Meter: Appears in 59 hymnals Topics: Particular Occasions and Circumstances Sickness and Recovery Lyrics: 1 Sov'reign of life, I own thy hand
In ev'ry chast'ning stroke;
And while I smart beneath thy rod,
Thy presence I invoke.
2 To thee in my distress I cried,
And thou hast bow'd thy ear;
Thy pow'rful word prolong'd my life,
And brought salvation near.
3 Unfold, ye gates of righteousness,
That, with the pious throng,
I may record my solemn vows,
And tune my grateful song.
4 Praise to the Lord, whose gentle hand
Renews our lab'ring breath:
Praise to the Lord, who makes his saints
Triumphant e'en in death.
5 My God, in thine appointed hour
Those heav'nly gates display,
Where pain and sin, and fear and death
For ever flee away.
6 There, while the nations of the bless'd,
With raptures bow around;
My anthems to deliv'ring grace,
In sweeter strains shall sound.
Sov'reign of life, I own thy hand