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Hymnal, Number:spap1800

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Psalm 28: To thee I'll cry, O Lord, my rock

Meter: Appears in 6 hymnals First Line: To thee I'll cry, O Lord, my rock Lyrics: 1To thee I’ll cry, O Lord, my rock; hold not thy peace to me; Lest like those that to pit descend I by thy silence be. 2The voice hear of my humble pray’rs, when unto thee I cry; When to thine holy oracle I lift mine hands on high. 3With ill men draw me not away that work iniquity; That speak peace to their friends, while in their hearts doth mischief lie. 4Give them according to their deeds and ills endeavoured: And as their handy-works deserve, to them be rendered. 5God shall not build, but them destroy, who would not understand The Lord’s own works, nor did regard the doing of his hand. 6For ever blessed be the Lord, for graciously he heard The voice of my petitions, and prayers did regard. 7The Lord’s my strength and shield; my heart upon him did rely; And I am helped: hence my heart doth joy exceedingly, And with my song I will him praise. 8Their strength is God alone: He also is the saving strength of his anointed one. 9O thine own people do thou save, bless thine inheritance; Them also do thou feed, and them for evermore advance. Scripture: Psalm 28

Prov. 1:20-31: In streets, and op'nings of the gates

Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals First Line: In streets, and op'nings of the gates Lyrics: In streets, and op’nings of the gates, where pours the busy crowd, Thus heav’nly Wisdom lifts her voice, and cries to men aloud: How long, ye scorners of the truth, scornful will ye remain? How long shall fools their folly love, and hear my words in vain? O turn, at last, at my reproof! and, in that happy hour, His bless’d effusions on your heart my Spirit down shall pour. 127 But since so long, with earnest voice, to you in vain I call Since all my counsels and reproofs thus ineffectual fall; The time will come, when humbled low, in Sorrow’s evil day, Your voice by anguish shall be taught, but taught too late, to pray. When, like the whirlwind, o’er the deep comes Desolation’s blast; Pray’rs then extorted shall be vain, the hour of mercy past. The choice you made has fixed your doom; for this is Heav’n’s decree, That with the fruits of what he sowed the sinner filled shall be. Scripture: Proverbs 1:20-31

Prov. 3:13-17: O happy is the man who hears

Meter: Appears in 302 hymnals First Line: O happy is the man who hears Lyrics: O happy is the man who hears Instruction’s warning voice; And who celestial Wisdom makes his early, only choice. For she has treasures greater far than east or west unfold; And her rewards more precious are than all their stores of gold. In her right hand she holds to view a length of happy days; Riches with splendid honours are what her left displays. She guides the young with innocence, in pleasure’s paths to tread, A crown of glory she bestows upon the hoary head. According as her labours rise, so her rewards increase; Her ways are ways of pleasantness, And all her paths are peace. Scripture: Proverbs 3:13-17

Proverbs 8:22-36: Keep silence, all ye sons of men

Meter: Appears in 4 hymnals First Line: Keep silence, all ye sons of men Lyrics: Keep silence, all ye sons of men, and hear with rev’rence due; Eternal Wisdom from above thus lifts her voice to you: I was th’ Almighty’s chief delight from everlasting days, Ere yet his arm was stretched forth the heav’ns and earth to raise. Before the sea began to flow, and leave the solid land, Before the hills and mountains rose, I dwelt at his right hand. When first he reared the arch of heav’n, and spread the clouds on air, When first the fountains of the deep he opened, I was there. 128 There I was with him, when he stretched his compass o’er the deep, And charged the ocean’s swelling waves within their bounds to keep. With joy I saw th’ abode prepared which men were soon to fill: Them from the first of days I loved, unchanged, I love them still. Now therefore hearken to my words, ye children, and be wise: Happy the man that keeps my ways; the man that shuns them dies. Where dubious paths perplex the mind, direction I afford; Life shall be his that follows me and favour from the Lord. But he who scorns my sacred laws shall deeply wound his heart, He courts destruction who contemns the counsel I impart. Scripture: Proverbs 8:22-36

Eccles. 7:2-6: While others crowd the house of mirth

Meter: Appears in 4 hymnals First Line: While others crowd the house of mirth Lyrics: While others crowd the house of mirth, and haunt the gaudy show, Let such as would with Wisdom dwell, frequent the house of woe. Better to weep with those who weep, and share th’ afflicted’s smart, Than mix with fools in giddy joys that cheat and wound the heart. When virtuous sorrow clouds the face, and tears bedim the eye, The soul is led to solemn thought, and wafted to the Sky. The wise in heart revisit oft grief’s dark sequestered cell; The thoughtless still with levity and mirth delight to dwell. The noisy laughter of the fool is like the crackling sound Of blazing thorns, which quickly fall in ashes to The ground. Scripture: Ecclesiastes 7:2-6

Isaiah 2:2-6: Behold! the mountain of the Lord

Meter: Appears in 183 hymnals First Line: Behold! the mountain of the Lord Lyrics: Behold! the mountain of the Lord in latter days shall rise On mountain tops above the hills, and draw the wond’ring eyes. To this the joyful nations round, all tribes and tongues shall flow; Up to the hill of God, they’ll say, and to his house we’ll go. The beam that shines from Sion hill shall lighten ev’ry land; The King who reigns in Salem’s tow’rs shall all the world command. Among the nations he shall judge; his judgments truth shall guide; His sceptre shall protect the just, and quell the sinner’s pride. No strife shall rage, nor hostile feuds disturb those peaceful years; To ploughshares men shall beat their swords, to pruning-hooks their spears. 130 No longer hosts encount’ring hosts shall crowds of slain deplore: They hang the trumpet in the hall, and study war no more. Come then, O house of Jacob! come to worship at his Shrine; And, walking in the light of God, with holy beauties shine, Scripture: Isaiah 2:2-6

Lament. 3:37-40: Amidst the mighty, where is he

Meter: Appears in 3 hymnals First Line: Amidst the mighty, where is he Lyrics: Amidst the mighty, where is he who saith, and it is done? Each varying scene of changeful life is from the Lord alone. He gives in gladsome bow’rs to dwell, or clothes in sorrow’s shroud; His hand hath formed the light, his hand hath formed the dark’ning cloud. Why should a living man complain beneath the chast’ning rod? Our sins afflict us; and the cross must bring us back to God. O sons of men! with anxious care your hearts and ways explore; Return from paths of vice to God: return, and sin no more! Scripture: Lamentations 3:37-40

Heb. 12:1-13: Behold what witnesses unseen

Meter: Appears in 17 hymnals First Line: Behold what witnesses unseen Lyrics: Behold what witnesses unseen encompass us around; Men, once like us, with suff’ring tried, but now with glory crowned. Let us, with zeal like theirs inspired, begin the Christian race, And, freed from each encumb’ring weight, their holy footsteps trace. Behold a witness nobler still, who trod affliction’s path, Jesus, at once the finisher and author of our faith. He for the joy before him set, so gen’rous was his love, Endured the cross, despised the shame, and now he reigns above. If he the scorn of wicked men with patience did sustain, Becomes it those for whom he died to murmur or complain? Have ye like him to blood, to death, the cause of truth maintained? And is your heav’nly Father’s voice forgotten or disdained? 147 My son, saith he, with patient mind endure the chast’ning rod; Believe, when by afflictions tried, that thou art loved by God. His children thus most dear to him their heav’nly Father trains, Through all the hard experience led of sorrows and of pains. We know he owns us for his sons, when we correction share; Nor wander as a bastard race, without our Father’s care. A father’s voice with rev’rence we on earth have often heard; The Father of our spirits now demands the same regard. Parents may err; but he is wise, nor lifts the rod in vain His chast’nings serve to cure the soul by salutary pain. Affliction, when it spreads around, may seem a field of woe; Yet there, at last, the happy fruits of righteousness shall grow. Then let our hearts no more despond, our hands be weak no more; Still let us trust our Father’s love, his wisdom still adore. Scripture: Hebrews 12:1-13

Heb. 13:20,21: Father of peace, and God of love!

Meter: Appears in 66 hymnals First Line: Father of peace, and God of love! Lyrics: Father of peace, and God of love! we own thy pow’r to save, That pow’r by which our Shepherd rose victorious o’er the grave. Him from the dead thou brought’st again, when, by his sacred blood, Confirmed and sealed for evermore, th’ eternal cov’nant stood. O may thy Spirit seal our souls, and mould them to thy will, That our weak hearts no more may stray, but keep thy precepts still; That to perfection’s sacred height we nearer still may rise, And all we think, and all we do, be pleasing in thine eyes. Scripture: Hebrews 13:20-21

Bless'd be the everlasting God

Meter: Appears in 189 hymnals Lyrics: Bless’d be the everlasting God, the Father of our Lord; Be his abounding mercy praised, his majesty adored. When from the dead he raised his Son, and called him to the sky, He gave our souls a lively hope that they should never die. To an inheritance divine he taught our hearts to rise; ’Tis uncorrupted, undefiled, unfailing in the skies. Saints by the pow’r of God are kept till the salvation come: We walk by faith as strangers here; but Christ shall call us home. Scripture: 1 Peter 1:3-5


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