Carlos Swift › Hymnals

Short Name: Carlos Swift
Full Name: Swift, Carlos, 1829-?
Birth Year: 1829

Swift, Carlos. (Fabius, Onondaga County, New York, January 12, 1829--?). Baptist. Educated at Pompey Academy, Union College, and Madison University. Pastorates at Clinton, N.Y., 1851-1854; Waterville, N.Y., 1854-1857; Madison, N.Y., 1857-1861; Mount Carroll, Illinois, 1861-1863; Normal, Ill., 1863-1864; Aurora, Ill., 1864; Comanche, Iowa, 1864-1866; Chicago, Ill., 1866-1870.

Two hymns by Swift are included in The Iris, Songs of Jesus for Sunday Schools and Devotional Meetings, compiled by H.H. Hawley. One of these is a Christmas hymn. The other is entitled "Rejoicing in Hope" and begins "In that far distant land where the angels of light/Are resplendent with glory no mortal hath known."

--Alan Wingard, DNAH Archives

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