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Scripture:Psalm 31:15

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Psalm 31: In thee, O Lord, I put my trust

Meter: Appears in 6 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 31 First Line: In thee, O Lord, I put my trust Lyrics: 1In thee, O Lord, I put my trust, sham’d let me never be; According to thy righteousness do thou deliver me. 2Bow down thine ear to me, with speed send me deliverance: To save me, my strong rock be thou, and my house of defence. 3Because thou art my rock, and thee I for my fortress take; Therefore do thou me lead and guide, ev’n for thine own name’s sake. 4And sith thou art my strength, therefore pull me out of the net, Which they in subtilty for me so privily have set. 5Into thine hands I do commit my sp’rit: for thou art he, O thou, Jehovah, God of truth, that hast redeemed me. 6Those that do lying vanities regard, I have abhorr’d: But as for me, my confidence is fixed on the Lord. 7I’ll in thy mercy gladly joy: for thou my miseries Consider’d hast; thou hast my soul known in adversities: 8And thou hast not inclosed me within the en’my’s hand; And by thee have my feet been made in a large room to stand. 9O Lord, upon me mercy have, for trouble is on me: Mine eye, my belly, and my soul, with grief consumed be. 10Because my life with grief is spent, my years with sighs and groans: My strength doth fail; and for my sin consumed are my bones. 11I was a scorn to all my foes, and to my friends a fear; And specially reproach’d of those that were my neighbours near: When they me saw they from me fled. 12Ev’n so I am forgot, As men are out of mind when dead: I’m like a broken pot. 13For slanders I of many heard; fear compass’d me, while they Against me did consult, and plot to take my life away. 14But as for me, O Lord, my trust upon thee I did lay; And I to thee, Thou art my God, did confidently say. 15My times are wholly in thine hand: do thou deliver me From their hands that mine enemies and persecutors be. 16Thy countenance to shine do thou upon thy servant make: Unto me give salvation, for thy great mercies’ sake. 17Let me not be asham’d, O Lord, for on thee call’d I have: Let wicked men be sham’d, let them be silent in the grave. 18To silence put the lying lips, that grievous things do say, And hard reports, in pride and scorn, on righteous men do lay. 19How great’s the goodness thou for them that fear thee keep’st in store, And wrought’st for them that trust in thee the sons of men before! 20In secret of thy presence thou shalt hide them from man’s pride: From strife of tongues thou closely shalt, as in a tent, them hide. 21All praise and thanks be to the Lord; for he hath magnify’d His wondrous love to me within a city fortify’d. 22For from thine eyes cut off I am, I in my haste had said; My voice yet heard’st thou, when to thee with cries my moan I made. 23O love the Lord, all ye his saints; because the Lord doth guard The faithful, and he plenteously proud doers doth reward. 24Be of good courage, and he strength unto your heart shall send, All ye whose hope and confidence doth on the Lord depend.

Salmo 30: Padre, en Tus Manos/Psalm 31: Father, into Your Hands

Author: Bob Hurd, n. 1950 Appears in 5 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 31:15-17 First Line: A ti, Señor, me acojo (In you, O LORD, I take refuge) Refrain First Line: Padre, en tus manos (Father, into your hands) Topics: Salmos Used With Tune: [A ti, Señor, me acojo]

Psalm 31: Father, into Your Hands (Padre, en Tus Manos)

Author: Bob Hurd, b. 1950 Appears in 4 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 31:15-17 First Line: In you, O LORD, I take refuge (A ti, Señor, me acojo) Refrain First Line: Father, into your hands (Padre, en tus manos) Topics: Musical Style Bolero Rítmico; Musical Style Bolero Rítmico; Musical Style Bolero Rítmico; Musical Style Bolero Rítmico; Musical Style Bolero Rítmico; Musical Style Bolero Rítmico; Friday of the Passion of the Lord (Good Friday); Service Music for Mass Responsorial Psalm; Night Prayer Night Psalms; The Liturgical Year Friday of the Passion of the Lord (Good Friday) Used With Tune: [In you, O LORD, I take refuge]
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The Saints happy in being entirely at the Disposal of his God—My Times are in thy Hand

Author: Ryland, junior Appears in 163 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 31:15 First Line: Sovereign ruler of the skies Lyrics: 1 Sovereign ruler of the skies, Ever gracious ever wise! All my times are in thy hand, All events at thy command. 2 His decree, that form'd the earth, Fix'd my first and second birth; Parents, native-place, and time, All appointed were by him. 3 He that form'd me in the womb, He shall guide me to the tomb: All my times shall ever be Order'd by his wise decree. 4 Times of sickness, times of health; Times of penury and wealth: Times of trial and of grief; Times of triumph and relief. 5 Times the tempter's power to prove; Times to taste a Savior's love: All must come and last and end, As shall please my heavenly friend. 6 Plagues and deaths around me fly; Till he bids, I cannot die: Not a single shaft can hit, Till the God of love sees fit. 7 O thou gracious, wise and just, In thy hands my life I trust; Have I somewhat dearer still? I resign it to thy will. 8 May I always own thy hand— Still to thee surrender stand: Know that thou art God alone, I and mine are all thy own. 9 Thee at all times will I bless; Having thee, I all possess: How can I bereaved be, Since I cannot part with thee. Topics: Time and Eternity; Every part of time in God's hands
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My times of sorrow and of joy

Meter: Appears in 123 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 31:15 Topics: The Christian Afflictions; Afflictions
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Put all your trust in God

Author: John Wesley (1703-1791); Paul Gerhardt (1607-1676) Appears in 35 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 31 Lyrics: 1 Put all your trust in God, in duty's path go on; walk in his strength with faith and hope, so shall your work be done. Give to the winds your fears; hope, and be undismayed; God hears your sighs and counts your tears, God shall lift up your head. 2 Through waves, and clouds, and storms he gently clears your way; await his time; so shall this night soon end in joyful day. Leave to his sovereign sway to choose and to command; then you shall marvel at his way how wise, how strong his hand! 3 You see our weakness, Lord; our hearts are known to you: give strength to every failing hand and keep our footsteps true. Let us, in life, in death, your steadfast truth declare, confessing, with our final breath, your love and guardian care. Topics: Our Response to God in intercession and petition; Our Response to God in times and seasons; New Year; Pilgrimage; Trust Used With Tune: ICH HALTE TREULICH STILL
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Defend me, Lord, from Shame

Appears in 32 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 31 Lyrics: 1 Defend me, Lord, from Shame, for still I trust in Thee: As Just and Righteous is thy Name, from Danger set me free. 2 Bow down thy gracious Ear, and speedy Succour send: Do Thou my stedfast Rock appear, to shelter and defend. 3 Since Thou, when Foes oppress, my Rock and Fortress art, To guide me forth from this Distress, thy wonted Help impart. 4 Release me from the Snare which they have closely laid; Since I, O God my Strength repair to Thee alone for Aid. 5 To Thee, the God of Truth, my Life, and all that's mine (For Thou preserv'dst me from my Youth,) I willingly resign. 6 All vain Designs I hate, of those that trust in Lies: And still my soul, in ev'ry State, to God for Succour flies. Part II 7 Those Mercies Thou hast shown, I'll chearfully express; For Thou hast seen my Streights, and know my Soul in deep Distress. 8 When Keilah's treach'rous Race did all my Strength inclose, Thou gav'st my Feet a larger Space, to shun my watchful Foes. 9 Thy Mercy, Lord, display, and hear my just Complaint; For both my Soul and flesh decay, with Grief and Hunger faint. 10 Sad Thoughts my Life oppress; my Years are spent in Groans; My Sins have made my Strength decrease, and ev'n consum'd my Bones. 11 My Foes my Suff'rings mock'd; my Neighbours did upbraid; My Friends, at Sight of me, were shock'd, and fled, as Men dismay'd. 12 Forsook by all am I, as dead, and out of Mind; And like a shatter'd Vessel lie, whose Parts can ne'er be join'd. 13 Yet sland'rous Words they speak, and seem my Pow'r to dread; Whilst they together counsel take my guiltless Blood to shed. 14 But still my stedfast Trust, I on thy Help repose: That Thou, my God, art good and just, my Soul with Comfort knows. Part III 15 Whate'er Events betide, thy Wisdom times them all: Then, Lord, thy Servant safely hide from those that seek his Fall. 16 The Brightness of thy Face, to me, O Lord, disclose; And, as thy mercies still increase, preserve me from my Foes. 17 Me from Dishonour save, who still have call'd on Thee; Let That, and Silence in the Grave, the Sinner's Portion be. 18 Do Thou their Tongues restrain; whose Breath in Lies is spent; Who false Reports, with proud Disdain, against the Righteous vent. 19 How great thy Mercies are to such as fear thy Name; Which Thou, for those that trust thy Care, dost to the World proclaim! 29 Thou keep'st them in thy sight, from proud Oppressors free: From Tongues that do in Strife delight, they are preserv'd by Thee. 21 With Glory and Renown God's Name be ever bless'd; Whose Love is Keilab's well-fenc'd Town was wond'rously express'd! 22 I said, in hasty Flight, "I'm banish'd from thine eyes:" Yet still Thou keptst me in thy Sight, and heardst my earnest Cries. 23 O! all ye Saints, the Lord with eager Love pursue; Who to the Just will Help afford, and give the Proud their Due. 24 Ye that on God rely, courageously proceed; For He will still your Hearts supply with Strength, in Time of Need.
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Lord! I look for all to thee

Appears in 22 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 31 Topics: The Christian Conflict wiht Sin; Dependence On Grace
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To the chief Musician, A Psalm of David

Appears in 10 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 31 First Line: In thee, O Lord, I put my trust Lyrics: 1 In thee, O Lord, I put my trust, Sham'd never let me be; Accordingly as thou art just Do thou deliver me. 2 Bow down to me thine ear with speed, Let me deliverance have, My rock of strength, and house of fence, O be thou me to save. 3 Because a rock thou me unto And fortress mine wilt be: Therefore for thy name sake, O do Thou lead and guide thou me. 4 O pull thou me out of the net, Which to ensnare me they Full privily for me have set: Because thou art my stay. 5 Into thy hands my spirit I Reposing do commit; Jehovah God of verity, Thou hast redeemed it. 6 Who lying vanities embrace, Such men have I abhorr'd; But as for me, I wholly place My trust upon the Lord. 7 I in thy mercies will be glad, And joy, because that thou Didst view my straits, in anguish sad My soul thou diddest know. 8 And thou hast not enclosed me Within the enemies hand: But in the place of liberty Thou mad'st my feet to stand. [2] 9 O Lord, because distress'd am I, In mercy send relief! My soul, my belly, and mine eye, Consumed are with grief. 10 Because my life with sorrow quails, With sighs my years decay: And for my sins my vigour fails, My bones do pine away. 11 To all my foes a scorn am I, Chiefly my nieghbours to. A fear to friends, they that me spie Without, did flee me fro. 12 I as a dead man am forgot, That's out of memory; And like unto a broken pot, Ev'n such an one am I. 13 Because that I of all the rout The slandering did hear: On every side me round about There was a trembling fear. While as that they against me did Together council take, They craftily have purposed, My life away to make. 14 But O Jehovah, upon thee My confidence doth stand? I said thou art a God to me. 15 My times are in thy hand; From the hands of mine enemies Do thou deliver me, And from the hand of them likewise That my pursuers be [3] 16 Thy countenance to shine upon, Thy servant do thou make: O give to me salvation, Ev'n for thy mercies sake. 17 O Lord, let me not be asham'd, For call'd on thee I have: O let the wicked men be sham'd, And silent in the grave. 18 Let lying lips be silenced; 'Gainst him that is upright, That do such grievous speeches spread In pride and in despite. 19 Oh how great good hast thou in store Laid up, and wrought for them, Who fear and trust in thee before The sons of earthly men! 20 Thou in the secret of thy face Shalt hide them from man's pride, From strive of tongues in covert place Thou shalt them safely hide. 21 O let Jehovah blessed be, Because he hath made known His kindness wonderful to me, Within a fenced town. 22 For I in haste said, i am cast Out from before thine eyes; My suit for grace yet heard thou hast, When I to thee did cry. 23 O love the Lord all ye his saints, the faithful he doth guard, But he unto proud doers grants A plentiful reward. 24 See that encouraged you be, And let your heart wax strong, All whosoever hopefully Do for Jehovah long.

How Great the Goodness Kept in Store

Meter: 8.8.6 D Appears in 7 hymnals Scripture: Psalm 31 Topics: Deliverance From Enemies; Love Of God; Protection, Divine; Refuge, God, Christ, Our; Goodness of God; Fortress And Retreat, God Our; Trust and Confidence Used With Tune: ARIEL


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