William T. Pettengill › Texts

Short Name: William T. Pettengill
Full Name: Pettengill, William T.
Birth Year: 1873
Death Year: 1956

Born: Oc­to­ber 6, 1873, Cur­tis Cor­ner, Leeds, Maine. Died: Jan­u­a­ry 24, 1956, Wau­ke­sha, Wi­scon­sin.

Pettengell at­tend­ed Sar­a­to­ga Bib­li­cal Sem­in­a­ry, Sar­a­to­ga Springs, New York. He and his wife moved to Wau­ke­sha, Wis­con­sin in 1906. He was an ac­tive mem­ber of the Me­tro­pol­i­tan Church As­so­ci­a­tion (Burn­ing Bush) for ma­ny years, and preached and sang in Amer­i­ca, Ca­na­da, and Scot­land.

Cyber Hymnal

Texts by William T. Pettengill (47)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
"Almost saved--but lost"W. Pettengill (Author)2
As Israel lay encampedWilliam T. Pettengill (Author)English2
"Come unto me," the Savior calls, "And I will give you rest"Wm. T. Pettengill (Author)English2
Come, unto the Lord, give thanks and singWilliam T. Pettengill (Author)2
Deeper than the deepest oceanWilliam T. Pettengill (Author)2
Glorious morning, eternal and brightW. T. P. (Author)English2
Guide me, O Thou great JehovahWm. T. Pettengill (Author (vv. 3, 4, 5))English1
Hark, the stirring trumpet call I hearWilliam T. Pettengill (Author)2
Have you heard of One of old, who cameWilliam T. Pettengill (Author)2
Have you vict'ry in your soul? Tell it out!W. Pettengill (Author)2
How oft when assailed by the fierce tempter's mightW. Pettengill (Author)English2
I love the one who died to save meWilliam T. Pettengill (Author)English2
I need thy presence each passing hourWilliam T. Pettengill (Author)2
I today am dwelling Where the songs are swellingW. T. P. (Author)English3
I've a song of joy todayWilliam T. Pettengill (Author)English2
I've said adieu to the devil's crewWm. T. Pettengill (Arranger)English1
Jesus died on Calvary's mountain, Suffered deepest agonyWilliam T. Pettengell (Author)English2
Jesus is coming, go herald the tidingsWilliam T. Pettengill (Author)English21
Jesus is coming: the time draweth nighWm. T. Pettengill (Author)English2
Jesus, my Savior, dearest of all Thou artWilliam T. Pettengell (Author)English2
Jesus, thy name is the sweetest themeWilliam T. Pettengill (Author)2
Jesus will heal youWilliam T. Pettengill (Author)English2
Just before the Savior went to heavenWilliam T. Pettengill (Author)English2
My sins were more than I could countWilliam T. Pettengill (Author)2
Naught in this world, or in heaven so fairWilliam T. Pettengill (Author)2
O blessed is the people That know the "Joyful Sound"Wm. T. Pettengill (Author (Chorus))English1
O hear the glad message of victoryWilliam T. Pettengill (Author)2
O Jesus, at Thy feet I fallWilliam T. Pettengill (Author)English4
O the love of God makes the sunshine in the soulWm. T. Pettengill (Author)English3
O wanderer, list to these words of loveWilliam T. Pettengill (Author)2
On earth we have no certain dwelling placeWilliam T. Pettengill (Author)2
On the happy upward way I press alongW. Pettengill (Author)English2
On to realms supernal, Christ our Captain leadsWilliam T. Pettengill (Author)2
Onward we will go with singingW. T. P. (Author)English3
Precious is Thy loving-kindness, O my GodW. T. P. (Author)English2
Spread the news of victoryWilliam T. Pettengill (Author)2
Stronger than Gibraltar's base, On which rests that Tow'r of stoneWilliam T. Pettengill (Author)2
Take heed to your moorings, my brotherWilliam T. Pettengell (Author)English2
The blood of Jesus, atonement madeWilliam T. Pettengill (Author)2
The days of youth have flown with speedW. Pettengill (Author)2
The Lord is my Shephred, Want I shall not knowW. Pettengill (Author)English2
The world in stillness was sleepingWilliam T. Pettengill (Author)2
There is a home beyond the sky, Where we shall live and never dieWilliam T. Pettengell (Author)English2
There is joy in blessed fullness withinWilliam T. Pettengell (Author)2
What would you give in exchange for your soul? (Pettengell)William T. Pettengell (Author)English2
When the day of Pentecost was fully comeW. T. P. (Author)English3
Why wait in sorrow for the tomorrowWilliam T. Pettengill (Author)2
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