Edward Harland

Short Name: Edward Harland
Full Name: Harland, Edward, 1810-1890
Birth Year: 1810
Death Year: 1890

Harland, Edward, M.A., was born at Ashbourne, Derby, 1810, and educated at WadhamCollege, Oxford, where he graduated B.A., 1831; M.A., 1833. On taking Holy Orders he became Curate of Newborough, 1833-36; of Sandon, 1836-51; Vicar of Colwich, Staffordshire, 1851; and Prebendary in Lichfield Cathedral, 1873. In 1858 he published Index Sermonum. His Church Psalter and Hymnal was first published in 1855, and contained 209 hymns and 8 doxologies. In 1863 a Supplement was added: in "186-" [1865] it was revised and enlarged as the "2nd edition,” and in 1876 a Supplement of 184 hymns was added to the 2nd edition, making 584 hymns in all, most of the "Christmas Carols," &c, of the 2nd edition being omitted. To the various editions of this Hymnal, Prebendary Harland contributed the following hymns:—
1. Behold a humble train. (1863.) Presentation of Christ.
2. Beloved disciple! Illustrious name. St. John Evangelist.
3. Breathing slaughter 'gainst thy people. (1863.) Conversion of St. Paul.
4. Heirs of Thy salvation. (1863.) St. Michael and All Angels.
5. Here life is a shadow, and soon will he o'er. (1863.) 0ld and New Year. Written "Oct. 12, 1862, on Wolseley Bridge, with the Trent flowing below." Included in the Hymnal, 1863.
6. Holy men, in olden time. (1863.) Common of Evangelists.
7. In the time of trial. (1863.) For Resignation. An imitation of, and companion hymn to, Montgomery's "In the hour of trial."
8. Jesus calls to us to-day. (1867.) S. School Anniversary.
9. Jesus is the sure foundation. (1S63.) St. Peter.
10. Jesus, King of glory. (1863.) Faithfulness and its Reward.
11. Jesus, these lips can ne'er proclaim. (1863.) Praise to Jesus.
12. Jesus, when Thy cross I see. (1863.) Passiontide.
13. Lord, I never will deny Thee. (1863.) St. Peter.
14. Lord Jesus, when Thou wouldst appear. (1863.) The Annunciation.
15. Lord, Thine ancient people see. (1855 (?).) For the Jews.
16. Lord, we bend before Thy throne. (1867.) Unfavourable Harvest.
17. Lord, when earthly comforts flee. (1855.) Resignation.
18. My Lord, and my God, blessed word that declared. (1863.) St. Thomas.
19. Now, Lord, to every heart make known. (1855.) Passiontide. "This hymn was written at the time of the author's Ordination as Deacon, in 1833. He chose for his first text 1 Cor. i. 23, ‘We preach Christ crucified,' the sermon and the hymn being composed for the same occasion. He has preached from the same text, and this hymn has generally been used on the return of that day, for more than fifty years." It was included in his Hymnal, 1855.
20. O come, all ye faithful, Come, see the place. (1867.) Easter. Pt. i.
21. O come, ye that labour. (1867.) Easter. Pt. ii,
22. O for a humbler walk with God. (1855.) Lent.
23. O Heavenly Jerusalem, Thou city of the Lord. (1863.) Heaven. "This hymn was suggested to the author in a dream. In the night of Oct. 5, 1862, he dreamed that ho saw the choirs of heaven ten thousand times ten thousand, in white robes, marching into a glorious Temple singing this hymn. He awoke, rose from bed, procured a light, and wrote down the words on the back of a letter as he had heard them in his dream, and then retired to rest again. The next morning he found the hymn on his dressing table." It was given in his Supplement, 1863.
24. 0 Thou by Whom the healing art. (1863.) St. Luke.
25. Stephen, first of martyrs, we. (1863.) St. Stephen.
26. The chorus raise of highest praise. (1863.) Praise.
27. This day in this Thy holy place. (1867.) Friendly Societies.
In addition to these the Supplement of 1876 contained his "And now this Holy day," for Sunday. The majority of Prebendary Harland's hymns are for the minor festivals, and are worthy of more attention than they have received. He died June 8, 1890.

-- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology


Harland, Edward, p. 491, i. He died at Bishton Hall, Colwich, June 8, 1890.

--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

Texts by Edward Harland (6)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
And now this holy dayRev. E. Harland (Author)English12
And now this hour of praiseEdward Harland (Author)English2
Behold a humble trainEdward Harland (Author)English10
Jesus, King of glory, throned above the skyRev. Edw. Harland (Author)English26
Lord, thine ancient people seeEdward Harland (Author)English7
O for a humbler walk with GodEdward Harland (Author)English3
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