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Hymnal, Number:mh1885

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Andrew of Crete

660 - 740 Hymnal Number: d13 Author of "Christian, dost thou see them [him]" in The Mission Hymnal Andrew, St., of Jerusalem, Archbishop of Crete (660-732). born at Damascus; he embraced the monastic life at Jerusalem, whence his name, as above. He was deputed by Theodore, Patriarch of Jerusalem, to attend the 6th General Council at Constantinople (680). He was there ordained deacon, and became Warden of the Orphanage. "During the reign of Philippus Bardesanes (711-714) he was raised by that usurper to the Archiepiscopate of Crete; and shortly afterward was one of the Pseudo-Synod of Constantinople, held under that Emperor's auspices in 712, which condemned the Sixth (Ecumenical Council and restored the Monothelite heresy. At a later period, however, he returned to the faith of the Church and refuted the error into which be had fallen." (Neale). He died in the island of Hierissus, near Mitylene, about 732. Seventeen of his homilies are extant, the best, not unnaturally, being on Titus the bishop of Crete. He is the author of several Canons, Triodia, and Idiomela; the most celebrated being The Great Canon. Whether he was the earliest composer of Canons is doubtful, but no earlier ones than his are extant. Those ascribed to him are:—1. On the Conception of St. Anne; 2. On the Nativity of the Mother of God; 3. The Great Penitential Canon. 4. On the Raising of Lazarus. 5, 6, 7, 8. On the First Days of Holy Week. 9. On the 25th Feast-day between Easter and Pentecost. Fuller biographical details in Diet Christ. Biog., vol. i. pp. 111-12. [Rev. H. Leigh Bennet, M.A.] -John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Mary Shekleton

1827 - 1883 Hymnal Number: d61 Author of "It passeth knowledge, that dear [great] love of Thine" in The Mission Hymnal Shekleton, Mary, was born in 1827, and died in Dublin, Sep. 28, 1883. She was for many years an invalid, during which time she wrote several hymns, which were printed in broadsheet form. Several of these are given in Chosen, Chastened, Crowned. Memorials of Mary Shekleton, late Secretary of the Invalid's Prayer Union, by her Sister, 1884, and are in common use:-(l) "It passeth knowledge, that dear love of Thine" (Love of Jesus), 1863; and (2), "One fervent wish, my God! it speaks the whole" (Desiring to know Jesus), 1867. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

Samuel Wesley

1662 - 1735 Hymnal Number: d8 Author of "Behold the Savior of mankind" in The Mission Hymnal Father of Samuel Wesley, John Wesley, and Charles Wesley. See also in: Hymn Writers of the Church ====================================================================================================== Samuel Wesley, M.A., the elder, was born in 1662 at Whitchurch in Dorsetshire, of which parish his father, John Wesley, was Vicar until the Act of Uniformity caused him to resign his living. He was educated at a Dissenting academy by a Mr. Morton, and was designed for the Nonconformist Ministry. But having been, on account of his talents, selected as a champion to defend the dissenters against some severe invectives, and having commenced a course of controversial reading for this purpose, he was led by his studies to embrace the opposite views, and became, and continued through life, a pronounced churchman. With the impetuosity which was a family trait, he set forth on foot to Oxford, and entered himself at Exeter College. In spite of his straitened means, he managed to keep his terms and take his degrees at the University. He then received Holy Orders and took a curacy of £28 a year. Having held this curacy for a year, he obtained a naval chaplaincy, and then took another curacy in London. About the year 1690 he married Susanna, daughter of Dr. Annesley, a famous Nonconformist minister, and a scion of the noble house of Anglesey. The wife, like the husband, had been brought up as a dissenter, but at the early age of 13 she had come over to the Church of England, and was afterwards a Jacobite in politics. In 1693 Mr. Wesley was presented to the living of South Ormsby in Lincolnshire. He was also chaplain to the Marquis of Normandy, afterwards Duke of Buckingham. In 1697 he was appointed by the Crown to the Rectory of Epworth, and there he spent the remainder of his life, nearly forty years. The first part of his residence at Epworth was marked by a series of troubles arising partly from his pecuniary embarrassments, which increased with his increasing family, partly from the animosity of his parishioners, who resented the part which he felt it his duty to take, as a staunch churchman, in politics, and partly from unfortunate accidents. These troubles reached their climax in 1705, when he was thrown into Lincoln gaol for debt. They are graphically described by his own pen. "I have been thrown behind," he writes to his good friends at Oxford, "by a series of misfortunes. My Parsonage Barn was blown down ere I had recovered the Taking my Living; My House great part of it burnt down about 2 years since. My Flax, great part of my Income now in my own Hands, I doubt wilfully fir'd and burnt in ye night, whilst I was last in London. My Income sunk about one half by the low price of Grain and my credit lost by the taking away my Regiment. I was brought to Lincoln Castle June 23rd last past. About 3 weeks since my very unkind People, thinking they had not yet done enough, have in ye night stabbed my 3 cows, wch were a great part of my poor Numerous Family's Subsistence.—For wch God forgive them." Some points in this letter require explanation. When he speaks of being in London, he means on Convocation business; for he was elected Proctor for the Diocese, and in one of his absences Mrs. Wesley instituted those religious meetings at the Rectory which are thought by some to have been the precursors of the Wesleyan Society Meetings. “His Regiment" was a Chaplaincy in the army which had been given him in reward for a poem in praise of the Duke of Marlborough. The last and worst of the many fires through which he suffered was in 1709, when the rectory was entirely burnt down, and the present house erected in its place. The latter part of his time at Epworth was more free from troubles. He met with many generous friends who enabled him to emerge from his pecuniary difficulties, the firmest and most constant of these friends being the admirable Archbishop of York, Dr. John Sharp; his sons grew up to be a comfort and a credit to him; his income was slightly increased by the addition of the neighbouring living of Wroot; and his parishioners gradually became more tractable. The annoyance caused by the famous Epworth Ghost can scarcely be reckoned among his serious troubles. In 1731 he met with an accident which probably hastened his end, and in 1735 he passed away and was buried in Epworth churchyard, leaving behind him the character of an excellent parish priest, a good husband and father, and a man of very considerable abilities and attainments. Mr. Wesley was a somewhat voluminous writer. His first publication was a volume of poems bearing the unpromising, not to say repulsive, title of Maggots. It appeared in 1685. In 1691 he became the clerical correspondent to the Athenian Gazette (afterwards Mercury) published by his brother-in-law, John Dunton. In 1693 appeared an Heroic Poem on the Life of Our Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. This was dedicated to Queen Mary, and led to his appointment to the living of Epworth. In 1695 he published Elegies on Queen Mary and Archbishop Tillotson; and in 1698 A Sermon preached before the Society for the Reformation of Manners. The Elegies are rather fulsome and in bad taste according to the standard of the present day; but it should be remembered that high-flown panegyrics were the fashion of the age. The Sermon is a spirited and energetic defence of the "Societies," which were regarded with some suspicion by many high-churchmen, but of which Mr. Wesley, like his friend Robert Nelson, was a warm supporter. In 1700 he published The Pious Communicant rightly prepared; or a Discourse concerning the Blessed Sacrament, &c, With Prayers and Hymns suited to the several parts of that holy office. To which is added A short Discourse of Baptism. In this work appeared his version of the "Great Hallel" or "Paschal Hymn." In 1704 he published The History of the Old and New Testaments in Verse, in three volumes, which he dedicated to Queen Anne. This, like his Life of Christ, was illustrated with numerous and costly engravings. In 1705 he published a poem of nearly 600 lines on the "Battle of Blenheim," entitled Maryborough, or The Fate of Europe. For this he was rewarded with the Chaplaincy of Colonel Lepell's regiment; but his political enemies at Epworth soon succeeded in getting him deprived of this office. In 1707 appeared A Reply to Mr. Palmer's Vindication of the Learning, Loyalty, Morals, and most Christian Behaviour of the Dissenters towards the Church of England. This originated in the publication, without his consent or knowledge, of a Letter he wrote to a friend Concerning the Education of the Dissenters in their Private Academies. The letter was attacked anonymously and defended by Mr. Wesley in a pamphlet (1704). The pamphlet was answered by Mr. Palmer. After this, Mr. Wesley's pen seems to have rested for some time; but during the last ten years of his life he was engaged in his elaborate Dissertation on the Book of Job, his incessant labours upon which are said to have hastened his end. This work was dedicated to Queen Caroline, the wife of George II., and presented to her by John Wesley some months after the author's death. Perhaps if he had written less, and spent more time in elaborating what he did write, he might have been more successful; but, after all, the "Divine afflatus" must have been wanting; and the best service which he rendered to sacred poetry was in being father of his children. Two of his hymns are in common use:— 1. Behold the Saviour of mankind. 2. 0 Thou Who, when I did complain. -- Excerpts from John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Mrs. T. D. Crewdson

1808 - 1863 Person Name: Jane F. Crewdson Hymnal Number: d62 Author of "I've found a joy in sorrow" in The Mission Hymnal Crewdson, Jane, née Fox, daughter of George Fox, of Perraw, Cornwall, was born at Perraw, October, 1809; married to Thomas Crewdson, of Manchester, 1836; and died at Summerlands, near Manchester, Sept. 14, 1863. During a long illness Mrs. Crewdson composed her works published as:— (1) Lays of the Reformation, 1860. (2) A Little While, and Other Poems (posthumous), 1864. (3) The Singer of Eisenach, n.d.; and (4) Aunt Jane's Verses for Children, 1851. 2nd ed. 1855, 3rd 1871. From these works nearly a dozen of her hymns have come into common use. The best known are, "O for the peace which floweth as a river," and "There is no sorrow, Lord, too light." In addition to these and others which are annotated under their respective first lines, there are the following in various collections: 1. Give to the Lord thy heart. 1864. Offertory. 2. How tenderly Thy hand is laid . 1864. Resignation. 3. Looking unto Jesus. 1864. Jesus All in All. 4. Lord, we know that Thou art near us. 1864. Resignation. 5. 0 Saviour, I have naught to plead. 1864. During Sickness. These plaintive lines were written a short time before her death. 6. 0 Thou whose bounty fills my cup. 1860. Peace. 7. The followers of the Son of God. 1864. The Daily Cross. 8. Though gloom may veil our troubled skies. 1864. Resignation. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907) ====================== Crewdson, Jane, p. 268, ii. The following additional hymns by Mrs. Crewdson have recently come into common use through The Baptist Church Hymnal, 1900:— 1. For the sunshine and the rain. Harvest. 2. O Fount of grace that runneth o'er. Public Worship. 3. There is an unsearchable joy. Joy in God. 4. When I come with troubled heart. Prayer. These hymns are all from her A Little While, and Other Poems, 1864. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907) =================== Crewdson, Jane, née Fox, p. 269, i. From her A Little While, and Other Poems, 1864, are:— 1. I've found a joy in sorrow. Power of Faith. 2. One touch from Thee, the Healer of diseases. Christ the Healer. 3. Tis not the Cross I have to bear. Faith desired . --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

J. Brewer

1752 - 1817 Hymnal Number: d35 Author of "Hail, sovereign love, that first began" in The Mission Hymnal Brewer, Jehoiada, the "Sylvestris" of the Gospel Magazine, 1776, &c, was born at Newport, Monmouthshire, in 1752. He was educated for commercial pursuits, but subsequently became a Congregational Minister, and as such was pastor at Rodborough, Gloucestershire; at Sheffield, to which he went in 1783; at Carr's Lane Chapel, Birmingham (1798); and at the Livery Street Chapel, in the same town. He died Aug. 24, 1817. A Memoir of him appeared in the Evangelical Register, 1835, p. 396. His best-known hymn is—"Hail, Sovereign Love, that first began" (q. v.). -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Richard Burdsall

1735 - 1824 Hymnal Number: d142 Author of "The voice of free grace cries escape" in The Mission Hymnal Burdsall, Richard, for many years a Wesleyan minister, was born in 1735, and died in 1824. To his Memoirs, published at York, n.d., is appended a hymn beginning, "Now Christ He is risen, the Serpent's head is bruised." The hymn “The voice of free grace cries—'Escape to the mountain,'" begins with stanza ii. of this hymn, but with alterations. In some American hymnals, including Hatfield's Church Hymn Book, 1872, Burdsall's two stanzas are expanded into five, but by whom we cannot say. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)

Benjamin Gough

1805 - 1877 Hymnal Number: d124 Author of "Quicken Lord thy church and me" in The Mission Hymnal Gough, Benjamin, was born at Southborough, Kent, in 1805, and died Nov. 28,1877. He was engaged in mercantile pursuits in London for some years. After retiring from business he resided at Mountfield, Faversham. He was a member and lay preacher of the Wesleyan denomination. His poetical works include:— (1) Lyra Sabbatica, Lon., 1865; (2) Kentish Lyrics, London, 1867; (3) Hymns of Prayer and Praise, London, 1875; and several minor publications, the most important being (4) Protestant Hymns & Songs for the Million, Lon., 1878; (5) Songs from the Woodlands, and Other Poems, Lon., 1872; and (6) Christmas Carols and New Year's Songs, Lon. (n.d.). Of Mr. Gough's hymns, about 20 are in common use in Great Britain and America, and of these the most popular and widely used is "Awake, awake, O Zion," q.v. Although possessing many features of popularity, his hymns do not rank high as literary productions. His works are also marred by numerous and feeble imitations of the great lyrics of the Church. Many of his earlier hymns were rewritten for his Hymns of Prayer & Praise, very much to their disadvantage. In addition to those which are annotated under their first lines the following are in common use:— 1. Be thou faithful unto death. Faithfulness. Appeared in his Lyra Sabbatica, &c, 1865, p. 77, in 3 stanzas of 8 lines, and entitled "Christian Fidelity." In 1867 it was transferred to the People's Hymnal, and again, in 1875, to the New Mitre-Hymnal, No. 151. 2. Blessed are the dead who die. Burial. Appeared in his Lyra Sabbatica, 1865, p. 89, in 4 stanzas of 8 lines and headed "For the dead in Christ." In Hatfield's Church Hymn Book, N. Y., 1872, it is slightly altered. 3. Christ is risen from the dead. Easter. In Lyra Sabbatica, 1865, p. 96, in 6 stanzas of 8 lines, as "An Easter Carol;" but in his Hymns of Prayer & Praise, 1875, p. 49, this is changed to "An Easter Hymn." In the New Mitre-Hymnal, 1875, stanzas iv., v. are omitted. 4. Come, children, and join with ardour divine. Missions. In his Lyra Sabbatica, 1865, p. 159, in 9 stanzas of 3 lines, and entitled, "Children's Missionary Hymn" and the Hymns of Prayer & Praise, 1875, No. 39, in 4 stanzas of 6 lines. In the latter work it is rewritten, very much to its disadvantage. The 1865 text is followed in the Methodist Sunday School Hymn Book, 1879, No. 562. 5. Come to Bethlehem and see. Christmas. Appeared in his Christmas Carols, &c, n.d., p. 21, in 5 stanzas of 8 lines. In the New Mitre-Hymnal, 1875, No. 26, it is dated 1873. 6. For all the [Thy] saints in heaven and earth. All Saints. From his Lyra Sabbatica, 1865, p. 119, in stanzas of 8 lines into Snepp's Songs of Grace & Glory, 1872, No. 148. 7. God the Father, full of grace. Holy Trinity, or Public Worship. Appeared in his Kentish Lyrics, 1867, p. 97, in 4 stanzas of 6 lines; and rewritten in a far less acceptable form, in his Hymns of Prayer & Praise, 1875, p. 80, in 4 stanzas of 6 lines. No. 8 in the Methodist Sunday School Hymn Book, 1879, is from the 1867 text. 8. Ho, every one that thirsteth. Invitation. Published in his Lyra Sabbatica, 1865, p. 83, in 5 stanzas of 8 lines; and, altered to its disadvantage, in his Hymns of Prayer & Praise. 1875, p. 33, in 5 stanzas of 8 lines. No. 291 in Methodist Sunday School Hymn Book, 1879 is from the 1865 text. 9. How beauteous on the mountains. Missions. In Lyra Sabbatica, 1865, p. 23, in 5 stanzas of 8 lines; and his Hymns of Prayer & Praise, 1875, p. 20. In Hatfield's Church Hymn Book, N. Y., 1872, No. 1246, is composed of stanzas i.-iii. 10. In Thy temple we adore Thee, gentle, pure, and holy Child. Christmas. In his Christmas Carols, &c, n.d., p. 39, in 3 stanzas of 4 double lines. In the New Mitre-Hymnal, 1875, No. 30, it is dated 1873, and begins, “In Thy cradle we adore Thee." 11. Jesus, full of love divine. Love of Jesus. Written in 1874, and published in the New Mitre-Hymnal, 1875, No. 84. 12. Lift the gospel banner. Missions. This is attributed to B. Gough, on the authority of Mrs. Gough. It is not in his published works, and its first appearance is unknown. In the Methodist Sunday School Hymn Book, 1879, No. 394, it is in 4 stanzas of 8 lines. 13. 0 Jesus, behold the lambs of Thy fold. Sunday. From his Lyra Sabbatica, 1865, p. 103, in 9 stanzas of 3 lines into the Methodist Sunday School Hymn Book, 1879, No. 511, with the omission of stanza ii. 14. Quicken, Lord, Thy Church and me. Whitsuntide. Appeared in his Lyra Sabbatica, 1865, p. 16, in 6 stanzas of 6 lines; and in his Hymns of Prayer & Praise, 1875, p. 6; and headed "For another Pentecost." It is No. 363, in Snepp's Songs of Grace & Glory, 1872. 15. Sing we merrily to God. Praise. Appeared in his Lyra Sabbatica, 1865, p. 65, in 5 stanzas of 8 lines, and his Hymns of Prayer & Praise, 1875, p. 27. In the New Mitre-Hymnal, 1875, No. 138, st. iii. is omitted. 16. There is a land of rest. Heaven. From his Lyra Sabbatica, 1865, p. 105, in 4 stanzas of 8 lines into the New Mitre-Hymnal, 1875, No. 155, where it is appointed for St. Mark's Day. 17. There is no condemnation. Peace. In his Lyra Sabbatica, 1865, p. 25, and his Hymns of Prayer & Praise, 1875, p. 22, in 3 stanzas of 8 lines, and headed "No Condemnation." In Snepp's Songs of Grace & Glory, 1872, it is No. 682. 18. Uplift the blood-red banner. Missions. In his Lyra Sabbatica, 1865, p. 155, and his Hymns of Prayer & Praise, 1875, p. 37, in 4 stanzas of 8 lines, and headed “For the Conversion of the World." It is No. 408 in the People's Hymnal, 1867; No. 88 in the New Mitre-Hymnal, 1875, &c. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Lucy E. Akerman

1816 - 1874 Person Name: Lucy Evelina Akerman Hymnal Number: d96 Author of "Nothing but leaves the spirit grieves" in The Mission Hymnal Akerman, Lucy Evelina, née Metcalf. An American Unitarian writer, daughter of Thomas Metcalf, born at Wrentham, Mass., Feb. 21, 1816, married to Charles Akerman, of Portsmouth, N.H, resided at Providence, R.I., and died there Feb. 21,1874. Mrs. Akerman is known as a hymn writer through her:— Nothing but leaves, the Spirit grieves, which was suggested by a sermon by M. D. Conway, and first published in the N. Y. Christian Observer, cir. 1858. In the Scottish Family Treasury, 1859, p. 136, it is given without name or signature, and was thus introduced into Great Britain. In America it is chiefly in use amongst the Baptists. Its popularity in Great Britain arose out of its incorporation by Mr. Sankey, in his Sacred Songs & Solos, No. 34, and his rendering of it in the evangelistic services of Mr. Moody. The air to which it is sung is by an American composer, S. J. Vail. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)

Joseph Stammers

1801 - 1885 Person Name: J. Stammers Hymnal Number: d10 Author of "Breast the wave Christian" in The Mission Hymnal Joseph Stammers was born at Bury S. Edmunds, in 1801. He was educated for the legal profession, and practised for some years as a solicitor in London. In 1833, he was called to the bar, and continued to practice as a barrister. --Annotations of the Hymnal, Charles Hutchins, M.A., 1872. ============================= Stammers, Joseph, was born at Bury St. Edmunds in 1801, and educated for the legal profession. After practising in London as a solicitor for some time he was called to the Bar in 1833, and joined the Northern Circuit. (Lyra Britannica,1868.) He died in London, May 18, 1885. His popular hymn— Breast the wave, Christian (Perseverance) was contributed to the Cottage Magazine (a small serial edited by the Rev. John Buckworth, late Vicar of Dewsbury) in 1830. It has passed into several collections, including the Baptist Psalms & Hymns, 1858; the People's Hymnal, 1867 (altered), and others. Mr. Stammers also contributed 4 hymns to Dr. Rogers's Lyra Britannica1868, but these have not come into common use. -- John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)


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