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Hymnal, Number:sbhc1958

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O wondrous type, O vision fair

Author: John Mason Neale, 1818-66 Hymnal: SBHC1958 #147a (1958) Lyrics: 1 O wondrous type, O vision fair Of glory that the Church shall share, Which Christ upon the mountain shows, Where brighter than the sun he glows! 2 With shining face and bright array, Christ deigns to manifest today What glory shall be theirs above, Who joy in God with perfect love. A-men. 3 And faithful hearts are raised on high By this great vision's mystery, For which in joyful strains we raise The voice of prayer, the hymn of praise. 4 O Father, with the eternal Son And Holy Spirit ever One, Vouchsafe to bring us by thy grace To see thy glory face to face. Amen. Topics: The Church Year Saints' Days - Minor Festivals Languages: English Tune Title: CONDITOR ALME SIDERUM
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O wondrous type, O vision fair

Author: John Mason Neale, 1818-66 Hymnal: SBHC1958 #147b (1958) Meter: Lyrics: 1 O wondrous type, O vision fair Of glory that the Church shall share, Which Christ upon the mountain shows, Where brighter than the sun he glows! 2 With shining face and bright array, Christ deigns to manifest today What glory shall be theirs above, Who joy in God with perfect love. A-men. 3 And faithful hearts are raised on high By this great vision's mystery, For which in joyful strains we raise The voice of prayer, the hymn of praise. 4 O Father, with the eternal Son And Holy Spirit ever One, Vouchsafe to bring us by thy grace To see thy glory face to face. Amen. Topics: The Church Year Saints' Days - Minor Festivals Languages: English Tune Title: CAMERONIAN MIDNIGHT HYMN
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O worship the King, all glorious above

Author: Robert Grant, 1779 - 1838 Hymnal: SBHC1958 #163 (1958) Lyrics: 1 O worship the King, all glorious above, O gratefully sing his wonderful love; Our shield and defender, the Ancient of Days, Pavilioned in splendor, and girded with praise. 2 O tell of his might, O sing of his grace, Whose robe is the light, whose canopy space; His chariots of wrath the deep thunderclouds form, And dark is his path on the wings of the storm. 3 The earth with its store of wonders untold, Almighty, thy power hath founded of old; Hath stablished it fast by a changeless decree, And round it hath cast, like a mantle, the sea. 4 Thy bountiful care what tongue can recite? It breathes in the air, it shines in the light; It streams from the hills, it descends to the plain, And sweetly distils in the dew and the rain. 5 Frail children of dust, and feeble as frail, In thee do we trust, nor find thee to fail; Thy mercies how tender, how firm to the end, Our Maker, Defender, Redeemer, and Friend. 6 O measureless Might, ineffable Love, While angels delight to hymn thee above, The humbler creation, though feeble their lays, With true adoration shall sing to thy praise. Topics: The Church Year Epiphany; The Church Year Trinity Sunday - The Holy Trinity; The Life In Christ Adoration and Praise; The Church Worship - In The Presence Scripture: Psalm 104 Languages: English Tune Title: HANOVER

O praise him, O praise him

Author: William H. Draper, 1855-1933; St. Francis of Assisi, 1182-1226 Hymnal: SBHC1958 #173 (1958) First Line: All creatures of our God and King Topics: The Church Worship - The Beginning of Service; The Life In Christ Thanksgiving; Church Life and Work Rogationtide; The Church Worship - In The Presence Languages: English Tune Title: LASST UNS ERFREUEN
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O Splendor of God's glory bright

Author: Robert Bridges, 1844 - 1930; St. Ambrose, 340 - 97 Hymnal: SBHC1958 #206a (1958) Lyrics: 1 O Splendor of God's glory bright, O thou who bringest light from Light, O Light of light, light's living spring, O Day, all days illumining! 2 O thou true Sun, on us thy glance Let fall in royal radiance; The Spirit’s sanctifying beam Upon our earthly senses stream. 3 The Father, too, our prayers implore, Father of glory evermore, The Father of all grace and might, To banish sin from our delight. A-men. 4 To guide whate’er we nobly do, With love all envy to subdue, To make ill-fortune turn to fair, And give us grace our wrongs to bear. 5 Rejoicing may this day go hence; Like virgin dawn our innocence, Like fiery noon our faith appear, Nor known the gloom of twilight drear. 6 Morn in her rosy car is borne; Let him come forth, our perfect morn, The Word in God the Father one, The Father perfect in the Son. 7 All laud to God the Father be; All praise, eternal Son, to thee; All glory, as is ever meet, To God the holy Paraclete. Amen. Topics: The Church Worship - Morning Languages: English Tune Title: SPLENDOR PATERNAE
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O Splendor of God's glory bright

Author: Robert Bridges, 1844 - 1930; St. Ambrose, 340 - 97 Hymnal: SBHC1958 #206b (1958) Lyrics: 1 O Splendor of God's glory bright, O thou who bringest light from Light, O Light of light, light's living spring, O Day, all days illumining! 2 O thou true Sun, on us thy glance Let fall in royal radiance; The Spirit’s sanctifying beam Upon our earthly senses stream. 3 The Father, too, our prayers implore, Father of glory evermore, The Father of all grace and might, To banish sin from our delight. A-men. 4 To guide whate’er we nobly do, With love all envy to subdue, To make ill-fortune turn to fair, And give us grace our wrongs to bear. 5 Rejoicing may this day go hence; Like virgin dawn our innocence, Like fiery noon our faith appear, Nor known the gloom of twilight drear. 6 Morn in her rosy car is borne; Let him come forth, our perfect morn, The Word in God the Father one, The Father perfect in the Son. 7 All laud to God the Father be; All praise, eternal Son, to thee; All glory, as is ever meet, To God the holy Paraclete. Amen. Topics: The Church Worship - Morning Tune Title: WALTON (GERMANY)
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O gladsome light, O grace

Author: Robert Bridges, 1844 - 1930 Hymnal: SBHC1958 #220 (1958) Lyrics: 1 O gladsome light, O grace Of God the Father’s face, The eternal splendor wearing; Celestial, holy, blest, Our Saviour Jesus Christ, Joyful in thine appearing! 2 Now, ere day fadeth quite, We see the evening light, Our wonted hymn outpouring; Father of might unknown, Thee, his incarnate Son, And Holy Ghost adoring. A-men. 3 To thee of right belongs All praise of holy songs, O Son of God, lifegiver; Thee, therefore, O most high, The world doth glorify, And shall exalt for ever. Amen. Topics: The Church Worship - Evening Languages: English Tune Title: NUNC DIMITTIS
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O Word of God incarnate

Author: William Walsham How, 1823 - 97 Hymnal: SBHC1958 #252 (1958) Lyrics: 1 O Word of God incarnate, O Wisdom from on high, O Truth unchanged, unchanging, O Light of our dark sky; We praise thee for the radiance That from the hallowed page, A lantern to our footsteps, Shines on from age to age. 2 The Church from her dear Master Received the gift divine, And still that light she lifteth O'er all the earth to shine. It is the golden casket Where gems of truth are stored; It is the heaven-drawn picture Of Christ, the living Word. A-men. 3 It floateth like a banner Before God's host unfurled; It shineth like a beacon Above the darkling world; It is the chart and compass That o'er life's surging sea, 'Mid mists and rocks and quicksands, Still guides, O Christ, to thee. 4 O make thy Church, dear Saviour, A lamp of burnished gold, To bear before the nations Thy true light, as of old; O teach thy wandering pilgrims By this their path to trace, Till, clouds and darkness ended, They see thee face to face. Amen. Topics: The Holy Scriptures Languages: English Tune Title: MUNICH (MEININGEN)
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O Bread of life from heaven

Author: Philip Schaff, 1819-93; Athelstan Riley, 1858-1945 Hymnal: SBHC1958 #271 (1958) Refrain First Line: Lyrics: 1 O Bread of life from heaven, To weary pilgrims given, O Manna from above! The souls that hunger feed thou, The hearts that seek thee lead thou, With thy most sweet and tender love. 2 O fount of grace redeeming, O river ever streaming From Jesus’ holy side! Come thou, thyself bestowing On thirsting souls, and flowing Till all are fully satisfied. A-men. 3 O Jesus, by thee bidden, We here adore thee, hidden 'Neath forms of bread and wine; Grant, when the veil is riven, We may behold in heaven Thy glorious countenance divine. Amen. Topics: Sacraments and Rites Holy Communion Languages: English Tune Title: INNSBRUCK
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O perfect Love, all human thought transcending

Author: Dorothy Frances Gurney, 1858 - 1932 Hymnal: SBHC1958 #300 (1958) Lyrics: 1 O perfect Love, all human thought transcending, Lowly we kneel in prayer before thy throne, That theirs may be the love which knows no ending, Whom thou for evermore dost join in one. 2 O perfect Life, be thou their full assurance Of tender charity and steadfast faith, Of patient hope, and quiet, brave endurance, With child-like trust that fears no pain nor death. A-men. 3 Grant them the joy which brightens earthly sorrow; Grant them the peace which calms all earthly strife, And to life's day the glorious unknown morrow That dawns upon eternal love and life. Amen. Topics: Home and Family; Sacraments and Rites Marriage Languages: English Tune Title: O PERFECT LOVE


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