J. H. Tenney › Tunes

J. H. Tenney
Short Name: J. H. Tenney
Full Name: Tenney, J. H. (John Harrison), 1840-1918
Birth Year: 1840
Death Year: 1918

John Harrison Tenney, 1840-1918

Born: No­vem­ber 22, 1840, Row­ley, Mass­a­chu­setts.

Born just af­ter the pre­si­den­tial cam­paign of "Tip­pe­ca­noe and Ty­ler, too," Ten­ney was named af­ter Amer­i­can pre­si­dent Will­iam Hen­ry Har­ri­son. A dea­con in the Con­gre­ga­tion­al Church in Line­brook, Mass­a­chu­setts, he ed­it­ed or was as­so­ci­ate ed­it­or of over 30 books, and con­trib­ut­ed to hun­dreds more. His works in­clude:
Amer­i­can Male Choir
Temperance Jew­els, with Eli­sha Hoff­man (Bos­ton, Mass­a­chu­setts: Ol­iv­er Dit­son & Com­pa­ny, 1879)
Bells of Vic­to­ry, with Eli­sha Hoff­man (Bos­ton, Mass­a­chu­setts: Oliv­er Dit­son & Com­pa­ny, 1888)
Gems of Gos­pel Song
Golden Sun­beams
Sharon’s Dewy Rose
Songs of Faith
Shining Light
Songs of Joy
Sparkling and Bright
Spiritual Songs, Nos. 1 and 2
Sweet Fields of Eden
The Bea­con Light
The Sing­ing School Ban­ner
The An­them Of­fer­ing
The Amer­i­can An­them Book
The Crown of Praise

Hall, pp. 219-22

Beyond the Swell­ing Flood
Come to Je­sus
Ever Will I Pray
Hallowed Hour of Pray­er
Jesus Is Pass­ing This Way
My An­chor Is Hold­ing
Nothing Be­tween
Onward Christ­ian Sol­diers
Sabbath Bell
San Fran­cis­co
We’ll Ne­ver Say Good­bye
Where Will You Spend Eter­ni­ty?


Tunes by J. H. Tenney (606)sort descendingAsInstancesIncipit
[A beacon bright the Christian stands]J. H. Tenney (Composer)555133 44432 23211
[There is a cleansing current]J. H. Tenney (Arranger)133151 76442 76533
[A glance from thine eye, and tears flow unbidden]J. H. Tenney (Composer)233334 33231 23444
[A golden glory wraps thee round]J. H. Tenney (Composer)234545 17766 16546
[A joyful song we'll sing today]J. H. Tenney (Composer)253451 76551 11712
[A little lamb one afternoon]J. H. Tenney (Composer)255335 64465 32443
[A little while the winds may blow] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)232132 54321 21
[A song there is, 'tis wondrous sweet]J. H. Tenney (Composer)213351 21233 45653
[After the likeness of Jesus]J. H. Tenney (Composer)554556 71717 12165
[After the toil and turmoil]J. H. Tenney (Composer)554651 17566 52154
[Ah! this heart shall cease its longing] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)356511 23171 21235
[Alas! I have wandered from Jesus away]J. H. Tenney (Composer)255453 21176 55535
ALL GLORY TO GODJ. H. Tenney (Composer)512333 55422 31712
[All my doubts like clouds have vanished]J. H. Tenney (Composer)256513 21117 21765
[All the way home the Savior will guide you] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)254651 21231 17651
[All the world for Jesus] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)351253 16143 23217
[Almost within, yet the gates are closed]J. H. Tenney (Composer)233333 35332 22265
[Alone with Jesus, O how sweet] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)4
[Aloud in the holy temple]J. H. Tenney (Composer)253334 32161 65117
[Amid the swelling chorus] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)434556 65134 32117
[Amid the toil and pain of life] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)212333 55442 34454
[Angels guard you till the morning light]John Harrison Tenney (Composer)455232 17655 22123
[Anywhere, dear Jesus, lead my willing feet]J. H. T. (Composer)355553 11217 66667
[Anywhere, my Savior, lead my willing feet]J. H. Tenney (Composer)255556 65512 34321
[Are you anchored, O my brother]J. H. Tenney (Composer)233336 71233 22117
[Are you sowing the seeds that will give you]J. H. Tenney (Composer)355555 55565 55555
[Are you willing, my sister, my brother] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)233345 67115 55653
[Around the Savior's lofty throne] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)234551 76565 43561
[Around us fall the autumn leaves]J. H. Tenney (Composer)255355 64661 71655
[As Elim's wells in desert land]J. H. Tenney (Composer)434545 32171 16513
[As long as we live in the world]J. H. Tenney (Composer)312333 32256 55333
[Hear the loving voice of Jesus]John Harrison Tenney (Composer)334321 65122 21223
[Ask—and the tender heart of God]J. H. Tenney (Composer)534513 12171 34517
[At the feet of Jesus lying]J. H. Tenney (Composer)434511 76653 32654
[Away in a manger] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)255356 53542 34355
[Away to the woods, away] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)211113 51117 65543
[Aweary and desolate, poor and alone] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)255651 23232 11117
[Be faithful, Christian soldiers]J. H. Tenney (Composer)334511 76715 12176
[Be joyful for Jesus the Savior is King] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)255345 65317 56715
[Bear ye one another's burdens] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)334517 65333 23542
[Beauteous flowers bloom in heaven]J. H. Tenney (Composer)432135 43165 31255
[Beautiful are the streets of gold]J. H. Tenney (Composer)256535 16564 61443
[Beautiful Zion built above] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)254531 17655 65421
[Behold! I bring you good tidings, good tidings of great joy!]J. H. Tenney (Composer)255534 56511 76715
[Believer in Jesus, wherever you are]J. H. Tenney (Composer)313335 55171 65556
[Beside the throne of God most high]J. H. Tenney (Composer)234513 12176 51712
[Blessed are the faithful servants]J. H. Tenney (Composer)454345 13121 76521
[Blessed are they that do His commandments] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)456535 56531 21235
[Blessed are they who trust in the Lord]J. H. Tenney (Composer)232155 17656 54352
[Blessed Bible, book divine]J. H. Tenney (Composer)332321 71654 53232
[Blessed Shepherd, gently leading]J. H. Tenney (Composer)333334 33122 22321
[Blessings everywhere abound]J. H. Tenney (Composer)335651 77667 62115
[Blest were the Lord's disciples]J. H. Tenney (Composer)233234 31111 76577
[Who is this that cometh in the starlit glow]John Harrison Tenney (Composer)432335 34345 33234
[There's a word for you to speak]John Harrison Tenney (Composer)651365 34572 43215
[Boundless as the mighty sea]J. H. Tenney (Composer)251765 34545 61765
[Bright flowers we bring the cross to deck]J. H. Tenney (Composer)253217 16512 12531
[Brighter home! Heavenly home!]J. H. Tenney (Composer)434567 11653 23456
[Brightest flowers and lilies sweet]J. H. Tenney (Composer)232134 43565 17123
[Bring the children to the Savior]J. H. Tenney (Composer)233333 33333 22443
[Broad is the opening field]J. H. Tenney (Composer)434332 15666 14323
BURBERJ. H. Tenney (Composer)1033354 33234 53
[By and by, when our pilgrimage is over]J. H. T. (Composer)2
[Calm on the listening ear of night] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)355453 21656 43215
[Ho, my comrades, see the signal] (Tenney)John Harrison Tenney (Composer)233551 12233 43233
[Cares of earth shall no more weary]J. H. Tenney (Composer)334554 56553 55546
[Careworn traveler on life's ocean]J. H. Tenney (Composer)651343 21651 35542
[Carry the message of Jesus our King] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)256715 35443 56715
[Children of the heavenly King] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)534512 17651 23333
[Christ laid a golden scepter down]J. H. Tenney (Composer)313243 32111 61433
[Christ, the Lord is born today] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)255513 32223 14433
[City of Zion! wondrous and fair]J. H. Tenney (Composer)432353 21233 23533
[Cling closer to Jesus]J. H. Tenney (Composer)455651 56176 52234
[Cling to the Mighty One] (Tenney)J. H. T. (Composer)233344 42543 33344
[Cling when the storm cloud gathers]J. H. Tenney (Composer)233216 51334 53211
[Clinging, clinging, only clinging]J. H. Tenney (Composer)333214 44322 22321
[Clinging, clinging to my Savior]J. H. Tenney (Composer)255651 23166 16543
[Close beside the throne of grace]J. H. Tenney (Composer)356535 23565 31767
[Closer to Thee, my Father, draw me]J. H. Tenney (Composer)3111233 44311 66165
[Come and see the Savior's beauty]J. H. Tenney (Composer)251317 22111 76165
[Come, boys, and pledge your heart and hand]J. H. Tenney (Composer)214446 11117 65411
[Come, look on the King in his beauty]J. H. Tenney (Composer)351232 17151 23217
[Come, O come, Thou blessed Spirit]J. H. Tenney (Composer)232343 21232 11712
[Come see the place where Jesus lay] (Tenney)J. H. T. (Composer)251353 31257 24657
[Come sinner, come! Why yet delay?] (Tenney)J. H. T. (Composer)232115 43365 17133
[Come, take a stand for Jesus]J. H. Tenney (Composer)411231 54223 14321
[Come to Jesus, He will save you]John Tenney (Composer)3034511 65312 34532
[Come to the deep, clear river]J. H. Tenney (Composer)253451 31223 21765
[Come to the fountain of mercy] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)534451 65313 56421
[Come to the Savior, O hear His sweet voice] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)253653 54243 56461
[Come to the waters of life] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)255551 35522 22235
[Come, ye saints! look here and wonder] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)234517 12151 3565
[Coming to cheer us in sadness]J. H. Tenney (Composer)312323 43117 12165
[Courage, fellow pilgrim]J. H. T. (Composer)355655 35542 35565
CRESSEYJ. H. Tenney (Composer)233332 12356 53121
[Cross of Christ! thy healing ray]J. H. Tenney (Composer)356531 23556 54325
[Crowds are seeking food today]J. H. Tenney (Composer)232176 66513 12323
[Crown our Jesus! crown our Jesus!]J. H. Tenney (Composer)213215 34565 17123
[Dark was the night and cold the ground]J. H. Tenney (Composer)533431 12343 55653
[Daylight now is passing]J. H. T. (Composer)355653 17616 55565
[I’ll trust Thee, blessed Lord]J. H. Tenney (Composer)712334 31233 21232
[Do they pray for me at home]J. H. Tenney (Composer)312334 33133 22123
[Don't you know that we are coming]J. H. Tenney (Composer)255511 13353 33252
[Down at the feet of the lowly Nazarene]J. H. Tenney (Composer)254653 34422 35666
[Down from the home over yonder]J. H. Tenney (Composer)332117 65151 35323
[Earth and sky with beauty teeming]J. H. Tenney (Composer)355513 55233 46143
[Earth is not all joy and sunshine]J. H. Tenney (Composer)312332 12715 34532
[Earthly ties are breaking, breaking]J. H. Tenney (Composer)232136 55343 22123
[Endless praises to our Lord God]J. H. Tenney (Composer)213511 23143 23161
[Even when thy hands are busy]J. H. Tenney (Composer)455555 53577 77721
[Ever let thy hand be busy]J. H. Tenney (Composer)532132 65312 33432
[Fall into line, brother, fall into line!]J. H. Tenney (Composer)855653 51111 55651
[Farewell, we now again must part]J. H. Tenney (Composer)251232 17651 21243
[Father in heaven, hear Thou my plea]J. H. Tenney (Composer)253561 12323 45432
[Father, in the morning]J. H. Tenney (Composer)5233216 51125 33321
[Father, lead me, gently lead me] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)432165 35512 34532
[Fit me for service, dear Savior]J. H. Tenney (Composer)253454 65354 32543
[Fling out the temperance banner]J. H. Tenney (Composer)213216 51322 12313
[For His flock our loving Savior]J. H. Tenney (Composer)255332 17651 33432
[For the Gospel word]J. H. Tenney (Composer)334565 12321 34556
[For the joy set before thee—The cross]J. H. Tenney (Composer)212355 65312 23444
[For the troubled waters waiting]J. H. Tenney (Composer)234546 55323 46651
[Forget not the Savior in the morning of youth]J. H. Tenney (Composer)255533 33322 62165
[Forward, forward, friends of Jesus]J. H. T. (Composer)235316 15135 23531
[Forward moves the army]J. H. Tenney (Composer)353513 16216 55351
[Forward, soldiers! fight for temperance]J. H. Tenney (Composer)253451 17165 43132
[Friends of temperance, while we labor]J. H. Tenney (Composer)2
[From sin and death the world to save]J. H. Tenney (Composer)251231 34565 32512
[From Utah's land of vileness]J. H. T. (Composer)253127 11353 42316
[Gates of the beautiful, golden and bright] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)554651 11765 67715
[Gather around the Christmas tree] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)355555 65122 22223
GATHERING SEEDJ. H. Tenney (Composer)255551 33532 55557
[Glory be to the Father] (Tenney)J. H. T. (Composer)212322 15345 43223
[Go, bear the glad tidings]J. H. T. (Composer)255345 65355 43423
[Go bring the best of treasures]J. H. Tenney (Composer)255545 65335 44323
[Go, proclaim it to the people]John Harrison Tenney (Composer)333333 35111 11665
[Go to Jesus with thy sorrows] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)312321 77623 43211
[Go ye to the woodlands]J. H. Tenney (Composer)353423 56716 54323
[God calling yet! shall I not hear] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)355453 23156 71431
[God has spoken the conquering word]J. H. Tenney (Composer)255345 66651 71325
[God in His mercy calls unto (upon) me]J. H. Tenney (Composer)431123 21655 13453
[God save our glorious land]J. H. Tenney (Composer)313155 55356 71764
[God speed the day when the foe is slain]J. H. Tenney (Composer)251321 77615 55611
[Golden harps are sounding] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)233321 25333 21222
[Gone in her childlike purity]J. H. Tenney (Composer)233331 71222 25433
[Grace sufficient Jesus giveth]J. H. Tenney (Composer)456513 21366 53132
[Gracious Shepherd of the sheep]J. H. Tenney (Composer)255157 65517 71123
[Each day a little nearer] (Tenney)John Harrison Tenney (Composer)855565 53544 54355
GUERREROJohn Harrison Tenney (Composer)233355 44222 44335
[Hark, the bells are sweetly ringing]J. H. Tenney (Composer)255543 45123 15554
[Hark, the tramp of coming armies]J. H. T. (Composer)254351 23217 76643
[Hark! the trump of God is sounding]J. H. Tenney (Composer)317654 34567 15436
[Hark, the voice of many nations]J. H. T. (Composer)334513 21766 16535
[Has the cross of Christ been lifted?]J. H. Tenney (Composer)233314 33155 53665
[Hast thou heard of that wonderful Jesus]J. H. Tenney (Composer)1212333 44431 12222
[Have you done your faithful duty]J. H. T. (Composer)234556 55116 56532
[Have you heard the good news about Jesus?]J. H. Tenney (Composer)234555 11131 56661
[Have you heard the good news by the gospel proclaimed?]J. H. Tenney (Composer)555332 11766 71655
[Have you not a word for Jesus?] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)212333 34333 22321
[Have you told it all to Jesus]J. H. Tenney (Composer)212333 23565 31712
[He is precious, He is precious to those who believe]J. H. Tenney (Composer)212332 31512 34323
[Hear Jesus knocking at the door of thy heart]J. H. Tenney (Composer)433333 34565 32223
[Hear the Savior's voice today]J. H. Tenney (Composer)255345 67154 32355
[Hearken now, dear friend, and tell me]J. H. Tenney (Composer)251765 65155 55421
[Heavenly portals ringing]J. H. Tenney (Composer)332121 71235 43432
[Heaven shall ring while they sing]J. H. Tenney (Composer)356711 11712 31176
[High over the waves of Galilee]J. H. Tenney (Composer)413332 11135 65354
[Ho! ye thirsty, Jesus calls you] (Tenney)J. H. T. (Composer)233215 67123 35315
[Homes there are of want and sorrow]J. H. Tenney (Composer)433432 31522 12321
[Hosanna to the Son of David] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)251333 33215 12334
[How blest are they whose lives are pure] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)651131 66165 13212
[How many, many thousands]J. H. Tenney (Composer)212343 21517 61765
[How sweet, when burdened with my care]J. H. Tenney (Composer)212334 32316 57122
[I am asking for you of my Father above]J. H. Tenney (Composer)233344 31121 64433
[I am coming, quickly coming]J. H. Tenney (Composer)234531 76144 33212
[I am coming to the Father]J. H. Tenney (Composer)355356 55177 77676
[I am on my way to a home on high] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)212355 32166 16511
[I am still with Thee]John Harrison Tenney (Composer)433543 36532 33543
[I am sweeping through the gates] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)355667 71123 32215
[I am the Way, the Savior said] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)833215 66123 32123
[I am Thine own, O Christ] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)2
[I am with thee every hour, O ransomed one]J. H. Tenney (Arranger)951333 33343 25722
[I cannot always trace the way] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)2
[I come to Thee, my Savior] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)211364 53556 53211
[I come to Thee, O gracious One]J. H. Tenney (Composer)253322 52211 17624
[I had wandered far from home]J. H. Tenney (Composer)351333 45321 11211
[I have found the Savior precious] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)412333 45655 43222
[I have longed for the bliss of pardon] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)412334 32117 71223
[I have thought of the good in their labor]J. H. Tenney (Composer)313565 11232 31345
[I know of a stream that floweth]J. H. Tenney (Composer)312321 21651 34543
[I know that my Redeemer lives] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)356531 23453 21713
[I long for that sweet rest]J. H. Tenney (Arranger)251176 53455 13222
[I long to see this hallowed earth]J. H. Tenney (Composer)251232 34534 32125
[I love to think of that happy land] (Tenney)John Harrison Tenney (Composer)234551 33216 53243
[I love to wait at mercy's gate] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)255653 55651 32343
[I love to walk with Thee, O Lord]J. H. Tenney (Composer)255132 16577 12432
[I saw a wayworn traveler]J. H. Tenney (Arranger)132111 11112 22232
[I see my Savior at the cross]J. H. Tenney (Composer)133334 55665 33212
[I sing of Jesus' wondrous love]J. H. Tenney (Composer)834532 11651 32222
[I sit and think when the evening shade]J. H. Tenney (Composer)412333 43222 71222
[I think of yon bright mansion]J. H. Tenney (Composer)353565 51117 16553
[I want to know more about Jesus] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)255556 71535 56543
[I will at all times bless Thy name]J. H. Tenney (Composer)333215 67123 54323
[I will cast in the depths of the fathomless sea]J. H. Tenney (Composer)234532 11576 65666
[I will not murmur, nor sigh for rest]J. H. T. (Composer)353332 35433 46532
[I heard the voice of Jesus say] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)355535 17666 51171
[I walked through the woodland meadows] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)534546 53544 42234
[If Jesus will only be near me]J. H. Tenney (Composer)255456 54535 67117
[If the sweet peace of Jesus is filling your soul]J. H. Tenney (Composer)212333 53117 65123
[I'll sing of a wonderful Savior]J. H. Tenney (Composer)211113 33535 56554
[I'll sing when the dawn shall brighten the sky] (Tenney)J. H. T. (Composer)255465 13271 11765
[I'll swing into line when you get a little further]J. H. T. (Composer)251765 33542 31134
[I’m going now to Jesus]J. H. Tenney (Composer)255323 15125 56711
[In God we trust! He is our strong defense]J. H. Tenney (Composer)313511 22171 77125
[In heavenly love abiding] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)213344 56655 45313
[In robes made white through Jesus' blood]John Harrison Tenney (Composer)1653353 32112 22123
[In some way or other] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)233433 13217 11123
[In the broad way Christ is seeking]J. H. Tenney (Composer)456532 17653 45356
[In the conflict with the wrong]J. H. Tenney (Composer)256511 65345 17122
[In the courts of heaven we'll sing a nobler song]J. H. Tenney (Composer)612335 32176 51233
[In the cross of Christ I glory] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)654356 54655 65434
[In the footsteps of our Savior] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)212332 32153 45345
[In the hour of trial] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)531433 12132 13143
[In the paths of sin I traveled]J. H. Tenney (Composer)333332 14311 17123
[In the ranks of Christ we stand]J. H. Tenney (Composer)313556 71533 44654
[In the shadow of the Rock let me rest] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)353222 22176 55322
[In the silent hours of darkness] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)332433 21721 21271
[In the way that's downward tending]J. H. Tenney (Composer)232321 71656 54332
[In thought I travel back tonight]J. H. Tenney (Composer)312323 53212 23432
[In times of sorrow, God is near]J. H. Tenney (Composer)313321 16143 34353
[Intemperance, like a raging flood]J. H. T. (Arranger)155515 65432 23451
[Into Thy hands, O Lord]John Harrison Tenney (Composer)413332 11165 17243
[Is it true that in the garden of Gethsemane]J. H. Tenney (Composer)334555 56555 12317
[Is there a sinner awaiting]J. H. Tenney (Composer)2933333 35322 22343
[Is thy cruse of comfort failing] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)234531 57611 43211
[It came upon the midnight clear] (Tenney)J. H. T. (Composer)255113 54334 27651
[It is the Master's loving hand] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)251231 34565 32125
[It was but a little service]J. H. Tenney (Composer)234531 23535 61532
[It will not be a stranger]J. H. T. (Composer)251343 32177 66532
SALVATIONIST (HAYS)J. H. Tenney (Composer)513556 55312 11651
[I've found a joy in sorrow] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)253333 33311 11222
[I've heard the call ringing far and wide]J. H. Tenney (Composer)212335 32121 76512
IVERSON (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)253451 76543 55131
[Jesus came to save my soul]J. H. Tenney (Composer)351316 15513 21251
[Jesus, I am faint and weary]J. H. Tenney (Composer)233314 33155 53432
[Jesus, I am never weary]J. H. Tenney (Composer)534517 61653 55542
[Jesus, I have room for Thee]J. H. Tenney (Composer)434532 16651 32125
[Jesus, I know Thy love]J. H. T. (Composer)332176 64321 77232
[Jesus is coming! the day is at hand]J. H. Tenney (Composer)253331 64443 33532
[Jesus is mighty to save today]J. H. Tenney (Composer)651332 16153 33343
[Jesus is the chief among ten thousand]J. H. Tenney (Composer)354345 56651 17671
[Jesus knows His sheep by name]J. H. Tenney (Composer)334513 65317 46534
[Jesus, lead the way]J. H. T. (Arranger)211315 55671 66641
[Jesus, let the Holy Spirit]J. H. Tenney (Composer)233445 65343 42326
[Jesus' love is higher than heaven]J. H. Tenney (Composer)256532 31512 36532
[Jesus loves the children dear] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)256515 56533 21221
[Jesus, only Jesus] (Tenney 35655)J. H. Tenney (Composer)335655 32345 33565
[Jesus, only Jesus! Nothing more we need]J. H. Tenney (Composer)333221 43512 33322
[Jesus, to His disciples]J. H. Tenney (Composer)256534 55666 77156
[Joybells are ringing, the Savior has risen]J. H. Tenney (Composer)253653 12123 56465
[Jubilate! Jubilate]John Harrison Tenney (Composer)534565 34565 76715
[Keep a light in the window, my brother]J. H. Tenney (Composer)212333 43451 77661
[Keep on singing, sweetly singing]J. H. Tenney (Composer)432116 16513 55653
[Lead me, O my Shepherd, lead me]J. H. Tenney (Composer)333321 65133 31222
[Lead us, heavenly Father, lead us] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)255556 16655 67156
[Let me to Thy bosom fly] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)212334 23212 35435
[Let not your hearts be troubled] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)232156 53446 54332
[Let the glad evangel song]J. H. Tenney (Composer)255134 51345 67122
[Let there be joy among angels and men]J. H. Tenney (Composer)233451 76165 11233
[Let us work and wait, let us watch and pray]J. H. Tenney (Composer)613565 35111 56533
[Love of the Savior, tender and precious]J. H. Tenney (Composer)353651 31431 17651
[Listen! listen! He is there] (Tenney)J. H. T. (Composer)311111 23334 43122
[Listen, O listen, to Jesus]J. H. Tenney (Arranger)134323 21577 77121
[Little children, are you gleaning]J. H. Tenney (Composer)333432 16156 51232
[Little children, cheerful as the breeze]J. H. Tenney (Composer)334535 65442 34245
[Live for something, be not idle] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)254515 34565 17162
[Lo! a gentle hand is knocking]J. H. T. (Composer)255651 77616 51233
[Lo! the Temperance army's coming]J. H. T. (Composer)255111 11765 65315
[Lo! the zephyr softly breathing]J. H. Tenney (Composer)655555 56644 31255
[Long I sought the blessed Savior]J. H. Tenney (Composer)333432 11655 13532
[Look, sinner, to Jesus, the risen One]J. H. Tenney (Composer)255655 31321 34565
[Lord give me the spirit of service]J. H. Tenney (Composer)251765 43322 34217
[Lord, how very often must this heart of mine]J. H. Tenney (Composer)233336 53334 22224
[Lord, I hear of showers of blessing] (Tenney 33321)J. H. Tenney (Composer)433321 55543 66531
[Lord, I hear the showers of blessings] (Tenney 13534)J. H. Tenney (Composer)213534 33223 42171
[Lord, within Thy house today]J. H. Tenney (Composer)233536 53222 34335
[Lost to a sense of duty]J. H. Tenney (Composer)333344 31111 16577
[Lowly bending at the cross]J. H. Tenney (Composer)233334 56661 65325
LOYALJ. H. Tenney (Composer)451333 21513 55543
[Marching on, with Christ our chosen captain]J. H. Tenney (Composer)311111 71231 53153
[Lord of Life, Thy quickening give]J. H. Tenney (Composer)333211 76443 21715
[Men of our country, be loyal and true]J. H. Tenney (Composer)2
[Men who are honest and true]J. H. Tenney (Composer)2
[Merry, merry Christmas, full of cheer]John Harrison Tenney (Composer)354565 35177 77771
[Are you waiting, brother, waitingJohn Harrison Tenney (Composer)334556 55156 53243
[Mourn for the thousands slain] (Tenney)J. H. T. (Composer)2
[My Father, now returning]J. H. Tenney (Composer)253216 15135 54323
[My heart is glad for this I know]J. H. Tenney (Composer)355123 12116 51233
[My life flows on in endless song] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)355332 11216 55133
[My name on Jesus' hands]J. H. Tenney (Composer)413355 16533 12255
[My rest is in heaven, my rest is not here] (Tenney)J. H. T. (Composer)233513 13211 75535
[My Savior guides me in the way]J. H. Tenney (Composer)453456 51233 32171
[My soul breaks forth in songs of praise]J. H. Tenney (Composer)234311 11316 15323
[Nearer, my God, to Thee] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)2
[New mercies, new blessings, new light on thy way]J. H. T. (Composer)255651 15565 25565
[No more my own, Lord Jesus] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)333532 47135 64653
[No night in heaven, that blessed chime]J. H. Tenney (Composer)212323 21716 54513
[No shadows yonder] (Tenny)J. H. Tenny (Composer)253545 76765 53565
[No time to give to Jesus]J. H. T. (Composer)355131 76651 23255
[Not by and by, not by and by]J. H. Tenney (Composer)231651 35532 23215
[Not far from the kingdom of heaven] (Tenny)J. H. Tenney (Composer)755345 66511 22221
[Now I have found a Friend] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)331356 53432 31356
[Now is Christ risen]J. H. T. (Composer)211715 11231 44231
[O, bright is the shore that lies beyond]J. H. Tenney (Composer)212334 55653 32234
[O brother, will you meet me?] (53555)J. H. T. (Arranger)253555 65423 42554
[O Christian, idle all the day!]J. H. Tenney (Composer)613343 23172 22123
[O Christian, look out over the fields white and waving]J. H. Tenney (Composer)255651 33321 71555
[O Father, let me bear the cross] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)555434 56532 3453
[O for the peace which floweth as a river] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)233455 51721 56671
[O keep me, Lord, from day to day]J. H. Tenney (Composer)212333 55442 34454
[O sailor, on life's troubled sea] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)251232 17655 65432
[O shout, fellow soldiers, as onward we go]J. H. Tenney (Composer)255345 12322 15177
[O songs of faith that pilgrims sing]J. H. Tenney (Composer)755651 32321 12165
[O souls that are sad, have faith and be glad]J. H. Tenney (Composer)213565 45123 54322
[O star of light! The shepherds saw]J. H. Tenney (Composer)234555 15666 16565
[O take the pledge and sign it!]J. H. Tenney (Composer)253333 33552 22234
[O, the day of life is closing, and its sun is sinking low]J. H. T. (Arranger)112314 32112 31671
[O the fulness of God's love]J. H. T. (Composer)2
[O the trying days are past]J. H. T. (Composer)255332 21553 45554
[O Thou tender, loving Savior]J. H. Tenney (Composer)451343 21622 21766
[O thought full of sweetness to those that believe]J. H. Tenney (Composer)2
[O weary soul, with sin distressed]J. H. Tenney (Composer)233235 43122 12544
SWEET LAND OF THE BLESTJ. H. Tenney (Composer)255345 12127 15671
[Over the hills and through the dells]J. H. Tenney (Composer)232165 35665 34321
[O bring your cares to Jesus]J. H. Tenney (Composer)255342 31566 51771
[O Christian soldier, on the field]J. H. Tenney (Composer)255653 42154 44454
[O fly as the doves to their windows]J. H. Tenney (Composer)253451 23266 56554
[O storm tossed bark on life's dark sea]J. H. Tenney (Composer)253321 44316 14325
[O the wondrous love of Jesus] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)256531 51235 65313
[O 'tis the hand of Jesus]J. H. Tenney (Composer)255451 71311 23217
[O to cheer us, be Thou near us]J. H. Tenney (Composer)232151 32161 65121
[O wondrous love, the love of Christ]J. H. Tenney (Composer)451323 12165 13221
[On, though thy way may be dreary]J. H. Tenney (Composer)311355 65315 65332
[Once for all the Savior His blood hath spilt]J. H. Tenney (Composer)351334 34543 32222
[Once more we meet, our friends to greet]J. H. Tenney (Composer)255551 33332 21715
[Once the Savior took the children]J. H. T. (Composer)433435 56517 65432
[One sweetly solemn thought] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)253116 53271 23531
[Only a glass in the barroom] (Tenney)J. H. T. (Composer)233453 17646 71653
[Only Thee, in joy or sorrow]J. H. Tenney (Composer)332151 35315 43211
[Onward, brother, onward] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)215123 45332 17115
[Onward, Christian soldiers] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)633333 12255 31233
[Onward, ever onward front the noble fray] (33231)J. H. T. (Arranger)233231 51354 32243
[Onward, onward, friends of temperance]J. H. Tenney (Composer)255543 45153 44434
[Onward, onward stand for temperance]J. H. Tenney (Composer)215351 23453 53432
[Onward press, though faint and weary]J. H. Tenney (Composer)433332 11722 26543
[Our Father in heaven, we gather to praise]J. H. Tenney (Composer)255456 53544 35545
[Our shortness of vision we may fail to perceive]J. H. Tenney (Composer)255553 45655 55666
[Out on a desert all barren and cold] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)233211 76165 11231
[Out on life's ocean, sailing along]J. H. Tenney (Composer)233333 43335 55556
[Out with the life boat, for on the dark sea]J. H. Tenney (Composer)233455 56165 54565
[Over Jordan we shall meet] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)212334 33123 23112
[Over on the hills of glory] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)232123 45176 56543
[Over the sinner repenting]J. H. T. (Composer)233343 23111 12143
[Passing through this world of sorrow] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)251343 21651 31322
[Peace, be still! Peace, be still!]J. H. Tenney (Composer)2
[Peeping over the hilltops]J. H. Tenney (Composer)233334 32234 33334
[Pilgrim, on thy journey bound]J. H. Tenney (Composer)233312 71555 34232
[Pleasant are Thy courts above]J. H. T. (Composer)213345 52233 43216
[Portals dark may close upon Him]J. H. Tenney (Composer)233333 13246 65545
[Praise be to God and songs of thanksgiving]J. H. Tenney (Composer)254655 53272 15543
[Praise the matchless name of Jesus]J. H. Tenney (Composer)233321 35566 65432
[Precious is the Savior's promise] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)253531 57666 43211
[Precious, precious blood of Jesus] (Tenney)J. H. T. (Composer)534312 71365 43232
[Precious words, these words of Jesus]John Harrison Tenney (Composer)332435 43317 21653
[Preis dem Herrn, o mein Herz]J. H. Tenney (Composer)251313 53121 23513
[Prepare ye the way of the Lord] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)255555 32166 66643
[Press forward and fear not]J. H. Tenney (Composer)355315 35667 15553
[Put on the armor of our God] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)651112 33332 14325
[Quickly the bright angelic host]J. H. Tenney (Composer)456513 54356 54332
QUIMBYJ. H. Tenney (Composer)233333 33422 23217
[Rally, rally round our banner]J. H. Tenney (Composer)213217 65434 51712
[Rejoice! rejoice! the Christmas time is here]John Harrison Tenney (Composer)355333 43321 71722
[Rest, weary pilgrim, thy journey is over]J. H. Tenney (Composer)1054534 56665 11177
[Ring the bells of heaven today]J. H. T. (Composer)632155 55332 66712
[Ring the joy bells, Christ has risen] (Tenney)J. H. T. (Composer)253153 21345 67121
RINGGOLDJ. H. T. (Composer)213215 43122 31271
[Rock of ages! cleft for me] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)412312 51614 32151
[Roll on, bright golden wave of song]J. H. T. (Composer)212335 42313 45654
SABBATH BELL (Tenndy)John H. Tenney (Composer)455131 67122 17654
[Sailing for the port of heaven]J. H. Tenney (Composer)233321 22234 35543
[Gird on the sword and armor]John Harriosn Tenney (Composer)517712 34325 432
[O Lord! I come once more to Thee]John Harrison Tenney (Composer)412321 76151 232
[Satan cometh! war he wageth]J. H. Tenney (Composer)233213 55435 66716
[Savior, I follow on] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)535321 61232 35321
SAY "NO"J. H. Tenney (Composer)233343 23212 22123
[Say not, my soul, 'tis night]J. H. Tenney (Composer)253456 55345 17127
[Scatter the sunbeams, send forth the light]J. H. Tenney (Composer)753653 42535 36551
[Search me, O God, and know my heart] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)254366 65435 12334
[Search me, O God, with pitying eye]J. H. Tenney (Composer)333331 25556 65343
[See the Conqueror mounts in triumph] (33333)J. H. T. (Arranger)233333 23542 22212
[Sinner, undone thy condition]J. H. Tenney (Composer)1433333 34322 24443
[Shall we reach the home in glory]J. H. Tenney (Composer)332123 45334 56554
[Shepherd, with Thy tenderest love] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)234531 65123 17122
[Simply trusting every day] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)232176 71511 12322
[Since eternal life is mine]J. H. Tenney (Composer)232121 65171 21233
[Sing to the Lord for the gospel's joyful sound]J. H. Tenney (Composer)313511 12217 11765
[Singing of Jesus, our Savior]J. H. Tenney (Composer)251232 13257 24323
[Sinner, come, 'mid thy gloom] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)233232 11653 32332
[Sinner, O why wilt thou go]J. H. Tenney (Composer)431321 65512 35323
[Sinner, so thoughtless, change thy way]J. H. Tenney (Composer)255653 32255 65221
[Sinners who all will forsake]J. H. Tenney (Composer)256535 13321 71231
[Soft and low the gentle zephyrs]J. H. Tenney (Composer)554651 17215 66165
[Softly down the valley, one by one they go]J. H. T. (Composer)233333 33343 23222
[Songs of praises sound in heaven]J. H. T. (Composer)213217 65153 16531
[Songs of the kingdom we will sing while here we journey]J. H. Tenney (Composer)256712 33234 71556
[Sorrowing sinner, weep no more]J. H. Tenney (Composer)332165 35123 34323
[Sparkling and bright we'll sing]J. H. Tenney (Composer)255651 33325 21556
[Speak ever gently, lest some word]J. H. Tenney (Composer)233213 44332 25234
[Speak, O speak to me of Jesus]J. H. Tenney (Composer)232123 46512 35231
[Stand, firmly stand]J. H. Tenney (Composer)217655 66771 13217
[Stand up for Jesus always]J. H. Tenney (Composer)312334 33112 21231
[Standing on the mighty Rock]J. H. Tenney (Composer)651355 43342 23161
[Steadily onward! O turn not aside]J. H. Tenney (Composer)354535 13231 17132
[Straight is the gate]J. H. T. (Composer)233213 56532 23465
[Stranger voices oft I hear]J. H. Tenney (Composer)334546 53135 33234
[Striving at the narrow gate]J. H. Tenney (Composer)355554 65333 34322
[Sweet fields of Eden! I long to behold]J. H. Tenney (Composer)253653 12352 31351
[Sweet hope, the anchor of my soul]J. H. Tenney (Composer)655545 65312 34323
[Sweet little star way up in yonder sky]J. H. Tenney (Composer)233332 34532 22222
[Sweet Sabbath eve] (Tenney)J. H. T. (Composer)256512 12332 16671
[Sweet songs the Father gives us]J. H. Tenney (Composer)233334 45535 43312
[Sweet the promise of the Father]J. H. Tenney (Composer)255555 56511 17676
[Swing open the portals of glory]J. H. Tenney (Composer)251234 51765 31235
[Take hold of my hand, O blessed Christ]J. H. Tenney (Composer)251323 43165 12221
[Take your sins to Jesus]J. H. Tenney (Composer)3
[Teach us to pray] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)833333 23234 43555
[Tell me the story of Jesus] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)253451 23122 21235
[The brightness of heaven we almost can see]J. H. T. (Composer)255135 31232 15513
[The clouds may come in sable blue]J. H. Tenney (Composer)233421 23114 32117
[The gentle, holy Jesus]J. H. Tenney (Composer)333332 11122 21233
[The hands that will never grow weary]J. H. Tenney (Composer)212333 22354 33432
[The heathen are calling, calling, calling]J. H. Tenney (Composer)255311 72143 11766
[The hour of my departure]J. H. Tenney (Composer)855565 53545 35556
[The kingdom of Christ shall spread and grow]J. H. Tenney (Composer)255671 23321 67132
[The Lord is the theme, is the theme of all my song]J. H. Tenney (Composer)255345 13216 15535
[The misty clouds hang round my way]J. H. Tenney (Composer)234555 17666 23471
THE PERFECT WAYJ. H. Tenney (Composer)2
[The Savior hath called thee and shown thee His love]J. H. Tenney (Composer)812321 21651 23345
[The sun in rich profusion pours his cheering beams]J. H. Tenney (Composer)2
[The sweetest voice that I ever heard]J. H. Tenney (Composer)355555 34555 42435
[The twilight is fading away]J. H. Tenney (Composer)312321 21651 23215
[The whole of life for Jesus] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)233231 21554 53544
[The windows of heaven are open] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)355671 23466 51332
[The wise will build their house upon a rock]J. H. Tenney (Composer)251111 71222 52223
[The world is very beautiful]J. H. Tenney (Composer)312333 45333 23453
[Thee I seek, O gracious Savior]J. H. Tenney (Composer)233334 33133 21243
[There are angel hosts around us]J. H. Tenney (Composer)255123 45312 35432
[There comes a sound of woe]J. H. Tenney (Composer)255332 11216 55533
[There, ever there, in that beautiful land]John Harrison Tenney (Composer)353451 23211 23176
[There is a bright home just beyond the weary years]J. H. Tenney (Composer)355123 11211 65555
[There is a dear and hallowed spot]J. H. Tenney (Composer)955456 55434 22654
[There is a land beyond the sea] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)534531 65351 23353
[There is a mansion bright and fair]J. H. Tenney (Composer)551112 33351 32511
[There is a name that on my ear]J. H. Tenney (Composer)453335 12356 65333
[There is joy in heaven where the angels dwell]J. H. Tenney (Composer)755321 55543 55671
[There was joy in heaven] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)355533 55544 34511
[There were ten that besought Him, the Master divine]J. H. Tenney (Composer)555534 55567 15555
[There will be no parting pain]J. H. Tenney (Composer)255533 21555 44325
[There's a band of angel watchers] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)533321 21651 33443
[There's a beautiful land, a land of light] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)155545 13232 11176
[There's a Feast by Jesus spread]J. H. Tenney (Composer)212343 23213 45654
[There's a glimmer in the darkness]J. H. Tenney (Composer)232176 16535 52343
[There's a home for the ransomed on high]J. H. Tenney (Composer)255531 24713 45311
[There's a light that is shining today]J. H. Tenney (Composer)234532 17165 51776
[There's a mansion, bright and shining]J. H. Tenney (Composer)234511 71653 55544
[There's a mansion over the river]J. H. T. (Arranger)151334 32311 12217
[There's a place above all others]J. H. Tenney (Composer)1433321 23243 56533
[There's a prize in the kingdom of glory]J. H. Tenney (Composer)255156 54321 15112
[There's a song in the air; there's a star in the sky] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)255567 13321 71345
[There's a very mighty work to be wrought]J. H. T. (Composer)255111 11332 22332
[There's intemperance in our land]J. H. Tenney (Composer)432111 11332 55321
[There's joy for the soul when the Master has come]J. H. Tenney (Composer)311111 71222 23335
[There's joy in telling of the Lord]J. H. Tenney (Composer)255653 23111 71655
[There's much we can do if we work with a will] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)253321 17616 55112
[These are the crowns that we shall wear] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)251112 34532 22123
[They who would be my disciples]J. B. Tenney (Composer)233333 35334 44223
[This is not my place of resting] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)433334 43122 22321
[This our constant motto be]J. H. Tenney (Composer)534556 51712 16534
[This world, blessed Savior, is nothing but dross]J. H. Tenney (Composer)355556 66616 55555
[Though a host encamp against thee]J. H. Tenney (Composer)212345 65316 53332
[Though fierce the temptation]J. H. Tenney (Composer)255135 32212 15551
[Though the morn scarcely breaketh]J. H. Tenney (Composer)232315 45121 25321
[Thou hast called me, blessed Savior]J. H. Tenney (Composer)432345 65321 26543
[Thou hast promised, Lord, to help me]J. H. T. (Composer)232135 44345 65432
[Though old be the story 'tis precious to me]J. H. Tenney (Composer)251123 45355 43212
[Though there may be shades of sadness] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)233432 17656 53343
[Three hours the earth is filled with gloom]J. H. Tenney (Composer)355555 55667 77767
[Through the love of God our Savior] (Tenney)J. H. T. (Composer)234556 55313 32345
[Thrust in thy sickle while daylight is dawning]J. H. Tenney (Composer)233343 32123 16661
[Thy blood, O my Savior, was poured out for me]J. H. Tenney (Composer)455345 55616 55112
[Thy grace, O my Savior, can reach even me]J. H. Tenney (Composer)412321 16431 21345
[Thy life is hid with Christ in God]J. H. Tenney (Composer)255465 33243 56653
[Tidings of joy! O send them afar]J. H. T. (Composer)256531 71211 23465
['Tis a battle for the home]J. H. T. (Composer)451343 21176 71655
['Tis never too soon for the children to rally]J. H. Tenney (Composer)255653 45666 17656
[‘Tis sweet to take from Jesus]J. H. Tenney (Composer)212321 32161 65123
['Tis sweet to think of Jesus]J. H. Tenney (Composer)255456 51172 23465
['Tis the hallowed hour of prayer]J. H. Tenney (Composer)933333 45555 46555
['Tis the purpose of love divine]J. H. Tenney (Composer)312333 22134 55544
[To Thee, O dear, dear Savior] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)333213 26511 71233
[Too late, no room]J. H. Tenney (Composer)654431 11223 56531
[Tossed with rough winds, and faint with fear] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)533231 35653 21234
[Touch not the poison cup]J. H. T. (Composer)255565 17771 12111
UNSELD (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)255515 65333 51654
[Up the narrow heavenly road]J. H. Tenney (Composer)533345 55154 33233
[Upon the cross the Savior died] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)255553 16556 54565
VAUGHAN (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)555566 16577 12221
[Vote for Prohibition? Yes, be sure I will]J. H. Tenney (Composer)255567 15425 43555
[Vote the curse of liquor down]J. H. T. (Composer)234546 51712 16534
[Waiting, waiting for the Master]J. H. Tenney (Composer)2
[Wake the song of jubilee] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)353453 21716 57712
[Was soll das mächtige Gedräng?] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)212233 55442 34454
[Beneath Thy shadow hiding]J. H. Tenney (Composer)412333 23555 11212
[We are but pilgrims toiling, toiling, toiling]J. H. Tenney (Composer)255512 31616 55551
[We are little soldiers] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)251721 51324 34321
[We are moving toward the City]J. H. Tenney (Composer)334511 71653 56554
[We are waiting till the shadows]J. H. T. (Composer)234551 77666 17165
[We come at the Savior's call]J. H. Tenney (Composer)211351 17111 17656
[We hail this happy day of flowers]J. H. Tenney (Composer)253215 61532 43231
ASAPH (Mason)J. H. Tenney (Arranger)355133 15616 65551
[We live in a world of temptation]J. H. T. (Composer)255345 17766 53451
[We love thee, we love thee, dear Jesus, our King]J. H. Tenney (Composer)355655 13232 13275
[We meet again, this Sabbath day]J. H. Tenney (Composer)213555 65544 34234
[We meet with joy and gladness]J. H. Tenney (Composer)213212 17153 54343
[We offer our song of greeting]J. H. Tenney (Composer)233215 65535 52223
[We offer praises, thankful praises]John Harrison Tenney (Composer)355345 56651 31621
[We praise the Redeemer in songs that are new]J. H. Tenney (Composer)255655 35432 35565
[We praise Thy name, dear Savior]J. H. Tenney (Composer)251321 16112 32125
[We shall be at home with Jesus]J. H. Tenney (Composer)312333 23512 32111
[We shall cross the swelling Jordan]J. H. Tenney (Composer)212332 16113 56532
[We shall reach our home some day] (Abbey)J. H. T. (Arranger)133321 21167 12353
[We sit and think of days gone by]J. H. Tenney (Composer)233235 45665 51332
[We will pray, we will pray at the dawning of the day]J. H. Tenney (Composer)334554 55566 66667
[We would see Jesus]John Harrison Tenney (Composer)232165 12343 22234
[Weak and weary are you waiting]J. H. Tenney (Composer)253653 21766 16553
[Weary soul with sin oppressed]J. H. Tenney (Composer)234533 21712 12334
[Weeping may last for a night in the vale] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)253455 56666 55517
[Weeping will not save you]J. H. Tenney (Composer)353312 13531 21651
[Welcome, Christmas, welcome here]J. H. Tenney (Composer)353451 32311 71217
[Welcome, happy voices sing in tuneful measure]J. H. Tenney (Composer)254351 72671 53456
[Wer da sein will Jesu Jünger]J. H. Tenney (Composer)234556 54531 23354
[We're a noble band of soldiers]J. H. Tenney (Composer)233432 16151 35432
[We've gathered into line today]J. H. Tenney (Composer)451112 32156 55325
[What can I do for Jesus?] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)213456 55332 34321
[What can sinking hearts sustain?]J. H. Tenney (Composer)256513 45556 53325
[What can the Savior do for thee]J. H. Tenney (Composer)251231 16662 34217
[What can we do for the lost and perishing]J. H. Tenney (Composer)333354 32123 45666
[What does mean this wondrous story]J. H. Tenney (Composer)212354 65333 21234
[What is the thing of greatest price]J. H. Tenney (Composer)233451 76535 65322
[What shall we bring to Jesus?]J. H. Tenney (Composer)255565 13323 21665
[What though clouds are round about thee]J. H. Tenney, by per (Composer)312334 33133 22321
[When deep in sin and folly]J. H. Tenney (Composer)212334 33112 21231
[When from guilt I would be free]J. H. Tenney (Composer)213156 15122 33432
[When from out the shining gateway]J. H. Tenney (Composer)255323 43213 21765
[When Jesus knocks, our startled eyes]J. H. Tenney (Composer)432313 23465 43233
[When Jesus left the throne of God]J. H. Tenney (Composer)433212 35223 17671
[When shall we meet again?] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)234326 65123 32343
[When storms around are sweeping] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)233456 53322 33423
[When the angels of God in the choir of the blest]J. H. Tenney (Composer)233321 53543 21223
[When the crowning day shall dawn, and I am summoned home]J. H. T. (Composer)212333 33334 55543
[When the roll is called in heaven] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)351333 21325 54443
[When the sowing and the reaping] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)333321 35333 22321
[When the way seems long and dreary] (Tenney)J. H. T. (Composer)634556 54533 51772
[When the working time is over]J. H. Tenney (Composer)255321 77666 16543
[When weary with the trials of the day]J. H. Tenney (Composer)251231 67165 53456
[When Zion's King in triumph rode]J. H. Tenney (Composer)251234 51554 32535
[Where is Jesus? where is Jesus?]J. H. Tenney (Composer)254651 17215 34566
[Where the earth faded flower shall freshen] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)633343 56511 17666
[Where the turrets of the mansions]J. H. Tenney (Composer)455456 65176 66121
[Where will you spend eternity] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)4932143 31354 32234
[While Jesus is calling, O do not delay]J. H. Tenney (Composer)355351 51212 33432
[While upon our pilgrim journey]J. H. Tenney (Composer)212332 16116 55123
[While we march upon our journey]J. H. Tenney (Composer)212333 35356 53432
["White as snow!" can my transgressions]J. H. Tenney (Composer)512334 32161 76511
[Who is ready for the battle?]J. H. Tenney (Composer)233323 45365 43323
[Who is this that cometh from the land of Edom?] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)232343 12127 13545
[Who will be one of the multitude great]J. H. Tenney (Composer)556532 16165 51353
[Why stand ye here idle? Work presses today] (Tenney 55655)J. H. Tenney (Composer)255655 31332 15234
[Why stand ye here idle? Work presses today] (Tenney 55671)J. H. Tenney (Composer)355671 55555 55542
[Wildly toss the foaming billow]J. H. Tenney (Composer)232155 67151 23554
[Will you join our ranks that are marching on]J. H. Tenney (Composer)534513 55614 66551
[Wine is a mocker]J. H. Tenney (Composer)212231 43325 51111
[Winning of a soul for the Master]J. H. Tenney (Composer)234356 51543 65432
[With a heavy load of woe, Lord, I come]J. H. Tenney (Composer)533217 65365 11123
[Our friends on earth we meet with pleasure]John Harrison Tenney (Composer)9555351 31176 53512
[With hearts and with voices]J. H. Tenney (Composer)255671 23531 25567
[With songs of heartfelt praise]J. H. Tenney (Composer)212333 35323 43211
[Wonderful beyond all telling]John Harrison Tenney (Composer)232167 15655 11123
[Wondrous grace that reaches me]J. H. Tenney (Composer)234511 76513 22232
[Would you have a life of joy]J. H. Tenney (Composer)233316 15321 23532
[Write it on the liquor store] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)2
[Yes, there is room for Jesus]J. H. Tenney (Composer)551321 23565 33212
[Yield not to the tempter] (Tenney)J. H. Tenney (Composer)632154 12212 33432
[Yonder are many mansions]J. H. Tenney (Composer)235551 65344 44542
[Youthful hearts are light]J. H. Tenney (Composer)2
ZION'S KINGJ. H. Tenney (Composer)231615 65671 23212

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