Author: Percy Dearmer, 1867-1936 Meter: Appears in 28 hymnals Lyrics: 1 Book of books, our people's strength,
statesman's, teacher's, hero's treasure,
bringing freedom, spreading truth,
shedding light that none can measure:
wisdom comes to those who know thee,
all the best we have we owe thee.
2 Thank we those who toiled in thought,
many diverse scrolls completing,
poets, prophets, scholars, saints,
each a word from God repeating;
till they came, who told the story
of the Word, and showed his glory.
3 Praise we God, who hath inspired
those whose wisdom still directs us;
praise him for the Word made flesh,
for the Sprit which protects us.
Light of knowledge, ever burning,
shed on us thy deathless learning.
Topics: Holy Scripture Used With Tune: LIEBSTER JESU
Book of books, our people's strength