[A beautiful land by faith I see] (Bradbury) | Haldor Lillenas (Arranger) | 1 | 55656 71233 23232 |
[A crown of thorns my Savior wore] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | 53323 41333 25215 |
[A friend have I who standeth near] (Lillenas) | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[A glad invitation is ringing today] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 5 | |
[A light on my pathway to banish the night] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[A man whose name was Gideon was needed by the Lord] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 1 | |
[A message in song I am bringing] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | 55123 21555 65317 |
[A mighty throng with battle song is marching by] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[A pilgrim am I and a stranger] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[A river of life, unbounded and broad] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 4 | 53231 55654 42127 |
[A Savior have I more precious to me] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 4 | 53215 11767 |
[A Savior of infinite love I have found] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[A Savior wonderful is He, beyond my fondest dreaming] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[A song my heart is singing] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[A song of triumph rings, upon the breeze it sings] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 51111 13555 55566 |
[Across life's sea, through calm and storm] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[After the labors of earth are all done] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[After the shadows cometh the sunshine] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[All my heart belongs to Jesus] (Lillenas) | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[All of my trials will flee away] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[All on the altar, nothing reserving] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[All to Thee, my blessed Savior] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Along the pathway of the years] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[Always I'm ready and willing] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Amid the turmoil and the strife we turn to Thee] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[An open door, an empty tomb] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Are you building today for eternity] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Are you lost on the highways and byways of sin] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Are you tempest tossed on a sea of strife] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Are you walking the path that is leading] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 6 | 12323 13453 |
[As a golden sun that's setting] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[As I sail life's rugged sea] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | 54653 54657 64655 |
[As you seek for the pleasures that soon pass away] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[At home or abroad, on land or on sea] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 35453 51115 11171 |
[Be kind to the lost and the helpless] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Be still, my soul, be still, be still] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Behold the loving Savior stands] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 8 | 53217 76223 42753 |
[Blessed Savior, draw me nearer] (Lillenas) | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 6 | 55117 65343 46543 |
[Blessings, like sunshine, fall on our way] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Break forth and sing, of Christ the King] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[By day and by night I am thrilled by a voice] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 1 | 13333 21556 55176 |
[Call Him by His name of Jesus] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[Calm me, O God, and keep me calm] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Can you turn from a friend who loves you] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Cheer, ye faithful children of the gospel light] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 55456 53456 55477 |
[Christ came to His own who were going astray] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | 53333 21176 75444 |
[Church of God, awaken; heed the Lord's command] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 5 | 55551 54324 67777 |
[Close to our divine Redeemer clinging] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Close to the heart of Jesus] (Lillenas) | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[Close to Thy heart, blessed Savior] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Come and whisper soft and low] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 1 | |
[Come, while the door is open] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 55565 31555 45355 |
[Come with thy burdens and come with thy fears] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 8 | 55517 65553 44423 |
[Coming to Jesus my Savior, I found] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 26 | 53456 71765 56575 |
[Count me with the children of the heavenly King] (Chorus) | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 51111 17655 35444 |
[Creeds there are unnumbered everywhere we go] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[Crown Jesus your Savior, Lord and King] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 6 | 53213 51115 32135 |
[Cuán glorioso será cuando el pueblo leal] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 55545 17677 77444 |
[Darkness will flee and the morning shall dawn] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Deep within the heart of God] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 33333 33366 55444 |
[Dewdrops of mercy are falling] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Do you have any rivers to cross] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Do you know Jesus, the Friend of the friendless] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 1 | |
[Do you know the language of Canaan?] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 12321 76511 23143 |
[Don't try to succeed without Christ as your friend] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 13333 23555 52555 |
[Don't turn Him away] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | 32123 13212 31666 |
[Don't you know that Jesus knows all your care] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 6 | 34545 65167 23434 |
[Down in the depths He found me] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 1 | |
[Dusky hands are reaching for the bread of life] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 7 | 55456 53133 35545 |
[Every day I am writing a record] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Every passing moment, every fleeting hour] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Faithful little workers we must be] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Far away from my friends, yet there's One who is near] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Far beyond all human comprehension] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 5 | 32323 54326 21212 |
[Far from Thy goodness I’ve wandered away] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Far I have wandered, sadly I’ve squandered] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 4 | |
[Fathomless the love and matchless grace] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 4 | 33321 57662 32174 |
[For me to live is Christ, O what wondrous thought] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[For the cause of right we've enlisted to fight] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | 34555 65332 34323 |
[For what the Lord has done for me] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Friends have walked beside me here below] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[From heaven Christ my Savior came] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[From the Land of Here to the Land of There] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Fully persuaded, now to believe] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 1 | |
[Gathered in an upper chamber] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Gentle Peace, from heaven descended] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 1 | |
SING HOSANNA | Haldor Lillenas (Arranger) | 2 | 55532 12161 55532 |
[Give me the dear old Bible as my guide each day] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 8 | 33455 65351 77223 |
[Glorious Redeemer, wonderful Redeemer] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Glory to God there's a shout in my soul] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 53451 23121 55666 |
[God bless our native land] (Lillenas) | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[God does not always lead me where the spring time zephyrs blow] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[God is able to save the lost] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 4 | |
[God is living, God is reigning] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
["God with us," is the name of our King] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 6 | 34532 13453 45321 |
[God's grace divine shall ever safely guide me] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 51233 65121 75724 |
[God's love is an ocean so boundless] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 55451 71266 77656 |
[God's truth is like a hammer] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[God's way is best for me I know] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Gone is my burden of sin and shame] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Grace there is sufficient for each trying hour] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[Gracious is the promise of our living Lord] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 4 | 33321 11761 55171 |
[Great is the boundless love of the Savior] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 1 | |
[Great is the Lord of the earth and sky] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Great is the marvelous mystery of grace divine] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | 33333 33333 56744 |
[Hail to the glorious Potentate] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
HAINSWORTH (Hainsworth) | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 1 | 54457 65354 45765 |
[Happy birthday, happy birthday] | Halodr Lillenas (Composer) | 1 | |
[Happy birthday to you] (Lillenas) | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Happy Christian children are we] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[Has the Gospel been expounded] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 34517 65334 51767 |
[Have you felt the touch of the nail-pierced hand] (Lillenas) | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Have you found redemption through the Son of God] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 4 | 12333 21355 51233 |
[Have you heard of the Savior dear] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | 34545 65355 17121 |
[Have you heard the sobbing of a thousand million souls] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 5 | 55171 23217 6155 |
[Have you reached this abiding place in Jesus?] | Haldor Lillenas (Arranger) | 1 | 51333 33231 55133 |
[Have you received the blessing] (Lillenas) | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 54565 53434 54333 |
[Have you seen the surging masses] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 34554 51117 64615 |
[Have you wandered far away on the mountains cold and gray] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[He holds thy future in His hand] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[He keeps on loving us still] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Heaven is in my soul today] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 32343 63221 23252 |
[Hide me away in the cleft Rock of Ages] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[Holy Spirit, breathe upon us] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | 32114 32254 32171 |
[Holy Spirit, God most holy] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Hosanna to Jesus! hosanna to Thee] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 53321 55666 55771 |
[How can I in sadness pine when I have Jesus] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[How could Jesus love me so] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[How good is God, His mercies manifold] | Halder Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 32323 32212 21254 |
[How great the expanse of the love of God] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[How oft I've walked life's weary road] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[How rich is the mercy and grace of our Lord] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[How strange it is that men can shun] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | 56515 65445 47565 |
[I am living in the sunshine of my great Redeemer's love] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[I am living on a higher plane since Jesus lifted me] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 55111 23311 26666 |
[I am living under grace] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[I am not only saved from sin] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[I am on the gospel highway of the ransomed and the blest] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[I am rejoicing, for Jesus is mine] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[I am rejoicing in Jesus] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 6 | |
[I am singing and rejoicing every passing day] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[I am singing day by day] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[I am singing of the One who saved my soul] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[I am singing on my homeward way] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[I am traveling toward the land of day] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 4 | 54545 11774 3434 |
[I am walking and talking with Jesus my King] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 34563 56351 23 |
[I am walking in the light of the Lord] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 34555 65121 3 |
[I am watching for the coming] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | 51334 33257 22321 |
[I believe the Bible, blessed book divine] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[I came unto Jesus confessing my sin] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 1 | 51111 71217 13555 |
[I can never be the same since that unforgotten hour] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[I come to Thee, my living Lord] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[I come to Thee, Thou living Lord] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[I do not know why it must be] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[I found such a wonderful Savior] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 14 | 53235 43266 76543 |
[I have a friend who is ever nigh] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[I have a Savior, wondrous, strong] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 1 | |
[I have a Savior whose love will abide] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[I have been saved by the power of Jesus] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[I have been to Jesus and He heard my prayer] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 12332 36554 4 |
[I have come out of Egypt and its bondage drear] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[I have fixed my eyes on the things on high] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[I have found a friend most precious] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 1 | 32135 65343 24765 |
[I have found a friend who cannot falter] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[I have found a precious resting place] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 11 | 55123 43225 57246 |
[I have found a secure foundation] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[I have left old Egypt's strand] | H. Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 34546 53351 72166 |
[I have left the wilderness beyond the rolling tide] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[I have many reasons for loving the Lord] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[I have moved out of sorrow into gladness] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | 34555 45655 11176 |
[I have taken up my cross for Jesus] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[I have tarried for the power] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[I heard a song, a song of hope and cheer] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[I hunger to know more of Jesus] | Haldor Lillenas (Arranger) | 1 | 35556 53511 12321 |
[I know a name that can drive away all sorrow] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 10 | 16175 34564 321 |
[I know not how my Savior] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 53545 77544 32333 |
[I know not when the light shall break] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[I know the Lord will make a way for me] (Harris) | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 51233 34231 33455 |
[I lost the world with its sin and shame] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 7 | 51234 33211 76513 |
[I love Him more and more] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 4 | |
[I may not see the reason for my tears] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[I never can forget the moment] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[I never knew, until the Savior found me] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[I once could not see the dear Savior] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 53532 53215 61465 |
[I remember when the Lord spoke to my soul] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 8 | 55111 23321 27122 |
[I sail today a sea] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[I saw one hanging upon a tree] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[I serve the Lord from day to day] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | 55651 32111 17651 |
[I shall not want while Jesus leads] | Haldor Lillenas (Arranger) | 1 | 51233 41335 42432 |
[I shall stand one day at the great white throne] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[I walk with my Lord in fellowship sweet] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 1 | |
[I wander over the weary world] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[I wandered far in a weary land] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 53213 21333 53217 |
[I wandered through the wilderness] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | 51115 66551 1721 |
[I was full of sin, Now I'm pure within] | Haldor Lillenas, 1885-1959 (Composer) | 4 | 55111 12333 31555 |
[I was weary and discouraged with my weight of woe] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[I will be what He wants me to be] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 51333 55215 13333 |
[I will lift up mine eyes to the mountains] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[I will say yes to Jesus] (Lillenas) | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 55545 65333 43244 |
[I will sing a song of the home beyond the blue] | Haldor Lillenas (Arranger) | 1 | |
[If nights are long and days are drear] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 32153 21443 24676 |
[If the love of all ages since time was begun] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 55535 55355 6466 |
[If the roses had no petals] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[If the world and all of its wealth you gain] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 12321 34565 11765 |
[If you ever get discouraged with the work you have to do] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[If you want help from a friend ever true] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[If you wish to turn from sin] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[I'll never let go of Jesus] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 55671 76775 55671 |
[I'm abiding today in Canaan land] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 5 | 34554 51312 1765 |
[I'm nearer to the land of joy and peace] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[I'm rejoicing today] (Lillenas) | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[I'm trustingly walking along life's way] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 51765 67123 1222 |
[I’m wondrously saved and redeemed from all sin] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[I'm working each day for the Master] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[In God's hand my soul is resting] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[In Jesus I found such a wonderful Friend] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[In tender compassion He sought me] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[In the battles for the Lord there always is] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 56543 45132 17671 |
[In the battles of your life you never shall defeated be] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[In the beautiful home, in the land of the blest] | Haldor Lillenas (Arranger) | 2 | |
[In the dark heathen night they are dwelling] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[In the days of old, of which we are told] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 54333 54333 55561 |
[In the shelter of the Rock of Ages] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | 34555 56551 12331 |
[In the upper room in Jerusalem] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 4 | 12355 12355 12353 |
[In the vineyard of the Lord are many workers it is true] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[In the wilderness shall streams be found] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 4 | 56543 17774 54326 |
[In the wondrous realms of grace] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 54333 45652 22344 |
[Into a closer fellowship with Thee Lord] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Is your heart sorely grieved, and in sorrow bereaved] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Is your way thorn beset and uncertain] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 12333 32165 12332 |
[It helps me forget every sorrow] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | 13332 32113 55545 |
[It is glory just to walk with Him whose blood has ransomed me] | Haldor Lillenas, 1885-1959 (Composer) | 30 | 34555 56535 11111 |
[I've a joy so sweet I never can express it] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | 54333 33456 53517 |
[I've found a true friend in my Savior] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 1 | |
[I’ve left the land of Egypt with its bondage drear] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 4 | |
[Jesus came down to this world of woe] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, soon will sweep across the sky] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 55111 11112 33221 |
[Jesus, I my cross have taken] (Hawaiian) | Haldor Lillenas (Arranger) | 2 | |
[Jesus is the children's Friend] (Lillenas) | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Jesus is worthy the best I have] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 32154 56155 11123 |
[Jesus loves the children] (Lillenas) | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[Jesus needs your service every passing day] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Jesus only is the worlds' great need] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Jesus shall reign where'er the sun] (Lillenas) | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 55566 55656 71217 |
[Jesus the Savior is more than a man] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Jesus, the very thought of Thee] (Lillenas) | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Jesus will walk with me down through the valley] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 18 | 33332 35556 54444 |
[Just a few more tears and heart aches] | Haldor Lillenas (Arranger) | 1 | |
[Just a little sunshine, just a little cheer] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | 33234 33232 65671 |
[Just a little sunshine on the rain] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 4 | |
[Just for today I'll walk along life's journey] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 1 | |
[Keep the song waves rolling] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Kind is the hand of the Father of love] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[Let my life speak for Thee, dear Lord] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Let old time heart religion] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 1 | |
[Life's sunshine may be checkered with its shadows] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 4 | 55334 55655 33443 |
[Lift up the gospel banner] (Lillenas) | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 1 | 51535 11123 33217 |
[Lift up your voice in jubilant song] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Like the fragrance of flowers] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 7 | 55535 15123 32211 |
[Like the sunshine after rain] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 6 | 32117 65453 5322 |
[Out of the depths to the glory above] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 20 | 33332 15555 66655 |
[Line up, line up for Jesus, go forward to the fight] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 5 | 13515 31511 27113 |
[List, across the ocean comes the call today] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Little children, now are we] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 32156 15321 61743 |
[Little stars that shine so fair] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 31544 32275 43366 |
[Living forever, O marvelous thought] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 7 | |
[Lo! a mighty host, with the Holy Ghost] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | 34555 17666 76565 |
[Lo, a voice is calling out across the waters deep and wide] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 4 | |
[Long my stubborn will kept saying to the Master] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Long years ago, I heard my mother pray] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[Look on the brightest side of life] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Lord, I am pleading; hear Thou my prayer] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 6 | 33331 21653 33314 |
[Lord, I am waiting at Thy feet] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[Lord, let me die to selfish desires] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[Lord, to be Thine, yes, wholly Thine today] | Haldor Lillenas (Arranger) | 2 | |
[Loving me, forsaking His heavenly home] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Loyal I would ever be] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 34545 65157 66562 |
[Many are groping in darkness today] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Many are the deeds that I can never do] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 4 | 32323 12326 67676 |
[Many things may seem obscure] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 5 | 55111 11135 55553 |
[Many weary years I vainly sought a spring] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 55555 43451 17777 |
[Merrily sing your song] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
['Mid the changing scenes of a changing life] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Must I live in doubt and fear, not ever knowing] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 4 | 55111 11231 22552 |
[My days are frought with gladness] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[My Father's ways are always right] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[My happy heart today with joy is singing] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[My heart is ever singing praise to Jesus for He is] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 55545 65355 44344 |
[My heart is singing, the bells are ringing] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | 51117 12226 67776 |
[My heart is yearning for my home] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[My heart with joy is singing since I found the Lord] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 55555 65353 33211 |
[My home is where my heart is] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[My hope of salvation is steadfast and sure] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[My Lord was there when round my bed] | Haldor Lillenas (Arranger) | 2 | |
[My Savior counts on me, I know] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[My soul from the deep has been lifted] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[My soul is filled with joy and gladness] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 10 | 55651 26211 72675 |
MY WONDERFUL LORD | Haldor Lillenas, 1885-1959 (Composer) | 2 | 35553 11716 65111 |
[Never give away to sorrow] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 4 | 34555 65312 34321 |
[No compromise with evil shall be our battle cry] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 4 | 51534 55555 64533 |
[No more my heart is lonely] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[No one but Jesus can hear my prayer] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[No other name found on earth or in heaven] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[No regrets, no regrets for the work I may have done] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[No thought brings sweeter joy to me] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 1 | |
[Nobody knows when we are tried] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
NORWAY (Lillenas) | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 54431 77623 43212 |
[Not for justice do I plead] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Not made for the trifling things of time] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Nothing can be greater than a heart made right] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | 56712 15677 75671 |
[Nothing satisfies but Jesus] (Lillenas) | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 34517 65334 51767 |
[Now is the day of salvation] (Lillenas) | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[O believer in Jesus, O child of God] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[O captive soul by sin oppressed] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[O Christ my Lord, my heart shall sing] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | 13335 43243 16612 |
[O cleansing fire of love divine] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 4 | |
[O drifter, find anchorage yet while you may] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[O gladsome day, when I no more] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[O how many are drifting with life's restless tide] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 4 | 34532 31726 56117 |
[O how many precious promises were spoken by our Lord] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[O how often I think as I walk down the valley] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[O how sweet the recollections] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[O how sweet to dwell in this earth below] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[O Jesus, Light of lights] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[O lift up Jesus ev'rywhere] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[O, Lord, when alone and dreary is the night] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 53243 21765 11123 |
[O love of Calvary] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | 33454 53334 44444 |
[O Master, this my prayer shall be] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[O my heart is full of gladness since by faith I saw the Lord] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[O my heart shall not forget the golden hour] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[O my heart sings today] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 12 | 33333 33143 32444 |
[O soul, have you thought of the price you pay] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | 51113 33222 55645 |
[O soul vainly striving for peace and for rest] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[O spread the gospel tidings] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[O the day may seem long as I travel along] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[O the joy of the souls that victoriously sing] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[O the joy that I am finding as I onward press] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[O the transforming power of Jesus' blood] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[O troubled heart, be still] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[O troubled heart bowed down with bitter pain] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[O troubled heart, One walks beside thee] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[O what wondrous joy there is in my soul] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[O wonderful story true] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Oft in the years that are long since past] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Often while in meditation] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 5 | |
[O, are you denying the Master] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 55555 16534 55551 |
[O my soul is all aflame] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[O the joy that fills me every passing day] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[O what wondrous peace and gladness fills and thrills the human heart] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 6 | 55117 76653 55671 |
[On the bright and glorious morning, when the dead in Christ shall rise] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[On the cross uplifted high] | H. L. (Arranger) | 1 | |
[On the great eternal morning] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | 34511 11765 47777 |
[On the other side is a land of wonder] (Lillenas) | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 4 | 12333 21612 17651 |
[Once I did not know the Savior] (Clark) | Haldor Lillenas (Arranger) | 2 | 34567 12143 26562 |
[Once I was burdened with sin and shame] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 32354 56151 72421 |
[Once I was speeding onward] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 4 | |
[Once I was walking in the byways of sin] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 11165 34556 56671 |
[Once within your heart there burned a flame, a flame of holy love] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[One came from the realms of the heavenly land] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 4 | 55451 76534 55111 |
[One day at a time the Master will lead] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[One day from the sky came a wonderful Friend] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[One day I traveled a toilsome road] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 4 | 55517 65351 11217 |
[One is walking with me over life's uneven way] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 16 | 55456 53554 432 |
[One ship drives east and one drives west] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Only little hands have we] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Onward, Christian soldiers] (Lillenas) | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 55551 35432 33333 |
[Onward, little soldiers] (Lillenas) | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Open anew Thy fountain of grace] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[Others may sing of treasures of earth] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[Our country must from drink be freed] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Our life passes on like a swift flowing stream] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Out in the garden I go to pray] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | 31232 34132 |
[Out on life's stormy ocean] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 33333 35671 11112 |
[Out upon life's ocean many souls adrift] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Over sea and over land] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 34555 55176 66662 |
[Over the border line waiting for me] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Over the river faces I see] | Haldor Lillenas (Arranger) | 4 | 32311 32344 34225 |
[Over the ocean millions I see] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | 54565 12172 12327 |
[Patiently, tenderly pleading] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 19 | 33343 21561 12165 |
[Peace, peace, wonderful peace] (Lillenas) | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 53321 65221 65656 |
[Perhaps the bells of evening] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Perhaps the songs that once you sang] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Plead the precious promises of Jesus] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 5 | 33333 23455 11111 |
[Praise the Father of all mercy] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Pray without ceasing, wait on the Lord] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | 56721 54576 |
[Prayer is the key that unlocks the door] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Reach your arms around the world for Jesus] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 4 | 51323 21561 65131 |
[Seasons and times are all changing] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Will I empty handed be] | Haldor Lillenas (Arranger) | 1 | 55136 45551 36344 |
[Shine for Him, shine for Him] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 31531 51112 17166 |
[Shut in with God, the weary world forbidden] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Si solo y triste te sientes tú] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 12154 35547 27676 |
[Silence my heart, blessed Lord] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Sin cannot unpunished be] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 17156 71275 21171 |
[Since I gave my heart to Jesus] (Lillenas) | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[Since I'm bound for my home in the skies] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | 55171 76765 5 |
[Since light has dawned on me] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Since my sins have been forgiven] (Lillenas) | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 5 | 34555 55345 55555 |
[Since the Lord has come to dwell] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Since the wondrous grace of my loving Lord] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 4 | 54351 56544 4324 |
[Since to me the friend of sinners] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 51332 21555 61443 |
[Sing a song of triumph every passing day] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[Sing me a song of heaven] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Sing praise to Him who fills all the earth with His glory] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Sinner, poor sinner, why wander away] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[Sinner spurning mercy’s hand] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | 33216 15511 33233 |
[Smiles are the beautiful sunbeams] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 35676 53335 67654 |
[So often we think of our troubles] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 1 | |
[Soldiers in the battle fighting for the right] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Soldiers of Immanuel, go forward in His name] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 13 | 56535 65323 216 |
[Some day the light of earth shall fade away] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 4 | |
[Some day when time shall have written] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 33333 33336 66111 |
[Some days are all golden with sunshine] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Some glad morning I'll awaken] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Some golden morn, when this short life is ended] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 4 | |
[Some think so, they hope so, they trust so, they guess so] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Someone is failing to win precious souls] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | 54513 45653 52346 |
[Someone is out in the world of sin] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Someone loved the lost and dying] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Souls are drifting afar from shore] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Sound the note of victory] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Stand fast in the Lord and the power of His might] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[Steady, brother, steady, though the storm-winds rise] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 7 | 11111 51351 53444 |
[Still saying No to Jesus] (Lillenas) | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[Storms of life may beat around me] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[Such wondrous love to me is shown] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Sure is my foundation, for I stand today] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 4 | 55556 53512 32222 |
[Te damos hoy nuestra oración] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | 51324 32123 34322 |
[Tell the story of the gospel as it is] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[That will be heaven when we get home] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[The bells of peace swell out their anthems] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | 53332 13556 71763 |
[The Bible stands like a rock undaunted] (Lillenas) | Haldor Lillenas, 1885-1959 (Composer) | 12 | 51117 12621 76513 |
[The blessed voice of Jesus calls today] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[The bugle call is sounding over the world today] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[The burden from my soul has fled] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[The conscience of childhood is speaking in whispers] | Haldor Lillenas (Arranger) | 1 | 53231 55323 54443 |
[The day may lose its sunshine and song] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[The flowers and birds are Thine, O God] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[The heart break of Jesus, O, who can reveal] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[The Lord God omnipotent reigneth] (Lillenas) | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | 51156 53555 66717 |
[The love of God is greater far] | Haldor Lillenas (Arranger) | 1 | 11235 65535 53243 |
[The love that sought me in the night] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 4 | 13456 54234 57765 |
[The moments are passing, the days quickly fly] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | 53215 45671 55111 |
[The night is gone, now shines the dawn] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 55465 31431 61554 |
[The old time power is just the same today] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 51765 17767 52765 |
[The path lies hid behind the vail] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[The path of the just is as a shining light] (Lillenas) | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[The powers of sin and darkness are still engaged in war] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 4 | |
[The road I traveled yesterday] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[The Savior of men is a wonderful Savior] | Haldor Lillenas (Arranger) | 2 | 55671 11111 65557 |
[The skies are full of Pentecost] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 51153 45313 45652 |
[The storehouse of God ever is filled to overflowing] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[The times and the seasons are changing] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[The voice of the Father is saying] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[The war is on, the battle cry is ringing out] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 4 | 51763 56565 42345 |
[The way is narrow that leads to life] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[The Word of God is like a light] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 51115 65552 22565 |
[The world may reject the Son of God] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 53333 21116 65111 |
[The world may to my spirit call] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[The world sweeps on, its crush and din] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[There are many faces sweet and dear to me] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 34554 56512 33432 |
[There are many little children who are sad] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[There are many little lambs] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[There are many still from God astray] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[There are paths that I may walk] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[There is a balm for every woe and care] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[There is a day of glory coming] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 53455 63555 3 |
[There is a name, a wonderful name] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | 33355 54342 22544 |
[There is a name of wondrous sweetness] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 9 | 53455 65544 23456 |
[There is a name so beautiful that you may speak today] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[There is a sacred name, a blessed hallowed name] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[There is a song I've learned to sing] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[There is a story, story so tender] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[There is a thought that fills my heart with song] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
DEDEKAM | Haldor Lillenas (Arranger) | 1 | 53322 11112 25535 |
[There is but one who knows my need] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[There is cleansing in the blood of the blessed Son of God] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[There is mercy full and free] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[There is never a day so dreary] (Lillenas) | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[There is one I can trust when I need a friend] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[There is One who rules in heaven and in all the earth below] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[There is room in the heart of our Lord and King] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 34556 51232 11766 |
[There is something in the name of Jesus] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 4 | |
[There is sunshine in the valley] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 4 | |
[There is victory within my soul] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[There waits for me a glad tomorrow] | Haldor Lillenas (Arranger) | 9 | 53432 16511 11112 |
[There was room in a manger one beautiful night] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[There's a beautiful land that is almost in view] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | 34545 17656 53343 |
[There's a blessed and triumphant song] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 5 | 55111 23453 33343 |
[There's a book up in heaven by angels' hands kept] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 55112 33211 61765 |
[There's a burning question that comes to you] | Richard Hainsworth (Composer) | 2 | |
[There's a day which the Lord hath appointed] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[There's a dear little church in the village] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 34555 54565 12333 |
[There's a glorious hope that gives us cheer] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 54345 11774 32345 |
[There's a sacred and hallowed retreat] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 12 | 51333 34327 12222 |
[There's a stream, mystic stream flowing deep, flowing wide] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[There's a trail that so many follow] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[There's a wonderful peace in my heart every day] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 4 | 34545 17674 44234 |
[There's a word of cheer for each fainting heart] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[There's an army marching through the world] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 34517 65654 32776 |
[There's cleansing for the sin-sick soul] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Tho' storms of life may gather round] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Though you have wandered away from the fold] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[Thou didst call me, dear Lord, when I wandered alone] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Thou infinite King of my soul] | Rev. Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 55443 12111 71412 |
[Though far you may wander away] (Lillenas) | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 8 | 53333 43222 25222 |
[Through a shadow land, over desert sand] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[Thrones may fall and crumble] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 6 | 55556 51345 43333 |
['Tis safe to go where Jesus goes] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 4 | 55353 21114 61176 |
[To our God above draw near] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[To the cross of the Savior I'm coming] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[To the sunlit highlands I am climbing] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Tonight, O dear brother, the prayers of a mother] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Trust in the Lord your Savior] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Turning away from the world’s pomp and pride] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Twilight shadows come with the dying day] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
['Twill be wonderful in heaven when the millions I shall see] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 5 | 32111 11234 55665 |
[Up the Calvary Road, 'neath a staggering load] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Upon my knees before the throne] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 4 | |
[Use your hands for Jesus] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Waiting to guard and guide me] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Walking along life's road one day] | H. L. (Arranger) | 1 | 56716 17776 57 |
[Waves are rolling high, ‘neath a stormy sky] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[We are a chosen people, and called through Christ our King] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 55512 31766 23427 |
[We are gathered, blessed Jesus, in Thy name] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[We are little volunteers for Jesus] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[We are sailing over life's stormy ocean] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 5 | |
[We are under marching orders from the King divine] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[We believe this hour in the old-time power] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[We have heard the blessed story] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[We have known each other here] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[We have walked side by side on our journey below] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 1 | |
[We see the lofty mountains high] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 51111 13535 43231 |
[Weary wanderer in sin and sadness] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[We're a faithful pilgrim band] (Lillenas) | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 51343 22572 32116 |
[We're enlisted in the army of our Savior and our King] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[We're girded for the fight 'gainst the powers of sin and wrong] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[What a blessed peace we know as we travel here below] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 8 | 51333 23321 1171 |
[What a wonderful day when I lost the load I had carried so long on life's weary road] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | 12332 13455 35561 |
[What delight will meet our eyes] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[What is your life, friend, vapor or cloud] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
WONDROUS LOVE (Southern Harmony) | H.L. (Harmonizer) | 1 | 11724 54211 72576 |
[What wondrous love the Lord hath shown] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[When a soul repents of its sin and guilt] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[When billows of sorrow sweep over thy soul] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 5 | 55165 34516 76712 |
[When billows of trouble and trials over me roll] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 4 | |
[When burdened with sin I came to the Lord] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[When day is done and twilight shadows] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[When days are dark and rough the going] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[When hope is at an end] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[When I come to the gates of the city of God] (Lillenas) | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[When I cross the swelling tide] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[When I have ended my pilgrimage here] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[When I said the last yes to Jesus] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[When I think how Jesus sought me] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 34565 32676 74323 |
[When I walk the rugged pathway] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[When I was lost in the darkness of sin] (Lillenas) | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | 51117 12222 57242 |
[When I was treading the pathway of wrong] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 4 | 51117 67777 52221 |
[When life is ended and I cross the narrow sea] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[When my day is ended and my work is done] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[When my day seems long and dreary] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 4 | 51332 32155 13117 |
[When my earthly day is waning] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 18 | 34555 51531 44444 |
[When on a sea of doubt and fear] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 1 | |
[When our loved ones journey from us to a country far away] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[When shades of night are falling] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[When skies are blue and days are fair] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[When storms of trial sweep the soul] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[When the billows rise and threaten me] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[When the dawn of eternity shall appear] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 6 | |
[When the days are bright, as some days will be] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[When the earth shall reel and tremble and the mountains move a pace] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 1 | |
[When the Lord shall call for his waiting bride] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[When the saints enter Zion on the resurrection day] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[When the shadows have turned into night time] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[When the short race of my life has been run] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | 56534 51765 45423 |
[When the sun is brightly shining] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[When the sunshine beameth] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[When the trump of God shall sound] (Lillenas) | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 12333 33135 55533 |
[When thy life is filled with grief and care] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 1 | 54351 77666 66476 |
[When trials and temptations like mighty billows roll] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 55344 51766 46217 |
[When you by trials are beset] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[When you count the ones who love the Lord] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 15 | 12331 55517 65123 |
[Where Jesus goes I'll gladly follow] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Where loving hearts shall never ache] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 55465 54356 17646 |
[Where the shadows of sin are falling] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Where two or three together meet] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[While I walk my pilgrim journey] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[WHO can find salvation free] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Who redeemed us from our sin?] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Why are you straying away from the Lord] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Why art thou lost and why wilt thou stray] | Haldor Lillenas (Arranger) | 1 | |
[Why carry your load any longer] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 13335 43215 66617 |
[Why should I turn from life's shadows away] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 33312 32226 77726 |
[Why should we always be sighing] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Why wander in the wilderness, O fainting soul] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 7 | 13333 32135 55517 |
[Win some soul for Jesus who has never known] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[With courage unfailing and prayer all prevailing] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 55451 34556 |
[With the hallelujah band, I am in the promised land] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[Within my heart a melody keeps singing] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[Within the gates of God's city above] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | 51232 34321 57672 |
WONDERFUL GRACE (Lillenas) | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 89 | 55555 65134 54333 |
[Wonderful, infinite, matchless love] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[Wonderful, wonderful, Jesus is to me] | Haldor Lillenas, 1885-1959 (Composer) | 6 | 33333 33143 24444 |
WONDERFUL LORD | Haldor Lillena (Composer) | 13 | 34565 32121 65123 |
[Coming to Jesus, my Savior, I found] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 8 | 53456 71765 56575 |
[Wonderful the power of Christ our King] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | 55556 51333 22123 |
[Work of God, thy light is guiding] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Workers all are needed; hear the Master call] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Written in heaven, O glorious thought] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 3 | |
[Ye who are troubled and burdened by sin] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 14 | 11117 65553 77121 |
[Yonder a man in the prison dwells] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[You have heard the blessed story of the children's truest Friend] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[You have time for seeking earth's treasures] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |
[Your memory goes back tonight to when you were a boy] | Haldor Lillenas (Composer) | 2 | |