they said unto me] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)355134 56715 55552
[I will compass Thine altar with songs of thanksgiving]Adam Geibel (Composer)334545 31761 66555
[I will follow Thee, my Savior] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)212355 65133 12351
[If the clouds are drifting]Adam Geibel (Composer)234231 71276 54534
[If we are following Christ each day]Adam Geibel (Composer)554543 32621 76655
[If we could array them, how many are they]Adam Geibel (Composer)253335 31513 65354
[If we only knew that the things we do]Adam Geibel (Composer)234555 43544 44445
[I'm asking no questions of thee, dear Lord]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[I'm but a stanger here] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)255556 51322 23322
[I'm drinking at the gospel wells]Adam Geibel (Composer)355653 12123 35653
[I'm happy in the service of the King]Adam Geibel (Composer)234555 55546 51233
[I'm trusting him to keep my soul]Adam Geibel (Composer)255565 11112 21233
[I'm trusting in my Pilot]Adam Geibel (Composer)255556 54345 31655
[In a manger low, in a cattle shed]Adam Geibel (Composer)3
[In days of youth so bright and fair]Adam Geibel (Composer)455451 16615 11332
[In the cross of Christ I glory] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)3
[In the footsteps of our Savior] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)251333 51365 33525
[In the garden of the Master]Adam Geibel (Composer)4
[In the hall of judgment see the Savior stand]Adam Geibel (Composer)433333 62217 11133
[In the home country of our King]Adam Geibel (Composer)212321 56517 24764
[In the King's highway, let us haste this day]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[In the midst of temptation]Adam Geibel (Composer)655111 25552 12312
[In the murmur of the breeze]Adam Geibel (Composer)534553 45655 54326
[In the name of Jesus there is music]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[In the shadow of the rock] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)434555 55135 55777
[In the vineyard of our Father] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)334556 76531 35422
[In Thy footsteps, blessed Master]Adam Geibel (Composer)556532 31555 12353
[In truth and grace I want to grow] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)555331 16615 13552
[In yonder stable gleams a light]Adam Geibel (Composer)432112 17743 22321
[It may be He'll come in the morning]Adam Geibel (Arranger)355655 43322 34766
[I've a tender and loving Friend]Adam Geibel (Composer)212334 13212 11613
[I've found that earth's waters will never satisfy]Adam Geibel (Composer)555356 76532 11212
[I've heard the news and it's glad, good tidings]Adam Geibel (Composer)255651 23431 55531
[Jerusalem, the golden] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)255456 53111 41332
[Jesus, and shall it ever be] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)333333 41333 35332
[Jesus, blessed Savior] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)235433 22432 33543
[Jesus comes, love's greatest treasure]Adam Geibel (Composer)212334 31512 35433
[Jesus is my Shepherd kind]Adam Geibel (Composer)311123 63533 32132
[Jesus is tenderly calling today]Adam Geibel (Composer)232343 12165 57235
[Jesus knows earth's cares and sorrows]Adam Geibel (Composer)255531 66551 17544
[Jesus' little lamb am I] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)253333 42422 23655
[Jesus, lover of my soul] (Geibel 31233)Adam Geibel (Composer)331233 41231 32171
[Jesus, Lover of my soul] (Geibel 37215)Adam Geibel (Composer)237215 13716 65333
[Jesus, Savior, we are coming]Adam Geibel (Composer)454332 36556 43453
[Jesus the mighty conqueror]Adam Geibel (Composer)451111 11233 43252
[Joy! Joy! Joy! Hearts and voices blending]Adam Geibel (Composer)311765 67646 56763
[Joyfully ringing over hill and dale]Adam Geibel (Composer)233332 13556 77715
[Just ahead the days are brighter]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[Just beyond the River Jordan there's a land so bright and fair]Adam Geibel (Composer)234554 56535 11121
[Just beyond the rolling river] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)513554 56515 33525
[Keep me, O Lord, this day O keep thou me]Adam Geibel (Composer)232317 76465 35232
[Keep telling the wonderful story]Adam Geibel (Composer)334555 56715 56665
LATANEAdam Geibel (Composer)155156 71512 33222
[Lay aside the works of darkness]Adam Geibel (Composer)212333 23453 12333
[Lead us, Savior, lead us ever]Adam Geibel (Composer)654431 77621 17465
[Learn to look on the bright side]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[Let every heart rejoice and sing] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)251113 45653 1
[Let every thankful heart rejoice]Adam Geibel (Composer)251567 12321 56712
[Let us freely give today]Adam Geibel (Composer)335554 22234 65355
[Let us sing the story over again]Adam Geibel (Composer)212333 21232 34222
[Lift His banner on the highest mountain]Adam Geibel (Composer)3
[Light of ages, gleaming bright]Adam Geibel (Composer)251356 66335 13566
[Like a golden chain of beauty]Adam Geibel (Composer)234514 36223 46725
[Lilies of Easter, wondrously fair]Adam Geibel (Composer)336554 42543 36554
[Linger never in the valley]Adam Geibel (Composer)234517 53765 11235
[List to the choral the reapers are singing]Adam Geibel (Composer)233334 32676 51217
[List to the songs of the ages]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[Listen, catch the Christmas strain]Adam Geibel (Composer)315313 51321 26424
[Listen to the song the birds are singing]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
["Lo, I am with you," sweet words of cheer]Adam Geibel (Composer)256765 32564 35676
[Lo, the fruitful harvest]Adam Geibel (Composer)355456 51234 32176
LOCKERAdam Geibel (Composer)2
[Look well to your cables, my brother]Adam Geibel (Composer)1751111 21172 22432
[Lord, have mercy upon us] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)255555 65551 23211
[Lord, hear us today, O turn not away]Adam Geibel (Composer)551712 52123 35365
[Lord Jesus, low we bow]Adam Geibel, (1855- ) (Composer)454323 11765 45565
[Love so full, love so free]Adam Geibel (Composer)235235 23451 12246
[Love's redeeming work is done] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)233333 54432 34477
LULLABY (Geibel)Adam Geibel, 1855-1933 (Composer)1033332 15555 36665
[Many in darkness are far astray]Adam Geibel (Composer)855554 51355 44465
[March boldly on, march boldly on] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)355555 66661 11122
[March onward, gladly onward]Adam Geibel (Composer)234532 31655 66524
[Marching, ever onward]Adam Geibel (Composer)217121 53234 35456
[Marching in the sunshine, 'neath the sky so blue]Adam Geibel (Composer)255136 53176 55567
[Marching on together, singing as we go]Adam Geibel (Composer)211776 53555 51177
[Marching with the heroes] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)3333321 65567 21744
[May the Lord in love and mercy]Adam Geibel (Composer)233432 16511 15433
[Mindful of his mercies, boundless, free]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[Murmuring softly, caroling gently]Adam Geibel (Composer)654531 32126 64626
[My beautiful home on high] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)255556 54512 11765
[My cup with blessing overfloweth]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[My Father who painteth the lilies]Adam Geibel (Composer)3
[My heart is glad tonight, I'm living in the light]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[My Savior, I would sing His praise]Adam Geibel (Composer)254333 23544 44322
[My soul for the Savior is waiting]Adam Geibel (Composer)351343 21565 13565
[My steadfast heart, O God] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)256517 67565 21711
[Neath the banner of his love we are marching]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[Never alone do we journey below]Adam Geibel (Composer)633331 23413 22271
[Never friendless, I have a wonderful Friend]Adam Geibel (Composer)333333 21717 64253
[Not a mountain streamlet]Adam Geibel (Composer)455545 15332 34355
[Now fades the day in crimson light]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[Now Jesus knocks, O let Him in]Adam Geibel (Composer)555331 53312 35432
[Now let us sing the Angels' song] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)255113 54655 15332
[Now we hail the joyous chime]Adam Geibel (Composer)355316 64274 64435
[O angel fair of Easter dawn]Adam Geibel (Composer)355465 31433 21266
[O bring your heart, an offering]Adam Geibel (Composer)213353 32111 46155
[O bring your service true to Jesus]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[O Christ of God who lived for me]Adam Geibel (Composer)453143 16551 36532
[O city fair, beyond the sea]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[O city of David arouse from rest]Adam Geibel (Composer)351121 76711 11222
[O come, let happy voices]Adam Geibel (Composer)212317 21517 61615
[O day of resurrection] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)334532 15176 14653
[O for words to sing]Adam Geibel (Composer)334555 17666 61774
[O God, regard my humble plea]Adam Geibel (Composer)356534 32261 77465
[O happy land, whose sons in youth]Adam Geibel (Composer)353371 21254 41232
[O haste to thy labor, there's much to be done]Adam Geibel (Composer)253235 32176 55656
[O hungry soul to Jesus flee]Adam Geibel (Composer)251131 22423 35332
[O lovely star in heaven so bright]Adam Geibel (Composer)332343 16532 35212
[O magnify the Lord with me] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)355112 35565 32125
[O many a blossom sweet and fair]Adam Geibel (Composer)251112 17671 56713
[O name of names the sweetest]Adam Geibel (Composer)456545 15323 54356
[O praise the Lord, His name adore]Adam Geibel (Composer)253232 12177 54343
[O shining portal]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[O sinner, come list to this wonderful story]Adam Geibel (Composer)251713 21546 53123
[O sinner, come listen, I'll tell unto you]Adam Geibel (Composer)351216 55136 55676
[O sinner, hear the Savior's voice] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)332315 61743 42672
[O the joyful thought that ever we]Adam Geibel (Composer)354515 32165 12356
[O theme of music's pages]Adam Geibel (Composer)455545 65333 32175
[O, we greet with joy and song]Adam Geibel (Composer)251323 23513 23235
[O we love the blessed story]Adam Geibel (Composer)234532 16511 76132
[O weary of heart, heavy laden]Adam Geibel (Composer)1033335 43322 23465
[O! what shall your influence be]Adam Geibel (Composer)355556 66655 51113
[O win the world for Jesus, for the call is sounding]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[O wonderful, wonderful tidings]Adam Geibel (Composer)255455 45351 33354
[Over the billows light is streaming]Adam Geibel (Composer)251353 34215 51325
[Over the sunlit plain]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[Oft as returns the Holy Day] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)253333 31233 53126
[O little shell by the sea shore]Adam Geibel (Composer)255511 13122 26626
[O ring the joybells over and over]Adam Geibel (Composer)253543 32617 24655
[O tell the world that the Lord is King]Adam Geibel (Composer)251111 23211 32222
[On our way rejoicing] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[On the blessed Rock of Ages]Adam Geibel (Composer)633432 36514 43333
[On this day of gladness, let us join to sing]Adam Geibel (Composer)253566 55136 65351
[Once, Gideon at God’s command]Adam Geibel (Composer)451324 35565 33213
[Once I stood by the pool]Adam Geibel (Composer)555111 11231 43322
[Once king Belchazzar gave a feast]Adam Geibel (Composer)356513 32266 54535
[Once shepherds in the fields their flocks were tending]Adam Geibel (Composer)313517 65615 31351
[Open thy heart to the love of the Savior]Adam Geibel (Composer)454517 65435 44342
[Our barks may be launched on life's voyage]Adam Geibel (Composer)251111 23217 66617
[Our Father gives us happy hours]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[Our friends are gathering one by one] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)351112 34565 35633
[Our Lord His coming will delay]Adam Geibel (Composer)255665 56651 32176
[Our motto shall be forward]Adam Geibel (Composer)453333 55524 32353
[Our song is one of loving praise]Adam Geibel (Composer)334534 33262 32756
[Our way grows bright with a holy light]Adam Geibel (Composer)233353 57655 43452
[Out in the glow of the sunshine]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[Out on the ocean the mad billows toss]Adam Geibel (Composer)232132 17243 54354
[Over a city shineth at night]Adam Geibel (Composer)331355 65455 67116
[Over the ocean in silence grows]Adam Geibel (Composer)251352 46716 14653
[Praise God, I live in Beulah land] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)851324 35565 31332
[Praise His name, praise the mighty Father]Adam Geibel (Composer)211176 54312 25567
[Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul]Adam Geibel (Composer)355111 22234 32233
[Praise the Lord, whose love befriending us]Adam Geibel (Composer)534556 63333 45566
[Praise the name of Christ in Heaven]Adam Geibel (Composer)656513 43212 31163
[Praise to thee, Jehovah, Jesus]Adam Geibel (Composer)255567 12765 12353
[Praise to Thee, our Father]Adam Geibel (Composer)415316 55143 22531
[All hail the power of Jesus' name] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)553353 32123 11123
¿QUIEN VENDRA?A. Geibel (Composer)251161 15544 332
[Rays of sunshine softly beaming]Adam Geibel (Composer)334556 71556 54453
[Rejoice! rejoice! for Jesus reigns]Adam Geibel (Composer)851155 67123 16217
[Remember thy Creator] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)553176 15511 24353
[Ring, bells of Christmas, clear and strong]Adam Geibel (Composer)232365 35176 51653
[Ring out the happy Easter Bells]Adam Geibel (Composer)353332 35133 22524
[Ring out ye bells]A. Geibel (Composer)231553 15535 43212
[Ring, ring, ye bells, in chimings sweet]Adam Geibel (Composer)233234 23156 71232
[Rise up, my soul, to greet the morn]Adam Geibel (Composer)232133 21553 51532
[River and valley, mountains so grand]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[Rivers are flowing gently, free]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[Rock of Ages, cleft for me] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)312233 45435 43244
[Roll on, O sunlit sea]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[Room for my Savior here]Adam Geibel (Composer)355324 31116 16534
[Safely through another week] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)234563 21114 32123
[Savior, I come to Thee] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)554565 67671 54565
[Savior, send Thy spirit now]Adam Geibel (Composer)354531 65335 33232
[Say, do we know what a Friend is nigh?]Adam Geibel (Composer)333453 21656 67112
[Scatter shining sunbeams]Adam Geibel (Composer)235465 32171 62435
[Scattering sunbeams, scattering sunbeams]Adam Geibel (Composer)251233 41231 51352
[See Him rise to victory]Adam Geibel (Composer)213561 11171 76765
[See how the little songster]Adam Geibel (Composer)212354 21112 35652
[See the seal is rudely broken] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)317154 32156 53213
[Seedtime and harvest since time began]Adam Geibel (Composer)253454 57656 56171
[Send a ray of light, just a ray of light]Adam Geibel (Composer)234453 34326 26176
[Shepherd Divine, be thou near me]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[Praise ye the Father, let every heart give thanks to Him] (Gounod)Adam Geibel (Arranger)455514 44321 54333
[Shout glad hallelujahs, O praise Him with song]Adam Geibel (Composer)251176 17576 36555
[Shout the Savior's praises]Adam Geibel (Composer)213513 13216 51351
[Shout the tidings over the earth]Adam Geibel (Composer)212316 71316 16512
[Since my Savior I did view]Adam Geibel (Composer)232431 61221 23553
[Since the blessed Savior sought me when I went astray]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[Sing His praises all the day]Adam Geibel (Composer)235354 34535 15433
[Sing in His temple a song of thanksgiving]Adam Geibel (Composer)334451 32165 33517
[Sing, O sing the blessed story]Adam Geibel (Composer)255551 54321 66662
[Sing, O ye people, sing of the Savior]Adam Geibel (Composer)254515 32365 54272
[Sing of His love at morning light]Adam Geibel (Composer)254534 32254 57665
[Sing unto God with gladness]Adam Geibel (Composer)355555 15111 13255
[Singing in the morning]Adam Geibel (Composer)255676 53334 54322
[Sinner, far away from God]Adam Geibel (Composer)231431 65153 32314
[Smile in God's name, though dark the sky]Adam Geibel (Composer)432156 76543 21234
[Softly the accents ring]Adam Geibel (Composer)255556 53276 55555
[Soldiers of the cross, awaken]Adam Geibel (Composer)234321 56176 65551
[Soldiers of the cross, be loyal]Adam Geibel (Composer)217654 53512 34567
[Soldiers see that banner over you]Adam Geibel (Composer)335434 53543 45351
[Some day I shall cross the river]Adam Geibel (Composer)333335 13222 34653
[Some day, when the rays of the glorious sun]Adam Geibel (Composer)255123 21412 33543
[Somebody needs the kind words you might speak]Adam Geibel (Composer)732355 43321 12133
[Someone amid the highways where we dwell]Adam Geibel (Composer)211345 65671 12332
[Someone beheld me a soul lost in sin]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[Someone must tell the glad story]Adam Geibel (Composer)332312 33332 12653
[Sometime, somewhere, beyond earth's fleeting shadows]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[Sometime the storms of life will cease]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[Somos hoy llamados al servicio]Adam Geibel, 1855-1933 (Composer)211763 45653 25253
[Sovereign mercy a sinner may claim]Adam Geibel (Composer)255111 21233 55312
[Sowing beside all waters]Adam Geibel (Composer)554532 15656 16534
[Spread garments of praise now before Him]Adam Geibel (Composer)255432 35465 15354
[Standing like a lighthouse on the shores of time]Adam Geibel (Composer)3855645 32116 55567
[Still He walks upon the wave]Adam Geibel (Composer)256717 67651 23217
[Sunset and evening star] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)333344 33514 43511
[Sunshine on the hilltops]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[Surrounded by temptations]Adam Geibel (Composer)253525 34556 51265
[Keep in heart, be ever patient]Adam Geibel (Composer)312234 65135 42431
[Sweep on to conquer the unknown world]Adam Geibel (Composer)317654 32267 65432
[Sweet bells, ring on your Christmas song]Adam Geibel (Composer)453215 53215 55653
[Sweet the moments, rich in blessing] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)356515 34565 12325
[Take heed what you sow in life's field day by day]Adam Geibel (Composer)334555 56717 65351
[Take my life, and let it be] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)213556 51116 65431
[Take my moments, blessed Jesus]Adam Geibel (Composer)532214 33226 17655
[Take the cross, shrink not, nor falter]Adam Geibel (Composer)251312 71512 33322
[Take thy need unto the Father]Adam Geibel (Composer)251334 32311 35442
[Teach me, O God, that I may know]Adam Geibel (Composer)253333 44335 55543
[Tell me about the Master]Adam Geibel (Composer)732141 31112 12543
[Tell the good news of the kingdom]Adam Geibel (Composer)253453 21566 61232
[Tell the world of Jesus]Adam Geibel (Composer)455545 15611 76544
[Thanks be to God for the clear morning light]Adam Geibel (Composer)211113 21765 33451
[The bells of the temple now ring]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[The birds are praises singing]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[The blessed old banner, the banner of our King!]Adam Geibel (Composer)251765 34567 13542
[The buds and flowers to life are waking]Adam Geibel (Composer)311335 53321 14461
[The call of God is clear today; it soundeth loud and long]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[The cares of the day oft perplex us]Adam Geibel (Composer)353234 12355 21254
[The Christian's life is born of faith]Adam Geibel (Composer)355566 46511 12146
[The cry, to arms! to arms! has sounded]Adam Geibel (Composer)251215 34565 13333
[The Day of Resurrection] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)251721 43353 32224
[The earth, with all that dwell therein] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)353371 32621 76726
[The Easter morning, clear and bright]Adam Geibel (Composer)253333 32266 55243
[The fairest Light that ever pierced earth's darkness]Adam Geibel (Composer)256721 71511 75713
[The fullness of God's wondrous love]Adam Geibel (Composer)3
[The hills are crowned with roses]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[The hope of the world is Calvary]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[The light of dawn with splendor now tints the shadowed sky]Adam Geibel (Composer)235353 32317 12323
[The long roll-call is sounding]Adam Geibel (Composer)351716 76551 71255
[The Lord came down to the Garden of Eden]Adam Geibel (Composer)251133 21123 34553
[The Lord is in His holy temple] (Geibel 133333)Adam Geibel (Composer)213333 33333 44446
[The Lord is in His Holy Temple] (Geibel 133332)Adam Geibel (Composer)213333 22551 66666
[The Lord is our Refuge]Adam Geibel (Composer)333433 21235 43334
[The Lord watch between me and thee] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)233333 43623 26523
[The love of Christ, so wonderful and holy]Adam Geibel (Composer)253451 31766 55176
[The Master is calling in some way to all]Adam Geibel (Composer)251111 76654 56554
[The Master stands outside the door]Adam Geibel (Composer)353726 16754 56712
[The mighty hills encircling]Adam Geibel (Composer)351165 11232 34222
[The morning bright, with its golden light]Adam Geibel (Composer)255556 35555 17765
[The morning light shone faint and dim]Adam Geibel (Composer)355321 76555 67112
[The old world needs Jesus to heal its sin]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[The pealing bells are sounding]Adam Geibel (Composer)251217 17676 65652
[The precious sacrifice is made]Adam Geibel (Composer)355321 76556 43212
[The redeemed of the Lord, in glad freedom returning]Adam Geibel (Composer)355535 63653 56332
[The royal banners lead the way]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[The royal command shall claim each heart]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[The Sabbath hours, the Sabbath hours]Adam Geibel (Composer)255331 21165 51235
[The Savior is risen for you and for me]Adam Geibel (Composer)355672 13322 26622
[The Savior comes to dwell on earth]Adam Geibel (Composer)354345 55555 15435
[The Savior now is calling] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)255451 17655 74355
[The sepulchre was empty]Adam Geibel (Composer)312354 33217 66543
[The Son of God goes forth to war] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)253312 33123 14133
[The standard of the Lord among His people]Adam Geibel (Composer)251111 11671 11233
[The study of God's Word reveals]Adam Geibel (Composer)355671 32217 76664
[The sunny hours are over]Adam Geibel (Composer)253123 12366 53123
[The weakening pulse the shortening breath]Adam Geibel (Composer)255431 76512 34427
[The world is the Lord’s and the heavens on high]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[The world was hushed in a dreamless sleep]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[There are countless blessings all our way adorning]Adam Geibel (Composer)334565 65653 26712
[There are lights hung out from the walls]Adam Geibel (Composer)234565 32111 12354
[There are many today who are wandering away]Adam Geibel (Composer)455321 32121 62165
[There are words like music ringing]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[There is a day between the Spring and Summer]Adam Geibel (Composer)234455 66765 31217
[There is a healing fountain]Adam Geibel (Composer)255453 21151 76721
[There is a hope that never fades]Adam Geibel (Composer)253353 21615 11325
[There is a land of pure delight] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)254513 23512 34665
[There is a song I never tire of singing]Adam Geibel (Composer)532155 66161 55766
[There is gladness in my spirit]Adam Geibel (Composer)634554 56533 21217
[There is hope for the penitent one]Adam Geibel (Composer)234555 55551 12321
[There is joy among the angels] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)434565 45132 21165
[There is music in the streamlet]Adam Geibel (Composer)455117 76654 56651
[There is one of whom my praises never shall end]Adam Geibel (Composer)255112 43215 53132
[There's a beautiful blossom called Pity]Adam Geibel (Composer)651323 52431 11177
[There's a beautiful city by angel feet trod]Adam Geibel (Composer)213565 53564 65512
[There's a beautiful city, it may be quite near]Adam Geibel (Composer)234565 32146 15556
[There's a blessed Book that's given for the saving of mankind]Adam Geibel (Composer)312333 22134 55543
[There's a blessed day coming]Adam Geibel (Composer)232117 12177 12243
[There's a blessing for me]Adam Geibel (Composer)555111 17122 22345
[There's a Friend for friendless pilgrims]Adam Geibel (Composer)234555 55651 76543
[There's a glory bright fills earth with light]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[There's a mansion just over the river]Adam Geibel (Composer)712365 47651 11176
[There's a mansion over yonder]Adam Geibel (Composer)412332 15535 66551
[There's a mighty conflict in this world of sin]Adam Geibel (Composer)255132 15355 53453
[There's a place that I know]Adam Geibel (Composer)251323 54332 31116
[There's a song in my heart, 'tis a glorious song]Adam Geibel (Composer)234555 51231 65517
[There's a song in the air] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)331564 53156 45345
[There's a thought that comes all happiness to bring]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[There's a valley that leads from the beautiful hills]Adam Geibel (Composer)634555 53454 65556
[There's a wedding feast preparing]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[There's a wonderful star in the cold winter sky]Adam Geibel (Composer)334537 54765 46555
[There's nothing too hard for the Lord]Adam Geibel (Composer)251111 23565 31112
[There's rest for you at Jesus' feet]Adam Geibel (Composer)255453 17655 55555
[There's victory in Jesus]Adam Geibel (Composer)351712 17465 67655
[They tell me of a country]Adam Geibel (Composer)213213 56556 64655
[This day the sound upon the street]Adam Geibel (Composer)755565 21176 55765
[This is my mission wherever I go] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)233334 45645 54345
[This world has nothing sweet or fair]Adam Geibel (Composer)255453 17655 65632
[This world is far too dreary for]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[Though days may be serene and bright]Adam Geibel (Composer)453353 32232 11217
[Though naught of the roadway that lieth before]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[Though the dark clouds rise on the sunny skies]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[Though when walking down life's valley]Adam Geibel (Composer)355343 21512 35432
[Thou art my portion, Lord]Adam Geibel (Composer)251532 11233 34523
[Thou art the King of Israel]Adam Geibel (Composer)211232 15653 12321
[Though he slay me with the hand]Adam Geibel (Composer)212314 33211 17655
[Through the meadows stealing softly with the breeze]Adam Geibel (Composer)212356 53143 42345
[Tis done for Thee!]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
['Tis joy to go where Jesus leads]Adam Geibel (Composer)353535 57757 24665
[To God, our Creator, glad voices we raise]Adam Geibel (Composer)213535 15132 71333
[To His dear voice I listened]Adam Geibel (Composer)634555 51557 65233
[To my blessed Lord and Savior, as He walks before me here]Adam Geibel (Composer)634554 56535 11121
[To my Savior now I go]Adam Geibel (Composer)353511 21233 45533
[To the blessed work before us]Adam Geibel (Composer)212333 33266 17246
[To the great harvest fields are you going?]Adam Geibel (Composer)234555 56715 17656
[To the summer-land of beauty we are going]Adam Geibel (Composer)934545 13216 51525
[To you, kind friends, once more we come]Adam Geibel (Composer)334532 15665 51513
[Today all over the world one sees]Adam Geibel (Composer)351113 21767 12333
[Trust in the Lord with all thine heart] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)254532 13551 51332
[Trusting in Jesus through life I go]Adam Geibel (Composer)233331 23435 11233
[Try to carry sunshine]Adam Geibel (Composer)832123 34543 22171
TUSCONAdam Geibel (Composer)354512 17671 55123
[Twine the Easter garland] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)255645 13335 42355
[Unfurl the Gospel banner]Adam Geibel (Composer)251567 12321 35356
[Uplifted voices, Heaven's Choir]Adam Geibel (Composer)251353 63535 13525
[Upon the cross our Savior died] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)412333 43222 71222
["Upward, growing upward," say the blooming flow'rs]Adam Geibel (Composer)455351 53327 13333
[Valley lilies, meek and lowly]Adam Geibel (Composer)253235 32356 71
[Wake, wake, wake! Flowers cease from dreaming]Adam Geibel (Composer)211767 67651 17676
[Walk in the footsteps of Jesus]Adam Geibel (Composer)253453 21551 11123
[Wave new glory, conquering flag of love]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[We are children of a Savior]Adam Geibel (Composer)234532 17654 33544
[We are ever marching on]Adam Geibel (Composer)232356 14321 23215
[We are going on a journey to a country bright and fair]Adam Geibel (Composer)334513 22117 61765
[We are hasting away to that beautiful fold]Adam Geibel (Composer)255323 54333 21145
[We are looking away from the vale of time]Adam Geibel (Composer)613555 54565 56544
[We are marching, we are marching on with gladness]Adam Geibel (Composer)434555 56545 15345
[We are restless little children]Adam Geibel (Composer)234532 31517 76534
[We come this happy, happy day]Adam Geibel (Composer)234532 31212 13455
[We come, we come, like the hosts of old to triumph over sin]Adam Geibel (Composer)1253321 23161 51212
[We come, we come, we merrily come]Adam Geibel (Composer)253333 32123 35443
[We come, we come, with joy today]Adam Geibel (Composer)234532 17653 53243
[We give our lives to Him so loyally]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[We have a strong city, in Judah's land fair]Adam Geibel (Composer)353321 76532 12334
[We may sing of sunlit meadows]Adam Geibel (Composer)251332 32151 35545
[We meet once more with hearts aflame]Adam Geibel (Composer)251513 56535 46721
[We rally today to honor our King]Adam Geibel (Composer)553132 53132 51235
[We shall cross the mystic river, one by one]Adam Geibel (Composer)1112334 33267 11235
[We sing of a glorious morrow]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[We sing of a land that is lovely and bright]Adam Geibel (Composer)213215 43243 21161
[We will shine for Christ our Savior]Adam Geibel (Composer)255545 66667 77123
[We wonder why the leaves must fall]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[Weary and laden with sin]Adam Geibel (Composer)333332 12444 43215
[Weary with toiling and worn out with care]Adam Geibel (Composer)355554 56535 66617
[Welcome, royal-hearted Summer, crowned with beauty, light and flower]Adam Geibel (Composer)413555 56555 15765
[We're a happy band of pilgrims, bound for glory]Adam Geibel (Composer)334555 55565 15317
[What can we do for Jesus?] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)355511 65511 17122
[What is the theme of joy today?]Adam Geibel (Composer)355531 61557 77511
[What praises shall I render]Adam Geibel (Composer)255545 11413 35532
[What though the days be dreary]Adam Geibel (Composer)355457 66534 61233
[What will you do with the King called Jesus]Adam Geibel (Composer)2235315 56176 56671
[When all the noise and stir of life]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[When clouds, dark as midnight, hang over my head]Adam Geibel (Composer)255453 43267 11176
[When I cannot see the sunlight through the clouds]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[When I see life's golden sunset lighting up the rosy west]Adam Geibel (Composer)912355 65332 12165
[When I shall see my Lord and King]Adam Geibel (Composer)535653 24332 34276
[When I survey the wondrous cross] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)254531 53443 42763
[When Jesus dwelt upon our earth]Adam Geibel (Composer)251353 63565 17652
[When life's cares are great and crushing]Adam Geibel (Composer)233235 33222 34644
[When night her mantle throws around]Adam Geibel (Composer)455451 76536 54621
[When our voyage of life is ended]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[When the cross that God my Father gives]Adam Geibel (Composer)3
[When the Lord shall come to call you]Adam Geibel (Composer)354567 21175 67574
[When the morning breaks in splendor]Adam Geibel (Composer)434555 65423 44434
[When the strife is ended]Adam Geibel (Composer)3
[When the summer comes with its cloudless skies]Adam Geibel (Composer)255355 43266 21765
[When toiling along over desert and plain]Adam Geibel (Composer)255345 65543 44423
[When trouble oppress you O do not despair]Adam Geibel (Composer)455655 35616 55666
[Whenever I hear the Christmas bells]Adam Geibel (Composer)355671 17717 24655
[Where the sparkling waters flow]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[While I tread this vale of tears]Adam Geibel (Composer)234322 31765 45334
[While my trust is stayed on Jesus]Adam Geibel (Composer)256543 23211 71466
[While Sabbath bells their sweetest tune]Adam Geibel (Composer)232176 56556 17665
[While sailing o'er the sea of time]Adam Geibel (Composer)253353 32234 46443
[While shepherds watched their flocks]Adam Geibel (Composer)217654 65333 33432
[While the first faint hues of morning]Adam Geibel (Composer)254651 17665 56543
[While upon the pilgrim's pathway moving toward the promised land]Adam Geibel (Composer)412332 13321 35565
[While your face is toward that city]Adam Geibel (Composer)734555 55535 66666
[Who is this King of Glory]Adam Geibel (Composer)256551 23353 12333
[Who plants along a wayside drear]Adam Geibel (Composer)251217 67665 51234
[Who will stand up for the pure and true]Adam Geibel (Composer)255554 51355 43465
[Who'll do his best to honor our Jesus?]Adam Geibel (Composer)255555 61116 51112
[Why 'mid dangers straying]Adam Geibel (Composer)255621 53513 23325
[Winning precious souls for Jesus]Adam Geibel (Composer)317123 45143 45615
[With bright colors flying, on Jesus relying]Adam Geibel (Composer)255456 51532 34353
[With God's love, from above]Adam Geibel (Composer)232121 65671 32345
[With joyful songs and happy cheer]Adam Geibel (Composer)254513 23512 34621
[With love and praise all nature's voice is sounding]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[With mansions of fairness and beauty, and rareness]Adam Geibel (Composer)1855655 35121 16654
[With merry hearts and gay]Adam Geibel (Composer)253232 37216 55532
[With song we celebrate the day]Adam Geibel (Composer)355345 31653 54345
[Withdraw not thy hand from the work of the Lord]Adam Geibel (Composer)213213 21565 32123
[Wonderful Bible, Book of all ages]Adam Geibel (Composer)654532 17665 51354
[Wonderful love that saves my soul]Adam Geibel (Composer)254532 16567 11233
[Wondrous are the mercies daily sent from heaven]Adam Geibel (Composer)632372 17655 54345
[Words of gladness greet thy beauteous ray]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[Work away, with happy heart]Adam Geibel (Composer)2
[Work for Jesus in your home-life]Adam Geibel (Composer)355555 12175 55552
[Working today in the vineyard]Adam Geibel (Composer)232115 17643 26766
[World wide hosannas fill the air]Adam Geibel (Composer)253243 56653 12535
[Would keep in touch with Jesus every day]Adam Geibel (Composer)312332 13321 56522
[Would you go rejoicing on]Adam Geibel (Composer)612321 65123 21651
[Would you labor for the Master] (Geibel)Adam Geibel (Composer)3
[You are launching your boat on the sea of life]Adam Geibel (Composer)212333 32345 31233
[You say there's a Savior that came to this earth]Adam Geibel (Composer)355453 16545 35666
[Zion need not fear though many foes await her]Adam Geibel (Composer)255111 12212 35653
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