E. Pauline Johnson

E. Pauline Johnson
Short Name: E. Pauline Johnson
Full Name: Johnson, Emily Pauline, 1861-1913
Birth Year: 1861
Death Year: 1913


Born: March 10, 1861, Six Na­tions Re­serve, near Brant­ford, On­tar­io, Ca­na­da.
Died: March 7, 1913, Van­cou­ver, Ca­na­da.
Buried: Stan­ley Park, Van­cou­ver, Ca­na­da.

Daughter of Mo­hawk chief G. H. John­son and his Eng­lish wife, Em­i­ly How­ells, Paul­ine was a re­cit­al­ist, po­et, and au­thor. Be­tween 1892 and 1910, she con­duct­ed read­ing tours in Ca­na­da, Amer­i­ca and Bri­tain. Her works in­clude:

The White Wam­pum (Lon­don: John Lane, 1895)
Canadian Born (To­ron­to, Can­a­da: Mor­ang, 1903)
Legends of Van­cou­ver (Van­cou­ver, Ca­na­da: Da­vid Spen­cer, Lim­it­ed, 1911)
Flint and Fea­ther (To­ron­to, Ca­na­da: Mus­son, 1912)
The Shag­ga­nap­pi (To­ron­to, Can­a­da: Briggs, 1913)
The Moc­ca­sin Mak­er, pub­lished post­hu­mous­ly (To­ron­to, Can­a­da: Briggs, 1913)

Cyber Hymnal

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