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Scripture:Psalm 86:16

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The Lord will come and not be slow

Author: John Milton (1608-1674) Meter: Appears in 98 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 86 Lyrics: 1 The Lord will come and not be slow, His footsteps cannot err; Before Him righteousness shall go, His royal harbinger. 2 Truth from the earth, like to a flower, Shall bud and blossom then; And justice, from her heavenly bower, Look down on mortal men. 3 Rise, God, judge Thou the earth in might, This wicked earth redress; For Thou art He who shall by right The nations all possess. 4 For great Thou art, and wonders great By Thy strong hand are done: Thou in Thy everlasting seat Remainest God alone. Amen. Topics: Jesus Christ the Lord His Coming in Glory; Christ Second Coming, His; Coming in Glory Used With Tune: OLD 107TH

LORD, My Petition Heed

Author: Bert Polman Meter: Appears in 13 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 86 Topics: Deliverance; King, God/Christ as; Profession of Faith; Afflictions; Confession of Sin; Deliverance; Forgiveness; King, God/Christ as; Ministry & Service; Missions; Prayer; Profession of Faith; Salvation; Sanctification Used With Tune: MASON Text Sources: Psalter, 1912

Psalm 86: O Lord, do thou bow down thine ear

Meter: Appears in 10 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 86 First Line: O Lord, do thou bow down thine ear Lyrics: 1O Lord, do thou bow down thine ear, and hear me graciously; Because I sore afflicted am, and am in poverty. 2Because I’m holy, let my soul by thee preserved be: O thou my God, thy servant save, that puts his trust in thee. 3Sith unto thee I daily cry, be merciful to me. 4Rejoice thy servant’s soul; for, Lord, I lift my soul to thee. 5For thou art gracious, O Lord, and ready to forgive; And rich in mercy, all that call upon thee to relieve. 6Hear, Lord, my pray’r; unto the voice of my request attend: 7In troublous times I’ll call on thee; for thou wilt answer send. 8Lord, there is none among the gods that may with thee compare; And like the works which thou hast done, not any work is there. 9All nations whom thou mad’st shall come and worship rev’rently Before thy face; and they, O Lord, thy name shall glorify. 10Because thou art exceeding great, and works by thee are done Which are to be admir’d; and thou art God thyself alone. 11Teach me thy way, and in thy truth, O Lord, then walk will I; Unite my heart, that I thy name may fear continually. 12O Lord my God, with all my heart to thee I will give praise; And I the glory will ascribe unto thy name always: 13Because thy mercy toward me in greatness doth excel; And thou deliver’d hast my soul out from the lowest hell. 14O God, the proud against me rise, and vi’lent men have met, That for my soul have sought; and thee before them have not set. 15But thou art full of pity, Lord, a God most gracious, Long-suffering, and in thy truth and mercy plenteous. 16O turn to me thy countenance, and mercy on me have; Thy servant strengthen, and the son of thine own handmaid save. 17Shew me a sign for good, that they which do me hate may see, And be asham’d; because thou, Lord, didst help and comfort me.

Psalm 8: Lord, You Are Good and Forgiving

Appears in 5 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 86 First Line: Turn your ear, O LORD, and answer me Refrain First Line: Lord, you are good and forgiving Used With Tune: [Lord, you are good and forgiving] Text Sources: refrain, Lectionary for Mass; verses, The Revised Grail Psalms
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Eternal God, almighty cause

Author: Browne Meter: Appears in 156 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 86 Topics: Praise to the only true God
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To my Complaint, O Lord my God

Appears in 14 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 86 Lyrics: 1 To my Complaint, O Lord my God, thy gracious Ear incline; Hear me, distress'd and destitute of all Relief but thine; 2 Do thou, O God, preserve my Soul, that does thy Name adore: Thy Servant keep, and him, whose Trust relies on Thee, restore. 3 To me who daily Thee invoke, thy Mercy, Lord, extend; 4 Refresh thy Servant's Soul, whose Hopes on Thee alone depend. 5 Thou, Lord, art good, nor only good, but prompt to pardon too: Of plenteous Mercy to all those who for thy Mercy sue. 6 To my repeated humble Pray'r, O Lord, attentive be; 7 When troubled I on Thee will call, for Thou wilt answer me. 8 Among the Gods there's none like Thee, O Lord, alone divine! To Thee as much inferior they, as are their Works to thine. 9 Therefore their great Creator Thee, the Nations shall adore; Their long misguided Pray'rs and Praise to thy blest Name restore. 10 All shall confess Thee great, and great the Wonders thou hast done; Confess thee God, thee God supreme, Confess thee God alone. Part II 11 Teach me thy Way, O Lord, and I from Truth shall ne'er depart; In Rev'rence to thy sacred Name devoutly fix my Heart. 12 Thee will I praise, O Lord my God, praise thee with Heart sincere: And to thy everlasting name eternal Trophies rear. 13 Thy boundless Mercy shewn to me, transcends my Pow'r to tell, For thou haSt oft redeem'd my Soul from lowest Depths of Hell. 14 O God, the Sons of Pride and Strife have my Destruction sought, Regardless of thy Pow'r that oft has my Deliv'rance wrought: 15 But thou thy constant Goodness didst to my Assistance bring; Of Patience, Mercy, and of Truth, thou everlasting Spring! 16 O bounteous Lord, thy Grace and Strength to me thy Servant show; Thy kind Protection, Lord, on me, thine Handmaid's Son bestow. 17 Some Signal give, which my proud Foes may see with Shame and Rage, When thou, O Lord, for my Relief and Comfort do'st engage.
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Bow down thine ear, O LORD, hear me

Appears in 7 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 86 Topics: Penitential
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Desires and Aspirations

Appears in 7 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 86 First Line: By all whom Thou hast made Lyrics: 1 By all whom Thou hast made Be praise and worship paid Thro' earth abroad; Thy Name be glorified, There is none great beside, Matchless Thy works abide, For Thou art God. 2 Help me Thy will to do, Thy truth I will pursue, Teach me to fear; Give me the single eye Thy Name to glorify, O Lord, my God Most High, With heart sincere. 3 How great Thy love appears That bade death's gloomy fears No more dismay; O God, to anger slow, Save me from ev'ry foe, Thy loving-kindness show, Thy truth display. 4 Show me Thy mercy true, Thy servant's strength renew, Deliv'rance send; To me Thy goodness show, Thy comfort, Lord bestow; Let those that hate me know Thou art my friend. Topics: Afflictions Prayer in; Anger of God Restrained; Aspirations For Christ; Aspirations For Grace; Christ Exaltation of; Christ Glorying in; Christ The Saviour; Christ Worshiped; Comfort in Trials; Deliverance from death; Faith Confession of; Faith Walking by; God Compassion of ; God Fatherhood of; God Hearer of Prayer; God Sovereignty of ; God Our Teacher; Gospel Sanctifying and Saving; Grace Growth in; Mercy of God Great; Mercy of God Prayer for; Miracles; Missions Prayer for; Missions Triumphs of; Praise By Men; Praise For Work of Redemption; Prayer confidence in; Prayer Pleas in; Salvation Prayers for; Truth Used With Tune: DONORA

Psalm (85) 86

Appears in 3 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 86 First Line: Turn you ear, O Lord, and give answer Refrain First Line: O Lord, our God, unwearied is your love Topics: Psalter Used With Tune: [O Lord, our God, unwearied is your love]
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Hear Me, O LORD, and Answer Me

Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 86 Topics: God Love and Grace of; God Mercy of; Prayer; Sin and Forgiveness Used With Tune: LLEF Text Sources: OPC/URCNA 2016


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