O Render Thanks

Representative Text

1 O render thanks to God above,
The Fountain of eternal love,
Whose mercy firm through ages past
Has stood, and shall forever last.

2 Who can His mighty deeds express,
Not only vast but numberless?
What mortal eloquence can raise
His tribute of immortal praise?

3 Extend to me that favor, Lord,
Thou to Thy chosen dost afford;
When Thou return'st to set them free,
Let Thy salvation visit me.

4 O may I worthy prove to see
Thy saints in full prosperity,
That I the joyful choir may join,
And count Thy people's triumph mine.

5 Let Israel's God be ever blessed,
His Name eternally confessed:
Let all His saints, with one accord,
Sing loud Amens: praise ye the Lord.

Source: The Hymnal: published by the Authority of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A. #128

Text Information

First Line: O render thanks to God above
Title: O Render Thanks
Source: Tate and Brady's New Version, 1696, 1698
Language: English
Copyright: Public Domain



This tune is likely the work of the composer named here, but has also been attributed to others as shown in the instances list below. According to the Handbook to the Baptist Hymnal (1992), Old 100th first appeared in the Genevan Psalter, and "the first half of the tune contains phrases which may ha…

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Instances (1 - 3 of 3)

Psalms of Grace #106a

Spurgeon's Own Hymn Book #106a


The Cyber Hymnal #5296

Include 231 pre-1979 instances
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