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Hymnal, Number:chss1801

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The voice of Free Grace, cries, escape to the mountain

Hymnal: CHSS1801 #I (1801) Lyrics: 1 The voice of Free Grace, cries, escape to the mountain, For Adam's lost race Christ hath open'd a fountain, For sin and transgression, and every pollution, His blood it flows freely in plenteous redemption. Chorus: Hallelujah to the Lamb who purchas'd our pardon; We'll praise him again when we pass over Jordan. 2 That fountain so clear, in which all may find pardon, From Jesus's side flows plenteous redemption; Though your sins were increas'd as high as a mountain, His blood flows freely in streams of salvation. [Chorus] 3 Oh! Jesus ride on, thy kingdom is glorious, O'er sin, death and Hell, thou wilt make us victorious: Thy name shall be prais'd in the great congregation, And saints shall delight in ascribing salvation. [Chorus] 4 When on Zion we stand, having gain'd the blest shore, With our harps in our hands we'll praise him evermore; We'll range the blest fields on the bank of the river, And sing Hallelujah for ever and ever. [Chorus] Languages: English

Behold the awful trumpet sounds

Hymnal: CHSS1801 #X (1801) Lyrics: 1 Behold the awful trumpet sounds, The sleeping dead to raise, And calls the nations under ground: O how the saints will praise! 2 Behold the Saviour how he comes Descending from his throne To burst asunder all our tombs And lead his children home. 3 But who can bear that dreadful day, To see the world in flames: The burning mountains melt away, While rocks run down in streams. 4 The falling stars their orbits leave, The sun in darkness hide; The elements asunder cleave, The moon turn'd into blood! 5 Behold the universal world In consternation stand, The wicked into Hell are turn'd The Saints at God's right hand. 6 O then the music will begin, Their Saviour God to praise: They are all freed from every sin, And thus they'll spend their days! Languages: English

What poor despised company

Hymnal: CHSS1801 #XI (1801) Lyrics: 1 What poor despised company Of travellers are these, That's walking yonder narrow way, Along that rugged maze? 2 Why they are of a royal line, They're children of a King; Heirs of immortal crown divine, And loud for joy they sing. 3 Why do they then appear so mean, And why so much despis'd? Because of their rich robes unseen The world is not appriz'd. 4 Why some of them seem poor distress'd And lacking daily bread; Heirs of immortal wealth possess'd With hidden Manna fed. 5 Why do they shun the pleasant path, That worldlings love so well? Because that is the road to death, The open road to hell. 6 Why do they walk that narrow road, Along that rugged maze? Because this way their leader trod, They love and keep his ways. 7 Why is there then no other road To Salem's happy ground? Christ is the only way to God, No other can be found. Languages: English

Am I a Soldier of the Cross

Hymnal: CHSS1801 #XII (1801) Lyrics: 1 Am I a Soldier of the Cross, A follower of the Lamb? And shall I fear to own his cause, Or blush to speak his name? 2 Must I be carried to the skies On flow'ry beds of ease, When others fought to win the prize And sail'd thro' bloody seas? 3 Are there no foes for me to face? Must I not stem the flood? Is this vile world a friend to grace, To help me on to God? 4 Sure I must fight if I would reign— Increase my courage Lord; I'll bear the toil, endure the pain, Supported by thy word. 5 Thy Saints in all this glorious war Shall conquer tho' they die: They see the triumph from afar, By faith they bring it nigh. 6 When that illustrious day shall rise, And all thine armies shine, In robes of vic'try thro' the skies, The glory shall be thine. Languages: English

In thee we now together came

Hymnal: CHSS1801 #XIII (1801) Lyrics: 1 In thee we now together come, In singleness of heart; We meet, O Jesus, in thy name, And in thy name we part; We part in body, not in mind: Our minds continue one; And each to each in Jesus join'd, We hand to hand go on. 2 Subsists as in us all one soul; No pow'r can make us twain: Tho' mountains rise and oceans roll, To sever us in vain. Present we still in spirit are, And intimately nigh; While on the wings of faith and pray'r We each to other fly. 3 In Jesus Christ together we In heav'nly places sit: Cloath'd with the sun, we smile to see The moon beneath our feet. Our life is hid with Christ in God: Our life shall soon appear; And shed his glories all abroad In all his members here. 4 This heav'nly treasure here In a vile house of clay, But he shall to the utmost save, And keep it to that day, Our souls are in his mighty hand, And he will keep them still; And you and I shall surely stand With him on Zion's hill. 5 Him eye to eye we there shall see, Our face like his will shine: O what a glorious company When saints and angels join! O what a joyful meeting there! In robes of white array'd; Palms in our hands we all shall bear, And crowns upon our head! 6 Then let us lawfully contend, And fight our passage through, Bear in our faithful minds the end, And keep the prize in view: Then let us hasten to the day When all shall be brought home! Come, O Redeemer come away! O Jesus, quickly come! Languages: English

We've found the rock, the trav'ler cried

Hymnal: CHSS1801 #XIV (1801) Lyrics: 1 We've found the rock, the trav'ler cried The stone that all the prophets try'd. 2 Come, Christians, drink the balmy dew, 'Twas Christ that shed it new for you. 3 This costly mixture cures the soul Which sin and guilt has made so foul. 4 It makes me merry while I sing, And shout Salvation to my King. 5 There's glory glory in my soul; Come, mourners, see salvation roll; 6 I wish you would believe in God, And sink into the purple flood. 7 O Christians we have Heav'n to day—night; it shines around with dazzling ray—light: 8 And in this light we'll soar away Where there's no night but endless day. 9 O then we'll blow the golden flute, And praise the man that gain'd our suit: 10 Then Jesus in a shining vest, Will smile and lead us up to rest! Languages: English

Saviour, I do feel thy merit

Hymnal: CHSS1801 #XV (1801) Lyrics: 1 Saviour, I do feel thy merit, Sprinkled with redeeming blood; And my weary troubled spirit, Now finds rest in thee my God. 2 I am safe, and I am happy While in thy dear arms I lie: Sin and Satan cannot harm me While my Saviour is so nigh. 3 Now I'll sing of Jesus's merit, Tell the world of his dear name, That if any wants his spirit, He is still the very same. 4 He that asketh soon receiveth, He that seeks is sure to find; Who of comfort is bereaved, Jesus never casts behind. 5 Now our advocate is pleading With his Father and our God: Now for us he's interceeding, As the purchase of his blood. 6 Now methinks I hear him praying "Father save them, I have dy'd:" And the Father answers, saying, "They are freely justify'd." Languages: English

Oh! give me Lord my sins to mourn

Hymnal: CHSS1801 #XVI (1801) Lyrics: 1 Oh! give me Lord my sins to mourn— My sins! which have thy body torn! Give me, with broken heart, to see Thy last, tremendous agony. 2 O could I gain the mountain's height, And gaze upon that bleeding sight! O that, with Salem's daughters, I Could stand and see my Saviour die! 3 I'd smite my breast, and weep and mourn, And never from the cross return: I'd weep o'er an expiring God, And mix my tears with Jesus's blood. 4 I'd hang around his cross, and cry "Lord save a soul condemn'd to die! "O let a wretch come near thy throne, "To plead the merits of thy son." 5 Father of mercy do not frown, But give me mercy in thy son; And, with my broken heart, comply! O give me Jesus, or I die! 6 O Lord deny me what thou wilt, If thou wouldst ease my soul from guilt. Good Lord! I mercy hear my cry, And give me Jesus, or I die! 7 O save my soul from gaping hell, Or else with devils I must dwell: O might I enter, now I'm come! Lord Jesus save me or I'm gone. Languages: English

The time draws nigh when you and I

Hymnal: CHSS1801 #XVII (1801) Lyrics: 1 The time draws nigh when you and I Are to be separated; But this doth grieve our hearts to leave Each other to be parted; But let us see eternity, And meet the saints with joy, Our sighings o'er, we'll part no more, But reign, with Christ, in glory. 2 When Christians join, it is most fine For to adore their Saviour; High they can raise their songs of praise, And follow him forever; But when they part it grieves their heart, They here are so united; They fain would be, in company Always, they're so delighted. 3 Well, brethren dear, don't let us fear, We soon shall live together; When Christ descends to call his friends We then shall meet one another. Then to sit down, around the throne With saints and lovely Jesus, Eternal love, we'll sing above, And nothing then will grieve us. 4 The Lamb appears to wipe our tears, And to complete our glory; Then shall we rest, with all the blest, And tell the lovely story: To sit and tell, "Christ lov'd us well, "And that while we were sinners." Heaven will ring, while saints do sing, "Glory to the Redeemer." Languages: English

See the Eternal Judge descending

Hymnal: CHSS1801 #XVIII (1801) Lyrics: 1 See the Eternal Judge descending, Seated on sinners Christ will shew thee That he is the Eternal Son; Trumpets call thee, Stand and hear thy awful doom. 2 Hear the sinner now lamenting At the thoughts of fiercer pain; Cries and tears are now a-venting, But he cries and weeps in vain, Greatly mourning That he nev'r was born again. 3 Yonder sits my slighted Saviour, With the marks of dying love; Oh! that I had sought his favor When I felt his spirit move! Doom'd I'm justly, For I have against him strove. 4 All his wooing I have slighted, While he daily sought my soul, If some vows to him I plighted Yet for sin I broke the all; Golden moments, How neglected did they roll! 5 Yonder sits my godly neighbours, Who were once despis'd by me; Now they're clad in dazzling splendor, Waiting my sad fate to see; Farewell neighbours— Dismal gulf I'm bound for thee! 6 Hail ye ghosts that dwell in darkness, Groaning, rattling of your chains! Christ has now denounc'd my sentence For to dwell in endless pains; Down I'm rolling, Never to return again. 7 Now experience plainly shews me, Hell is not a fabled thing; Lo, I see my friends in glory, Round the throne they ever sing: I'm tormented With an everlasting sting. Languages: English


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