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Scripture:Exodus 15:20-21

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Come, Ye Faithful, Raise the Strain

Author: John of Damascus; John Mason Neale Meter: D Appears in 380 hymnals Scripture: Exodus 15 Lyrics: 1. Come, ye faithful, raise the strain of triumphant gladness; God hath brought forth Israel into joy from sadness; loosed from Pharaoh's bitter yoke Jacob's sons and daughters, led them with unmoistened foot through the Red Sea waters. 2. 'Tis the spring of souls today; Christ hath burst his prison, and from three days' sleep in death as a sun hath risen; all the winter of our sins, long and dark, is flying from his light, to whom we give laud and praise undying. 3. Now the queen of seasons, bright with the day of splendor, with the royal feast of feasts, comes its joy to render; comes to glad Jerusalem, who with true affection welcomes in unwearied strains Jesus' resurrection. 4. Neither might the gates of death, nor the tomb's dark portal, nor the watchers, nor the seal hold thee as a mortal; but today amidst the twelve thou didst stand, bestowing that thy peace which evermore passeth human knowing. 5. "Alleluia!" now we cry to our King immortal, who, triumphant, burst the bars of the tomb's dark portal; "Alleluia!" with the Son, God the Father praising, "Alleluia!" yet again to the Spirit raising. Topics: Christ's Gracious Life Resurrection and Exaltation; Christian Year Easter; Christian Year Ascension; Jesus Christ; Processionals; Service Music Doxology; Triumph Used With Tune: ST. KEVIN
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At the Lamb's High Feast We Sing

Author: Robert Campbell, 1814-1868 Meter: D Appears in 186 hymnals Scripture: Exodus 15 Lyrics: 1 At the Lamb's high feast we sing Praise to our victorious King. Who has washed us in the tide Flowing from his pierced side; Praise we him, whose love divine Gives his sacred Blood for wine, Gives his Body for the feast, Christ the Victim, Christ the Priest. 2 Where the Paschal blood is poured, Death's dark angel sheathes his sword; Israel's hosts triumphant go Through the wave that drowns the foe. Praise we Christ, whose blood was shed, Paschal victim, Paschal bread; With sincerity and love Eat we manna from above. 3 Mighty victim from the sky, Hell's fierce powers beneath you lie; You have conquered in the fight, You have brought us life and light: Now no more can death appall, Now no more the grave enthrall; You have opened paradise, And in you your saints shall rise. 4 Easter triumph, Easter joy, This alone can sin destroy; From sin's power, Lord, set us free Newborn souls in you to be. Father, who the crown shall give, Savior, by whose death we live, Spirit, guide through all our days, Three in One, your name we praise. Topics: Lamb Used With Tune: SALZBURG Text Sources: Latin 4th C.
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When Israel Was in Egypt's Land

Meter: with refrain Appears in 67 hymnals Scripture: Exodus 15 Refrain First Line: Go down, Moses Lyrics: 1 When Israel was in Egypt's land, Let my people go, oppressed so hard they could not stand, Let my people go. Refrain: Go down, Moses, way down in Egypt's land, tell old Pharaoh: Let my people go. 2 The Lord told Moses what to do, Let my people go, to lead the childr'n of Israel through, Let my people go. (Refrain) 3 The pillar of cloud shall clear the way, Let my people go, A fire by night, a shade by day, let my people go. (Refrain) 4 As Israel stood by the waterside, Let my people go, at God's command it did divide, Let my people go. (Refrain) 5 When they had reached the other shore, Let my people go, they sang the song of triumph o'er, Let my people go. (Refrain) 6 O let us all from bondage flee, Let my people go, and let us all in Christ be free, Let my people go. (Refrain) Topics: Easter, Vigil of; Holy Week, The Three Days; Society Used With Tune: TUBMAN Text Sources: African-American spiritual

For All the Faithful Women

Author: Herman G. Stuempfle, Jr., b. 1923 Meter: D Appears in 10 hymnals Scripture: Exodus 15:20-21 Topics: Mary, Mother of Our Lord; Saints' Days; Lesser Festivals Used With Tune: BARONITA

Exodus 15: Song of Moses

Author: Scott Soper Appears in 4 hymnals Scripture: Exodus 15 First Line: The Lord is my strength, my protection and my shield Refrain First Line: I will sing, I will sing Topics: Easter Vigil ; Holy Name; Kingdom Reign of God Used With Tune: [The Lord is my strength, my protection and my shield]

God It Was

Author: John L. Bell, b. 1949 Meter: Irregular Appears in 3 hymnals Scripture: Exodus 15:20-21 First Line: God it was who said to Abraham Topics: Journey Used With Tune: JESUS CALLS US

Exodus 15: To God Be Praise and Glory

Author: Janét Sullivan Whitaker, b. 1958 Appears in 3 hymnals Scripture: Exodus 15:19-21 First Line: I sing to God, triumphant is he Refrain First Line: I will sing to the Lord, triumphant is he Topics: Freedom; Power of God; Praise; Salvation; The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night Reading 3; Service Music for Mass Entrance Song (Gathering of Processional); The Liturgical Year The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night; The Liturgical Year Easter (Sundays and Weekdays) Used With Tune: [I sing to God, triumphant is he]
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Heal us, Immanuel, here we are

Meter: Appears in 75 hymnals Scripture: Exodus 15 Lyrics: 1 Heal us, Immanuel, here we are, Waiting to feel thy touch; Deep wounded souls to thee repair, And, Saviour, we are such. 2 Our faith is feeble, we confess, We faintly trust thy word, But wilt thou pity us the less? Far be that from the Lord! 3 Remember him who once applied With trembling for relief: "Lord, I believe," with tears he cried, "O help my unbelief." 4 She too, who touch'd thee in the press, And healing virtue stole, Was answered, "Daughter, go in peace, "Thy faith hath made thee whole." 5 Conceal'd amidst the gather'd throng, She would have shunn'd thy view; And if her faith was firm and strong, Had strong misgivings too. 6 Like her, with hopes and fears we come, To touch thee if we may; Oh! send us not despairing home, Send none unheal'd away.
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Lift Every Voice and Sing

Author: James Weldon Johnson, 1871-1938 Appears in 48 hymnals Scripture: Exodus 15:1-21 First Line: Lift ev'ry voice and sing Lyrics: 1 Lift ev'ry voice and sing Till earth and heaven ring, Ring with the harmonies of liberty. Let our rejoicing rise High as the list'ning skies, Let it resound loud as the rolling sea. Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us; Sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us; Facing the rising sun Of our new day begun, Let us march on till victory is won. 2 Stony the road we trod, Bitter the chast'ning rod Felt in the days when hope unborn had died; Yet with a steady beat, Have not our weary feet Come to the place for which our parents sighed? We have come over a way that with tears has been watered; We have come, treading our path through the blood of the slaughtered, Out from the gloomy past, Till now we stand at last Where the white gleam of our bright star is cast. 3 God of our weary years, God of our silent tears, Thou who hast brought us thus far on the way; Thou who hast by Thy might Led us into the light, Keep us forever in the path, we pray. Lest our feet stray from the places, our God, where we met Thee; Lest, our hearts drunk with the wine of the world, we forget Thee; Shadowed beneath Thy hand, May we forever stand, True to our God, true to our native land. Topics: Nation and National Songs Used With Tune: LIFT EVERY VOICE

Crashing Waters at Creation

Author: Sylvia G. Dunstan (1955-1993) Meter: Appears in 12 hymnals Scripture: Exodus 15:1-21 Topics: Christian Initiation; Salvation/Redemption; Water; Baptism (general) Used With Tune: MARCHING


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